View Full Version : Pics of MILO

10-23-2002, 02:39 AM
I thought maybe you'd like to see some pics of my friend's kitty, Milo. Since I don't have a cat I get to consider him mine lol. :D If you ever read the dog boards, Milo's owner, Melissa, also has a dog named Lady. Although Milo and Lady don't seem to like eachother much, lol. These pics are actually a couple of years old........came across them on a cd, I'll have to take some new pics sometime. He is an outside/garage cat (parents are are not animal lovers) and about 8 years old.

I love his green eyes
Attacking a leash or something...
On the steps (one of his favorite cat nap locations...preferably right in front of the door)

10-23-2002, 03:12 AM
he is a gorgeous, very handsome cat! and those brown markings on his nose, how cute! and, he has a brown dot in his lip, almost like my Cookie did.

Miss Meow
10-23-2002, 03:19 AM
A fair-haired boy with freckles on his nose - he's lovely!

10-23-2002, 03:49 AM
He is a great portrait of feline masculinity!! Funny how cats are often referred to as "she" when actually the male cat is no "pussycat"!!! He is one good looking cat!!!! Lots of purrsonality in that face, too!! How could her parents not just fall in love with him?!?!

10-23-2002, 06:54 AM
He is BEAUTIFUL :) I love orange cats!

10-23-2002, 11:51 AM
A handsome guy - and the freckles are funny! :)


10-23-2002, 01:41 PM
WOW! Milo is gorgeous! As Kohala says, how could her parents not fall in love with him. He is SO beautiful! The freckles are cute, Fister has them too on his nose. On the first pic, he looks like he's checking out his territory, just a lion on the savannah. WOW, a handsome boy!

10-23-2002, 03:27 PM
What a beautiful boy! He looks like he has boogers on his nose tee hee hee :D :D

10-23-2002, 04:59 PM
He is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

10-23-2002, 11:57 PM
What a gorgeous boy. I love orange cats. Thanks for sharing these with us. :)

10-24-2002, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
What a beautiful boy! He looks like he has boogers on his nose tee hee hee :D :D

Awwwwww, shame on us (tee hee)