View Full Version : I'm volunteering for the first time!

07-22-2010, 11:54 AM
I signed up to volunteer at a local no-kill cat shelter and have patiently been waiting for them to call me.

They called yesterday and said my training starts next Friday. I am so excited to be able to help out. I am hoping I fit in and do a good job. :)

07-22-2010, 12:18 PM
Congratulations, Helen! (or should I say con-CAT-ulations!) You are going to have soooooo much fun! Good shelters always seem to need more hands. Hug the "residents" for me!

Every time I visit the shelter where I adopted Cassie Cat I want to bring some kitties home with me. That's not an option, so I play with them and give them hugs and cuddles.

07-22-2010, 01:02 PM
good for you!! I love helping out with our local shelters. I did more volunteer work for one than the other (it had an actual shelter, not just fostering in homes), so I was there one day a week cleaning and socializing with the kitties. It was a wonderful experience, I just wish I still had the time for it (the the ability to say no to adopting more and more cats as I worked there... it just breaks your heart!).

Hope you have a great time, and you'll have to let us know how it goes and how many cats and dogs you come home with! ;)

07-22-2010, 01:06 PM
You will :love::love: it! I enjoy it so much, I am upset when I can't go. Like this weekend. :(

And now one of my co-workers adopted a dog last week and another co-worker is going to possibly get one today. :D :D

I always thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, seeing them sitting there waiting for their family to come in. But it really helps knowing they WILL go to a home and will not be killed. It's all good!! :)

Let us know how it goes, of course! Have fun! :D

07-22-2010, 01:37 PM
Thanks ladies! I honestly cannot afford to bring any home. And, yes, knowing that they will always be there until someone adopts them is a good thing. I honestly do not think I could volunteer at the local SPCA as much as I would love to work with the doggies too.

I'll keep you posted.

07-22-2010, 05:29 PM
I used to volunteer at the SPCA all the time and loved socializing Cats and Kittens, and walking Dogs and Puppies who had never known a kind voice or a pat on the head.:cool:
Now it is two bus trips and almost a mile to the local shelter so I have not gone in a while:(
Maybe it is just as well as I would want to take all those sad little faces home to My Hotel.:)
Good Luck with your volunteering and please take lots of Photos so the people in your area call fall in love and take a new friend home!!:love::love:

07-22-2010, 05:43 PM
Congratulations and good luck! I know it'll have hard days and great days, just remember you're helping!

Laura's Babies
07-22-2010, 08:44 PM
You will love it! Go have fun and enjoy yourself and the kitties!

07-22-2010, 10:56 PM
That's great, Helen! It's wonderful that you'll be volunteering at a no-kill shelter. Our local shelter is an open-admissions shelter (they euthanize), which is the real downside of my volunteer experience there. It will be nice for you to work in a shelter where every animal has a chance to be adopted into a forever home. You have a good start already as far as fitting in and doing a good job...you have your own furry family and a positive attitude :D You will be an asset to the shelter! Have fun and let us know how it goes :)

07-22-2010, 11:30 PM
Congrats!!!:D I'm sure you'll love it and it'll be a very rewarding experience.:) Some day, when I have more time on my hands, I'd love to do this too.

07-23-2010, 02:34 PM
Congratulations, Helen! That's wonderful. Well done!

You will love them (cats and people there) and they will love you!

07-24-2010, 01:52 PM
You will have so much fun volunteering at the shelter.:)
My daughter and I have been volunteering at our local no-kill shelter for two years now and we have had so much fun socializing the cats and walking a few dogs too.
We go in about once a week and have fun mostly playing with the kitties that love to get attention.
It is kitten season now, so many little kittens come in and go out quickly in our shelter.
I hope you take pictures when you volunteer, I always bring my camera to get some pictures of my favorites before they get adopted out.:)

07-26-2010, 01:44 PM
You will have so much fun volunteering at the shelter.:)
My daughter and I have been volunteering at our local no-kill shelter for two years now and we have had so much fun socializing the cats and walking a few dogs too.
We go in about once a week and have fun mostly playing with the kitties that love to get attention.
It is kitten season now, so many little kittens come in and go out quickly in our shelter.
I hope you take pictures when you volunteer, I always bring my camera to get some pictures of my favorites before they get adopted out.:)

Yes, I was thinking about taking my camera. I will make sure they allow me to take photos first. I hope my own kitties do not get jealous. :D

07-26-2010, 02:05 PM
I hope my own kitties do not get jealous. :D

Cassie always sniffs me over really well when I come back from the shelter. Like, "Mom, you smell like a kitty other than me!" On the days my assignment was cleaning cages in the medical room, I always wore an apron and took an extra shirt to wear there. Didn't want to bring anything contagious home to her. When I was there to visit and be social with the kitties I didn't bother. (Cat hair? Bring it on!) I'm kitty-sitting Milo this week and she'll do the same thing ... "Mom, you smell like him again :rolleyes:!"

Edited to ask: Helen, would you give your kitties some hugs and lovies from me, please.

07-27-2010, 12:50 PM
Cassie always sniffs me over really well when I come back from the shelter. Like, "Mom, you smell like a kitty other than me!" On the days my assignment was cleaning cages in the medical room, I always wore an apron and took an extra shirt to wear there. Didn't want to bring anything contagious home to her. When I was there to visit and be social with the kitties I didn't bother. (Cat hair? Bring it on!) I'm kitty-sitting Milo this week and she'll do the same thing ... "Mom, you smell like him again :rolleyes:!"

Edited to ask: Helen, would you give your kitties some hugs and lovies from me, please.

Thank you for the suggestion about the shirt. That did cross my mind while thinking this over that I did not want to bring any diseases home to my crew.

Definitely will give them hugs for you!