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07-18-2010, 04:39 AM
I'm here because this is a site for animal lovers. Just 6 hours ago my dog that is loved by many people has just been really injured.

The story is, I had come home from work to find my dog laying on my porch with blood everywhere. I looked at him really closely to find he had been bleeding from the mouth. My neighbor came over and told me what had happened. He said that a 2 little boys and a girl had been messing with your dog, i asked what happen and he said that the girl called him over and the boy hit him in the face with an aluminum baseball bat.

Well Jonny is one of the nicest dogs I have every come across he is friendly to anyone. There was no reason to hurt him! I looked closely at him and noticed that his jaw was broken and he was missing teeth now. Nearly broke my heart.

I post this because If anyone can help it would be a blessing!

I took Jonny to the vet and they said normaly they won't admit him unless we have all the money up front and at them moment we don't. They said they would keep him over the weekend to make sure he is ok but we need to figure something out.

I come her to ask for help if possible by anyone. Any doniations would be very helpful into saving him. My contact information is 1-985-662-4651. I can give information to the vet clince if needed.

I thank you for any help you might give.

Thank you, Jason Mulvey.


( I'm not sure if this image will show, I'm new to this page. If it does not show let me know and I will get you p[ictures of his abuse and before his abuse.)

07-18-2010, 11:17 AM
I just spoke to Jason on the phone, and got a bit more information. He'll be sending me more pictures and updating with the vet's information later, in the meantime any prayers would be appreciated.

Jonny was a stray who just showed up in the neighborhood one day, and so three families sort of adopted him, and Jason said he's just the sweetest dog ever. A total stranger could walk up to him, and he'd greet them with a wagging tail and play with them and be with them for hours if he could.

They are talking to the police, and don't know if any charges will stick because the kids are juveniles, but I hope that their parents will be held responsible, and the kids will learn that this kind of behavior is NOT acceptable.

He had just spoken to the vet's, Jonny's jaw is broken in two places and some teeth were knocked out, so there's a lot that needs to be done and decided, whether they'll have to wire his jaw or whether it will need plates put in, and that sort of thing.

Just wanted to let you all know and they will also try getting the local media involved.

07-18-2010, 11:29 AM
I am the witness to the fact I am Jason's neighbor and Jason and I brought Jonny Walker to the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center in Mandeville, La. if anyone is intrested and can help the phone number there is (985) 626-4862 Address is 2611 Florida St. Mandeville, La. 70448.
Dr. Donna Stockton- Lammon also stated Dr. Freyda Staten is the Vet on duty today. If you can help a donation can be accepted at the Veterinary Center. The staff there has been so helpfull. Donations and Prayers are accepted. God Bless you all.
The Photo's were taken at the vets office

07-18-2010, 11:40 AM
What a horrible thing to happen. :mad:

I wish I could help with the $$$, but I've had to put out $$$ that I couldn't afford, with Myndi being sick.

Hopefully, the parents of the kids that did this, will be held responsible for the vet bills. Those children need some serious talking to and punishment also.

Jason - please keep us posted on Jonny's condition. Mega prayers for healing and a speedy recovery, going out to both of you.

07-18-2010, 04:19 PM
Oh my GOSH how horrible! Poor Jonny Walker! Prayers from RI.

Here is a link for National Pet Care Financial Aid. I know it is Sunday, you may not be able to reach many of these groups before tomorrow. (The one listing for your state didn't sound like it would apply, so use the NATIONAL listings.)


I suggest you contact ALL that apply for this situation. (Cancer treatment wouldn't apply) BECAUSE the organization may have additional places for you to contact.

Also, use GOOGLE and get the listing today for your state Vet Association, and contact them tomorrow as well. Most all of them have financial aid programs too.

Editted to add the link, as I forgot it; DUH! Thanks, Karen.

07-18-2010, 04:43 PM
Appears Jonny jaw was fractured in two places, lost some teeth, and broken nose. We are not gonna let this rest, I plan to send our local Sheriff an e-mail so I can get a complete follow up on the law enforcement end. I spoke to a neighbor this morning the is an Police Officer for Home Land Security. He stated that if he had been home at the time this had occured, he would had made the arrest and local Sheriffs Office would have had to follow through.
I spoke to Jasons family a little bit ago to get a breif story about Jonny Walker. They told me Jonny was dropped off mailnurshed and has been a member of the community longer than most of the tenants here. He has been shot with pellit guns and hit by a car.(It would Appear Jonny Walker is a fighther when it comes to life).
Everyone here has the image inbedded in their heads this animal bleading and clinging to life. I also have this image in my head, but mine goes futher, I was the only eyewitness to the beating this punk kids did to poor Jonny Walker. I am glad I was outside observing this kids strange behaivors. Other wise we would have nothing to go on and they would have murdered Jonny.
What effects me the most is seeing my step kids and Jason's little sister crying and asking how those other kids could do that.
The Police brought the oldest kid (which I think they should have brought them all 1 at a time), to see what he had done and he showed no remorse. This kid needs true help, as well as the others that inticed Jonny off the porch to get this beating. I hope CARMA finds these kids before its to late. If its animals now, they will move up to Kids and adults if they are not prosicuted.
A neighbor asked what they could do to help I told them we made a Jonny Walker Fund to help cover his expenses they said "All we have is this Change". I told them even if it was 50cents it was a help. It turned out to be $43.50 in change. Jonny will be greatful for that. I think total estimates are as it stands right now is up to $2500.00. Jonny is unable to eat so his still on the IV Drip until he is able to have his surgery.
If anyone wishes to make a donation they can contact the Staff at
Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center
2611 Florida St
Mandeville, La 70448
Phone (985) 626-4862
refferance name Jonny Walker
God Bless All PT'ers for donations and their Prayers.

07-18-2010, 07:34 PM
Just Spoke with the Vet, Jonny has been resting all day. He is still on the IV Drip, He turned his head from the food today:(
He however did drink a little water today, They are going to try and give him some more food and water at 11pm, come midnight he will no longer be offered food until after his surgery in the morning. We were told if we would like to call back after 11 and see if he has drank or eaten to feel free to do so.
We however do understand that it is afterhours and they have their service on so yes we press 1 for the Emergency so we can speak to a staff member and get information on Jonny. Earlier I called and they took my number because they were busy. It took them a couple hours but they did call back and gave me a condition update. We will continue to keep you all posted on Jonny's condition as updates become avaliable.

07-18-2010, 08:14 PM
I just sent the Sheriff of our parish the following e-mail;
Hello Sheriff Graves,
I am contacting you on a matter that occured on July 17, 2010. We live in Springfield Mobile Home Park, and some kids lured a dog off the neighbors porch and attacked him with baseball bat. The dog recieved serious injuries to his mouth and nose. His jaw bone was fractured in 2 places. We were also instructed by the Officer to bring him to the Vet. So we transported him to La Veterinary Referral Center in Mandeville, La. They stated they would supply you with a detailed list of all injuries.
The Officer the was here stated we could pick up a copy of the Police Report in 3 to 5 days. However we did not recieve a Report number. The portion of this that bothers me the most is when the Officer brought the boy to see what he had done this child showed no remorse for what he had done. He walked up to the dog with a smile on his face and left with that same smile on his face. I was the eyewitness that seen the whole incident occur. These kids had chased another dog with bats just before the brutal attack on the other dog. Granted I understand the dog should have been on a leash and the kids wouldn't have been able to intice him to come to them for this beating, but I think God he wasn't on a leash because he wouldn't have been able to get away. This dog is going to have to have Surgery in the morning that is going to cost $2500.00+.
I understand that there are other important issues the Sheriff's Office has but Studies show most kids that do this with animals later turns into children and adults. I greatly appreicate your time in this matter and hope you can give our community any update in this matter.

I will post his response when he replies.

07-18-2010, 09:31 PM
:confused: I cannot begin to understand why these kids would do such a thing. Jonny is one of the sweetest dogs ever. Jonny is known by many names such as Jonny, Johnny Walker, Jake, Spotty Dog, Pooch, just to name a few. But one thing for sure is that he is known by us all by the love he gives us, and smiles that he puts on our faces when playing with us. In fact, all the dogs in the neighborhood get along and play together. If these kids do this to an INNOCENT animal, one wonders what might they be capable of doing to a human being when they get older. I pray that a judge will see the picture of Jonny and also speak with the vet. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jonny

07-18-2010, 09:35 PM
Do let us know if there is anyone we can call, even local politicians, to bring their attention to this matter. Thanks to all of you for keeping us updated, and we do hope justice will prevail and that boy will get serious psychological help.

07-19-2010, 01:27 PM
Do let us know if there is anyone we can call, even local politicians, to bring their attention to this matter. Thanks to all of you for keeping us updated, and we do hope justice will prevail and that boy will get serious psychological help.

Karen, I will let you know as soon as I find something out. I am still waiting to hear from the Sheriff and we will take it from there.

As far as Jonny's condition the Vets Office is keeping him as comfortably as possible. He still has not eaten so the IV drip is still in him. They have moved his surgery to July 20 not sure of why, unless he did manage to drink a little water after midnight last night. I Spoke to the staff at the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center and they said if anyone wants an update feel free to call (985) 626-4862. When I called this morning all I had to tell them is I wanted an update on Jonny Walker.
I know everyone will keep Jonny in their prayers as tomorrow will be he first operation.

07-19-2010, 02:06 PM
Thanks, he's such a cute boy, when you get to see him, give him a hug from me, okay?

07-19-2010, 02:23 PM
I have been checking this thread for updates. I just want everyone to know that I am keeping Johnny Walker in my thoughts. And I hope something can be done about the children that did this to him. I wish I could donate some money to help out but I just can't right now.

Get better soon JW!

07-19-2010, 04:35 PM
Thanks you everyone for keeping Jonny Walker in your prayers! Surgery is tomorrow from what I'm told. I am waiting on the hospital to contact me back for the financial agents to talk to me. They said that they were going to try to do as much as they can to make everything easier for us. They were talking about writing all of this off as a teaching or something like that.

Management has to approve it first though. Hopefully it goes through.

I will update as soon as i know something new.

Thank you everyone for everything!

Lady's Human
07-19-2010, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the update.

I was just thinking about the guy and POOF a new post!

This is a situation where the parents should be more than just financially liable.

07-19-2010, 09:22 PM
Today I haven't heard anything from the Sheriff, so I decided to put my foot in a new direction. I just sent an e-mail to a local news station with breif discription of what happened to Jonny. PTer's keep your fingers crossed and pray that they take intrest. I will keep you posted on this and we will see where it goes. If they are intreasted they will look at this Thread.

Now on to new news we plan to go see Jonny tomorrow afternoon and drop off the donations we have recieved so far. I plan to ask if I can get an Itemized list of damages that Jonny suffered at the hands of this PUNK Kid. As you can tell Jonny's new found families DO NOT intend to let this rest until Justice served. Even if this has to become a Nation wide new event.
Lets all remember to so our little Prayer for Jonny and that justice will be served on his part.

07-19-2010, 10:17 PM
Many many prayers for Jonny Walker. :(

Poor boy.

07-20-2010, 01:37 PM
They have not yet done the surgery, anyone can PM me for more details. Keep the prayers coming, he surely needs them.

Cinder & Smoke
07-20-2010, 01:51 PM
They have not yet done the surgery,

anyone can PM me for more details.


Why can't we just SEE them as Post / Update here in the thread ??

07-20-2010, 01:54 PM
I'll PM you.

07-20-2010, 03:01 PM
Basically it is coming down to a matter of funding, please keep everyone in your prayers.

Cinder & Smoke
07-20-2010, 03:19 PM
Basically it is coming down to a matter of funding ...

The Vets need $3,000 in order to start the surgery.
(And that's WITH a charity discount already deducted!)

Johnny's three care-giver families have collected about $300 so far ...
Another $300 has been pledged ...

We're only $2,400 short. :(

07-20-2010, 03:21 PM
I have just been on the phone with someone at the Louisiana SPCA, and the woman I spoke to is going to have the director call me back, and see if there is anything they can do, too, whether with dollars or pressure or anything ... I pointed her to this thread, so she could see everything, hopefully they might be able to help as well.

07-20-2010, 03:25 PM
Poor baby!! :(

I wish I was in the position to give more, but I have hardly enough for my girls and myself. :( I won 10 Euro in the lottery last weekend, I will gladly donate them if there's a paypal account... I'm sorry that I can't give more. :o


07-20-2010, 03:33 PM
Awww, thanks, Kirsten, I just called, and they don't have a paypal account.

Someone from a closer SPCA just called me, and she's going to call Jason - the original poster, and see where the incident happened, hopefully they will be able to help.

07-20-2010, 03:59 PM
Oh my God. I have no words. I'll be calling the Vet center with a donation, immediately. I hope and pray he will recover. I'm sick to my stomach; cannot believe cruelty.:(:(:( All my love to this precious soul, and his family. You are the best!

07-20-2010, 04:16 PM
Thanks, Sandra, it is so sad! Anyone who calls, Trish is the one handling his case.

07-20-2010, 04:23 PM
Just got off the phone with the Vet Ref Cntr, a wonderful woman named Trish, the head coordinaor. She was encouraging, said one of the family's who care for him just visited, and were very hopeful that they could raise the funds; she also said the hospital itself is making call, reaching out in the community, for donations. Trish said they're hoping to do the surgery Wed. night or Thurs. A.M. Trish was terrific, took all my contact info. and said that all donators will be called and updated on his condition daily, and before anything is done, and she too is hoping for surgery Wed. night/Thurs. morning.
If anyone can donate, even a small amount, it will help...it all adds up.
Gosh, still shaking over this.:(

07-20-2010, 04:25 PM
Yes Karen, she was terrific. Thank God I saw your post of FB; no PM's here; I wouldn't have known. Thank you for geting this rolling, and to the families of Jonny, the children who love this beautiful boy, have faith; we'll do this.

07-20-2010, 04:34 PM
I'm just now seeing this.:( All I can do right now is keep Jonny Walker in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything goes well and he makes a full recovery.

I also hope that the kids that did this will get what they deserve. They also need psychiatric help before they end up killing others.:mad:

07-20-2010, 04:56 PM
This is a situation where the parents should be more than just financially liable.

I agree totally. I'm shaking from reading this. I'll definitely send a check in tomorrow's mail.

07-20-2010, 05:23 PM
Ok, I can't stand it anymore. I will be making a donation as well. I just need to see what I can scrape up. Oh wait! I get paid on Thursday! :)
When you call the vet directly, do they take a credit card number over the phone? That would be much faster than sending in a check.

07-20-2010, 05:24 PM
When you call the vet directly, do they take a credit card number over the phone? That would be much faster than sending in a check.

Yes, they do!

07-20-2010, 05:33 PM
Yes, they do!

Perfect! I'll have to call tomorrow, they are already closed.

07-20-2010, 05:35 PM
Yes, they are in the Central Time Zone, so that's something to keep in mind!

07-20-2010, 06:19 PM
The visit today was extreamly emotional for the kids. Tears were shed hugs were give and Prayers are getting answered. I want to take this time to thank each and every PTer for their Prayer's and contributions.
I was told Jonny's Jaw was broken in 2 places not fractured in 2 places. Poor Jonny can't even close his mouth. I spoke to Trish Monie which is Hospital Administrator and she told me that if anyone from PetTalk wanted to Find out status of Jonny or contribute to the Jonny Walker Fund they can call and speak to her. Anyone pledging donations by Credit Card would have a reciept mailed to them for their records and Tax Purposes.
It seems Cinder and Smoke was on the phone with Trish when we walked in the door. Cinder & Smoke, Karen, and all others that have helped Jonny and His New Found Families want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Hopes are truely looking up for Jonny thanks to Prayers and donations starting to come in. Keep in mind Jonny cannot close his mouth due to the Broken bones.
Also before I forget Trish is doing her best to get Jonny's story to the local Newspapers and Local TV channels. She is also trying to add Pressue to the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office to hold the kids accountable for their actions.

07-20-2010, 06:49 PM
We wish we could help Jonny Walker with more tahn prayers , but we had to pay the Feds 529 dollars in taxes.:eek:
We are sending All the Pryaers we can that Jonny Walker that Great Dog can be helped.:love::love::love::love::love:

Daisy and Delilah
07-20-2010, 07:49 PM
I am just so upset about this horrible story. Poor baby. As we all know, if these kids do things like this now, who knows what they will do when they get older? Grrrrrrrrrrrr......:mad: :mad: :mad:

I will certainly try my best to come up with some help as well. Thanks to everyone that is helping this angel of a dog. I hope God lets him forget how cruel these kids have been to him.
Get Better JW!!!!!! You are such a handsome and sweet boy. If I was in a position to do so I would drive there and spend some time with those kids. :( :mad: :mad:

Adding:: I just read the whole thread. OMG!!! I pray they get this little jerk and make him pay for the rest of his miserable life!!!!!

07-20-2010, 08:12 PM
I'm with a rescue group,CAAWS, in Baton Rouge and we were emailed about Johnny's case. We have contacted all our members and volunteers to get donations to Johnny and are working on putting pressure on the officials to make sure the kids are brought to justice. Hopefully he'll get donations and the kids will be held accountable.

07-20-2010, 08:23 PM
Thank you, I think you being there on the ground will have more of an impact in terms of pressuring officials - you VOTE there! He's such a sweet boy, from everyone I have spoken to, and deserves a chance.

07-20-2010, 09:19 PM
Hello Everyone,

May God Bless You All who are helping. We appreciate your prayers and support. I spoke with Trish about 30 minutes ago, we are all on the same side. The Veterinarian Hospital and JW's extended family and friends will continue to push forward. We all need JW to have his surgery and get home soon. We are still in need of donations that can be donated directly to the hospital. If you use a debit card as I did myself, you will need the expiration date as well as the 3 digit code on the back of the card. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Again, God Bless each and every one of you. KEV68 and Jason, I am with you all the way. Please keep in touch. My e-mail address is [email protected].

07-20-2010, 10:01 PM
I recieved a voicemail from Trish tonight. Tomorrow she will be in a meeting with the Dr.'s in their Office from 8:30am until a little after 10:00am. After which she said she would give me a call and update me, and of course I will pass it on to all of you PTer's.
Emma I wanted to tell you God Bless You and CAAWS. Also see the PM I sent you in your notifications.
Also just wanted you all to know that this tread was crossed posted to www.f150forum.com just got that send over as a PM.
I guess Jonny Walker never thought he would be so BIG that he would make the World Wide Web, but then again none of of thought this would happen to poor Jonny, and as I said this WILL NOT be brushed under the rug.
Just to let you all know a little more information I was given today and God where is this boy's mothers mind at. They are trying to get the younger boy to say he done it cause the boy that actually done it already has some type of criminal record and the feel the younger son will not get in trouble. But hey MOM if you are by some chance reading and following Jonny's thread I witnessed this attack and I know what I saw as well as who I Saw.
Sorry PTer's just had to add that because we put a collection jar in a local store that the parents of these kids go to, and listed this site for people to follow Jonny's story and recovery.
I will post again in the morning when I speak to Trish and give you all a status. God Bless you all and have a Good Night.

Daisy and Delilah
07-20-2010, 10:35 PM
Not a surprise the older boy has a record. It sounds pretty promising that he will pay for this. :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-20-2010, 10:45 PM
I posted this thread on my facebook page and know I will have at least one donation from it.
I plan on telling anyone and everyone I know about this too.

Johnny Walker has my support over here in California! :)

07-21-2010, 05:18 AM
Hey everyone, Thank you all for all of your support and prayers. I know I haven't posted much on here, I believe kev68 has done that enough for me. To touch up a little bit we do have support from animal activists and we are trying to get the media involved in. Unfortunatly I have to leave friday, so I won't be able to post for 16 days. See I'm in the National Guard and I have drill for 16 days in houma Louisiana. So a computer is going to be hard to get to. But still when I have free time I will be calling as many people as possible for help.

While I am gone please either email kev68 or write him on pettalk. He knows a lot about Jonny Walker and is working very hard to help.

Today at worked I talked to a lady from a church group and she said she would talk to the other members and she also said her sister is an animal rights activist. She said to expect a call from her tomorrow.

We look not to just stop after this though, maybe this can be a start of something big. To try to start a nonprofit organization to help abused animals, For cases just like Jonny's. I believe that every animal should have the same love and care that Jonny has been recieving. The same support.
Though I wish I could touch more on that but the idea has sprung just today. So more though has to be put into it.

I really want to thank everyone for the prayers and the donations. Its touched me that so many people have come together for one cause to help Jonny Walker. I believe this is a sign to me that this is so much more than just helping my dog, to helping every animal in need.

My email address is jaceface89 (the at sign) yahoo.com if you need to contact me for anything feel free.

My phone number is posted already but here it is again (985) 662 4651.

Kev68 ( Mr. Kevlin) # (225) 414 0044. ( please contact him after Friday until the 8th of august. )

Mr. Randy and Janice Mulvey ( 504) 232 2591
( my mother and father. )

You can contact either one of them for any information.

Thank you very much again for all of your support. It means the world to me and Jonny. :)

07-21-2010, 07:47 AM
:mad: Ohhhh this makes me so mad!!

I pray the funds needed for the surgery come in quickly and I pray for Johnny Walker!

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 08:20 AM
I am not that far from Mandeville and I am fighting the urge to go there to visit Johnny at the vets. This is such a outrageous thing to happen to any animal! I would be at those parents house asking for the money to pay for all this and let them know they WILL be paying these vet bills, either willingly or through a law suite! They should have already stepped up and offered.

A eye witness seals the case against them no matter what story they come up with and the fact that they are juveniles should not make them less accountable for their actions or the parents less liable. Hitting the parents in their pockets with the bill would wake them up and maybe they would watch those juveniles closer. As a parent, this should send off alarm bells that they could be so cruel to a helpless animal..

I have been praying for JW and will continue to. That was pure cruelty to a animal and against the law no matter where you live! I would like to know if other animals in that area been mysteriously injured... Have they done this before?

Daisy and Delilah
07-21-2010, 09:34 AM
I am so impressed with the outpouring of sympathy from so many people. I hope this turns into a big tv story and everyone gets to know Jonny Walker. This should set a precedent for animal abuse in that area.

Laura, I hope you do get to visit. I would love to be with you.

07-21-2010, 10:43 AM
Oh Laura, if you're able to go visit Jonny, please do give him a gentle pat and kiss for me. Keeping this beautiful doggie and his families, all 3, in my prayers! I can only hope and pray that those who would abuse a defenseless animal so horifically are brought to justice, and made to pay; for his care and by the justice system.
Pulling for you, precious Jonny!:love::love::love:

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 11:03 AM
I am in the process of arranging to go see him, hopefully TOMORROW! I will make my donation then directly to the JW Fund. Hummm... Ya think I should wear my Spay Baton Rouge T-shirt when I go? heck, I am off to email Sandra to see if she would mind...

07-21-2010, 12:07 PM
Oh Laura, that's wonderful!!! Please give him our love!:) And yes, I say go with the T-shirt!:)
Check back after the visit!

07-21-2010, 12:15 PM
Thanks, Laura! Tell everyone there we are all pulling for Jonny!

07-21-2010, 12:37 PM
I'm just seeing this now. My eyes are burning.

I'll be calling Trish.

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 01:02 PM
Sandra gave her blessings on me wearing my SBR T-shirt!. Now I got to wash it since I wore it trapping last night...She said she would be proud for me to wear it representing SBR and their support for Johnny Walker. YAY!

I AM going tomorrow, arrangements have been made! I will make a list of the hugs and kisses and who they are from and deliver them personally. Hopefull get some pic's to share..

07-21-2010, 01:09 PM
Sandra gave her blessings on me wearing my SBR T-shirt!. Now I got to wash it since I wore it trapping last night...She said she would be proud for me to wear it representing SBR and their support for Johnny Walker. YAY!

I AM going tomorrow, arrangements have been made! I will make a list of the hugs and kisses and who they are from and deliver them personally. Hopefull get some pic's to share..

Please give him a gentle kiss on his widdle nose for me and Sunny. Sunny originally hails from Alabama so she is like his sister :)

07-21-2010, 01:17 PM
This story of Jonny Walker has been haunting me ever since I read it, and I too feel the need to help out a little. If funds are still needed, I'll send a check after Uncle Sam pays me for August.
Laura - please give him a gentle hug from me when you see him. :love:

07-21-2010, 01:33 PM
I just spoke to Trish a few minutes ago. Jonny is stable, he's on an IV drip, and they are still hoping to be able to do the surgery either this evening or tomorrow morning, so keep the prayers coming! She did say she would email at the end of the day so we'd know how much money we had raised so far, she just didn't want me to post anything quite yet, as she still had three calls to return for donations as we spoke.

07-21-2010, 02:00 PM
Just to keep everyong posted on my end. The Sheriff's Office called me this morning and wanted to speak with the Families that have been takeing care of Jonny. I also gave him Trish's number so he could contact her for Jonny's condition.
I Have to send a special Thank You to Cinder & Smoke for calling them this morning which Prompted them to calling me, he stated he has some more investagating to do but he would keep me posted. as details come from him I will post and let you know. I feel its getting a little hot in the kitchen for the to let this rest.
Karen thanks for keeping everyone posted on this end as I have been busy on the phone all morning. I sorry I didn't get this posted any sooner but have been Busy between The Sheriff's Office, Trish, and updateing Jonny's families. Thank You all for everything you are doing for Jonny.

07-21-2010, 02:07 PM
I spoke to Trish, and people who are mailing a check should call her (and leave a message if she is unable to take your call and let her know it's for Jonny Walker) with the amount they are sending, so Trish knows when we've got enough to get the surgery scheduled.
Thank you all again.

Daisy and Delilah
07-21-2010, 02:24 PM
Thanks again to everybody helping here!!! As soon as I can I will call Trish.

Laura, please be careful and enjoy your visit. You are awesome!!!

07-21-2010, 02:48 PM
I AM going tomorrow, arrangements have been made! I will make a list of the hugs and kisses and who they are from and deliver them personally. Hopefull get some pic's to share..

Please give Jonny as many cuddles and kisses as you can from me, Laura!:love: So happy you're able to go!

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 03:04 PM
This one has haunted me from day 1... I think because it happened so close to me and he is in a town about 90 minutes away? I have checked every day for updates but not responded until today because I was so moved (and haunted).. IF it is alright with everybody (namely Karen) I will also be representing Pet Talk when I go tomorrow. I think I have been a member long enough that all of you should know I will be at my best in respresenting all of you. We ARE a family of pet lovers and I will be representing that.

I am making notes of the love, hugs and kisses everyone is asking me to take to him....Thinking of making him a card like I did for Katie (the cat) and Phred to leave there for him for all his visitors to see with the well wishes on them from everybody. Could put the Pet Talk logo on it with Karens permission if she will let me. Karen?

Tomorrow I want to represent all of you, SBR and myself as people who care that this has happened to a innocent animal.

07-21-2010, 03:11 PM
My prays and thoughts are coming to you Jonny and your family. That is so horrible what happened to you and it's not fair. I hope this surgery goes well and I will see what I can do about donating but for the moment I will offer a lot of prays and if Laura could give you some gentle pets for me I'd appreciate that.

Poor thing, you didn't deserve what happened to you and I hope those kids will be held responsible somehow.

My prays,

07-21-2010, 03:11 PM
This one has haunted me from day 1... I think because it happened so close to me and he is in a town about 90 minutes away? I have checked every day for updates but not responded until today because I was so moved (and haunted).. IF it is alright with everybody (namely Karen) I will also be representing Pet Talk when I go tomorrow. I think I have been a member long enough that all of you should know I will be at my best in respresenting all of you. We ARE a family of pet lovers and I will be representing that.

I am making notes of the love, hugs and kisses everyone is asking me to take to him....Thinking of making him a card like I did for Katie (the cat) and Phred to leave there for him for all his visitors to see with the well wishes on them from everybody. Could put the Pet Talk logo on it with Karens permission if she will let me. Karen?

Tomorrow I want to represent all of you, SBR and myself as people who care that this has happened to a innocent animal.

Laura, you are the best! I'm proud to be your friend :)

07-21-2010, 03:30 PM
Laura, please give my love to JW tomorrow as well.

I called Trish and made my donation today. At that time (which was about an hour and a half ago) they still needed just over $1500 in order to schedule the surgery. Trish did say she is still going to be calling some rescue groups in the area and some media places as well. She was the nicest lady EVER!!! She told me the whole story about how she found out JW was there and everything.
I even asked what the surgery was going to consist of and she told me the doctor told her he would have to put metal plates in his jaw. He just fixed another dog with a broken jaw last week and that dog is doing very well. (No, the other dog is not from the same area as Johnny, I asked.)

I know my friend (the one whose cat I watched for months, G) is going to make a donation as well.

I randomly get a visual of this heinous act happening and instantly get sick to my stomach and tears in my eyes. I hope something can be done to ensure this will not happen to another innocent animal in the future by those kids.

Cinder & Smoke
07-21-2010, 03:38 PM
The Sheriff's Office called me this morning ...

I Have to send a special Thank You to Cinder & Smoke for calling
them this morning which Prompted them to calling me ...
he stated he has some more investagating to do but he would keep me posted.

As details come from him I will post and let you know.

Wow! One lil phone call seems to have stirred up a lot of interest!
I didn't get to talk to the assigned Investigator (Det. Ouber) because he was
out on cases; but the VERY Friendly Detictives' Secretary was personally
interested in Johnny Walker's Case and assured me that it would be
fully investigated ASAP.

One Important Point!! >>>
IF there is a Juvenile involved; ALL records, reports, interviews, trials,
and outcomes are "sealed" and NOT able to be published or made public.

Be CERTAIN that you ASK the Detective exactly WHAT you can discuss
with others ... we sure don't want to damage the case, or worse - enable
a parent to sue the SO - because we said or published something that
wasn't spposed to be released to the public.

TELL us whatever you can --- just be certain that the Detective approves
of what you report to us outsiders. ;)

07-21-2010, 04:08 PM
A few years ago, Juni escaped one morning and we found her the next day with the bloody face and a broken tooth. I could not understand who would do that to her. Luckily, her jaw was not broken and her tooth is still as it was and that doesn't bother her.

I would like to help. Karen, could you PM me with the information please for the vet?

07-21-2010, 04:19 PM
I will!

07-21-2010, 06:13 PM
I am hoping to get an email from Trish this evening with how much has been raised so far, but of course she has had a busy day - I do not think they ever expected the number of phone calls they are getting. I am so glad Laura will be able to visit tomorrow, and give poor Jonny some love from all of us! Oh, and I let Laura know she has permission to use the logo, and even sent her a bigger version to print out, in case anyone was wondering.

07-21-2010, 06:35 PM
I am hoping to get an email from Trish this evening with how much has been raised so far, but of course she has had a busy day - I do not think they ever expected the number of phone calls they are getting. I am so glad Laura will be able to visit tomorrow, and give poor Jonny some love from all of us! Oh, and I let Laura know she has permission to use the logo, and even sent her a bigger version to print out, in case anyone was wondering.

Karen I just got off the phone with them and the total raised so far is $1600 and climbing. She stated she had sent the Dr an e-mail to let him know how much it jumped, and was waiting until she got a return e-mail for an update. She is going to give everyone that she has the e-mail addy on an update today.
She also stated that they took pictures today of Jonny and was going to post the on their FaceBook Page.

07-21-2010, 06:51 PM
I want to first and foremost thank everyone for the calls and emails that have been coming in over the past 48 hours regarding Johnny Walker. I signed up for this website last night in order to be able to give an update from our hospital on Johnny Walker. Everyone worked today to secure donations towards the continuing care and need for surgery for Johnny. I have received $1600 between yesterday and today in phone call transactions for Johnny. Calls ranged from several states where people have seen this story. I have personally reached out to everyone in my email contact list this afternoon. I received three calls within 30 minutes as a result. I contacted a local radio station and told the story and asked for it to be mentioned. The gentleman stated that I could email him a brief summary and he would see if they could list something on their website. I will also reach out to our local Chamber of Commerce as we are business members with them and will ask them to notify all of the Chamber members of this need.

The Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center is owned by three doctors: Dr. David Kergosien, Dr. Elizabeth Kergosien and Dr. Kenneth Arceneaux. Dr. David Kergosien is a diplomate with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He has offered to volunteer his time and surgical skills to perform this surgery. We are working very closely with the owners and all donors to make this happen.

Johnny is stable. He continues on IV fluids and pain meds. He is alert and walks on a leash with coaxing. One of our doctors took several pictures of him this afternoon and plans to post them on our facebook page for lavrc (Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center).

We are still taking and in need of donations. I have taken many credit card payments over the phone today. Anyone interested in donating may call our main number, 985-626-4862 and ask for Trish. I am handling all of the transactions to keep things simple and consistent. In the event that someone calls and I am not here (like at night), the receptionists are taking names and numbers and I am returning calls. I will be in the office all day on Thursday and Friday.

I will keep everyone posted on this site. I will also mail receipts to each donor. It has been a real pleasure working with such a dedicated group of people over the past two days. We are doing everything that we can to meet the needs that Johnny has at this time.


Trish, on behalf of Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center, Mandeville, LA

07-21-2010, 07:59 PM
I am speechless at the brutalality of this crime.
I certainly hope that this is prosectued to the fullest extent of the law. ALL of the young punks and their parents.
My heart breaks if this happened to JonnyWalker it could happen to anyone of us and our precious pets.
I am unable to financially help at this time either but will certainly keep JW and all the families in my thoughts and prayers.
But if it seems the sheriff's office has let this be swept under the rug at anytime, please let me know, I can certainly add my voice to that.
Laura - Please give JW a gentle kiss from me. I know you will represent us well, Thank you for doing what several of us would love to do but can't.

07-21-2010, 08:19 PM
I do believe they have raised all of the money needed for the down payment of $2500!!! :D :D
I happen to know this because my friend (as I stated earlier, the one who has the cat, G, that I watched) donated the remaining amount when she got through tonight. She is awesome!!! :D :D

07-21-2010, 08:22 PM
I do believe they have raised all of the money needed for the down payment of $2500!!! :D :D
I happen to know this because my friend (as I stated earlier, the one who has the cat, G, that I watched) donated the remaining amount when she got through tonight. She is awesome!!! :D :D

That would be great, I'll call them tomorrow morning and confirm if I can get through! And of course, they will still have to pay the rest of the bill, but hopefully this will mean the surgery can get underway.

07-21-2010, 08:30 PM
That would be great, I'll call them tomorrow morning and confirm if I can get through! And of course, they will still have to pay the rest of the bill, but hopefully this will mean the surgery can get underway.

Right, but we got the down payment out of the way. So any more donations that come in will go toward the remaining amount. :D

07-21-2010, 08:38 PM
Give your friend a hug from me!

07-21-2010, 08:39 PM
Give your friend a hug from me!

I wish I could, trust me. But she's all the way over in Delaware!!!

07-21-2010, 08:51 PM
Absolutely appalled!!!
I am working out the time difference so I can make a call to donate from Down Under.

07-21-2010, 09:02 PM
But if it seems the sheriff's office has let this be swept under the rug at anytime, please let me know, I can certainly add my voice to that.
Laura - Please give JW a gentle kiss from me. I know you will represent us well, Thank you for doing what several of us would love to do but can't.

We thank you for your Prayers and Rest Assure this will not be swept under the rug.

07-21-2010, 09:08 PM
Absolutely appalled!!!
I am working out the time difference so I can make a call to donate from Down Under.

Thank you captin, I just wanted you to know even with a time differance this is a 24hr Animal Hospital if you call and you get their recording it tells you to press 1 for an emergency and someone will take your call and your information. Trish understood that this may happen at times and she said they would be prepaired for this. God Bless You

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 09:20 PM
I do believe they have raised all of the money needed for the down payment of $2500!!!
I happen to know this because my friend (as I stated earlier, the one who has the cat, G, that I watched) donated the remaining amount when she got through tonight. She is awesome!!!

WOW! This is absolutely the most amazing thing In the WORLD!!! I am making the card to take tomorrow with the comments of good wishes, thoughts and prayers I have collected here in this thread.. Whoever this person is, do you think she would mind if I just added her as Anonymous Angel? She deserves a place on that card after a donation like that!

To everyone else, I have went through this entire thread and written down your comments of prayers, thoughts, well wishes, love ect and put your screen name here under the brief comment and as Karen suggested your location so they can see how far this has went so far. I still want to add several comments that have been posted since I wrote them all down and add this wonderful anonymous angel if Taz gives the go ahead.. Then I can finish it up and hopefully post it for everyone to see..Print it out and have it ready to go in the morning..

I SO want to meet JW tomorrow but if he is in surgery, I will not complain one bit... I will be happy for him to be getting the care he needs, maybe I will get to meet him some other time.

07-21-2010, 09:40 PM
Laura, my friend saw your post and said she would love for you to add her to the card. Her name is Brandi and she is in Delaware. :D

Thank you so much for doing this for us, Laura. We really appreciate it! :)

07-21-2010, 09:42 PM
Laura, please add my prayers and love to Jonny!

07-21-2010, 09:48 PM
Dear Jonny Walker
Once upon a time someone abandoned you
And you came upon a good place to call home
Your sweet hound eyes, and soft floppy ears
Match the gentleness of your demeanor
And three families adopted you or you them
Making friends and better neighbors of them all
Then it happened,
Your newfound happiness and sweetness
Betrayed you as the small humans
(We are ashamed they are our species)
Hurt you so badly.
But because of the love you have brought them
Your people reached out
And you have been in our prayers and thoughts,
All around this big world
And we will all be asking angels to guide
The surgeon's sure hands
As he does the work that helps you
On the road to recovery
Back to health and free from pain again.
Stay strong, dear heart, and know we love you
Even if we, strangers once, have never been thumped
By your wagging tail.

07-21-2010, 09:54 PM
I got this e-mail from Trish and wanted to share with everyong here.

Hey Kev,

I am still at work but getting ready to go. Just before I planned to leave a few minutes ago, I checked my voice mail and had three messages. I returned these calls and just now, at 8:19 pm, I got one donation for $900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got another one for $25 with the same person giving another $50 on Friday when he gets paid.

We now have collected a total of $2525 in the last 24-48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just emailed Dr. Kergosien. Surgery will be tomorrow. I had to send this to you before I walk out to update you. Please let Kelly know for me and Jason as well. I am so happy for you. Had to share the great news.


But lets keep in mind there will still be cost involved for his aftercare. So we still need donations. God Bless each and everyone of you.

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 10:09 PM
Laura, my friend saw your post and said she would love for you to add her to the card. Her name is Brandi

Consider it done Taz, she is sure an angel!

Got you too Catty!

07-21-2010, 10:09 PM
OMG! LES big time! PT is amazing. Thank you Karen for cross posting this as I never come over to the Dog side. This merits EVERYONE on PT knowing about it...heck everyone in the WORLD to know it. The power of love on PT is amazing. It's the only thing that keeps me from wanting to inflict the same damage to that so called "child". He's in for a very dark life. I get paid tomorrow and will call with a donation.
Laura, who rocks? That would be YOU! Thanks so much for "representing"! You are all that is good and kind in the world. Kisses for JW from me. God bless you all!
Claudia & Calvin

Laura's Babies
07-21-2010, 10:37 PM
The card is done, printed out and in my purse for in the morning.. I don't know that I will even have time to check in here in the morning before I leave so I wanted to post it for everyone to see.. I probably mistakes, I am sure there has to be since I had this idea rather late and it was a hurry up job.... Sorry for any mispellling or mistakes.. Remember, it is the thought that counts and hopefully JW won't hold it against me! LOL!

Now to see how big or small this shows up here.. the one I am taking is full size, printed on 8X10 photo paper.


I am off to bed, I have had a really full day today...

Scooter's Mom
07-21-2010, 10:39 PM
dang, I'm too late to have you add me to the card...
Give him a pet for me, okay?

Daisy and Delilah
07-21-2010, 10:40 PM
Laura, please give Jonny Walker some gentle kisses from me and tell him we all love him. Thank you so much for going. I pray for a wonderful trip for you as our PT representative. Please put my name on the card. It's Terry. Can't wait to hear about this when you get back!!

So glad to hear this is a 24 hour center. I pressed one for emergency, got a young lady that connected me to Trish's voice mail. I look forward to making a donation tomorrow to wonderful, sweet Jonny.

07-21-2010, 10:44 PM
Is there an update on Johnny yet? i only just discovered this thread,the people here are truly amazing, always knew that, and to those monsters they call children and their parents, i hope they throw the book at them, this is disgusting, and that is putting it mildly.

Get well little sweet Johnny, you are in our thoughts down under, and we hope that all will be well with you again and soon you will be painfree and wagging your tail in happiness.

Daisy and Delilah
07-21-2010, 10:47 PM
I'm on there!!! Thanks, Laura!! :) :) :)

07-21-2010, 10:49 PM
I would like to donate, but I may not be able to do so right now. I will continue to follow this thread, and Jonny Walker is in my prayers. :love:

07-21-2010, 10:51 PM
Hey Everyone,

Each and every one of you are terrific. May God bless you all and all of your pets. We have been on the phone and e-mailing everyone we know. The response is overwhelming. We truly appreciate all of the love, support, and prayers. Kev, thanks for keeping me updated. You are doing great. Jason, you are wonderful. Karen, Trish, and everyone, from the bottom of our hearts, Thank You. We continue to pray for you JW. PT's, when you visit JW, please send our hugs and kisses. We LOVE you JW!!!!

:love:Kelly, :love:Shannon, and :love:Lady Bug

07-21-2010, 10:51 PM
Is there an update on Johnny yet? i only just discovered this thread,the people here are truly amazing, always knew that, and to those monsters they call children and their parents, i hope they throw the book at them, this is disgusting, and that is putting it mildly.

Get well little sweet Johnny, you are in our thoughts down under, and we hope that all will be well with you again and soon you will be painfree and wagging your tail in happiness.

Yes, he'll be having surgery tomorrow morning, Carole!

07-21-2010, 11:05 PM
I just joined Pet Talk after reading Jonny's story and seeing the wonderful community here helping him and the people that love him. Bravo to all of you for working so hard for this sweet boy, I have shared his story with all my contacts. Thank you, prayers and love to JW.

07-21-2010, 11:42 PM
We thank you for your Prayers and Rest Assure this will not be swept under the rug.
I certainly didn't get that impression reading your posts and phred's commentary that he talked to them himself. Just saying' IF! Good Luck and GODSPEED!
get well soon Johnny Walker!

07-21-2010, 11:52 PM
I certainly didn't get that impression reading your posts and phred's commentary that he talked to them himself. Just saying' IF! Good Luck and GODSPEED!
get well soon Johnny Walker!

shais_mom I do apologize if gave you the wrong impression, I just sent you a PM on why I put that in bold. And thank you cause I feel we will need all the luck we can get to get these kids brought to justice.

07-22-2010, 12:10 AM
shais_mom I do apologize if gave you the wrong impression, I just sent you a PM on why I put that in bold. And thank you cause I feel we will need all the luck we can get to get these kids brought to justice.

no worries :)
All's well!

07-22-2010, 12:26 AM
A lot of my friends were stirred up after posting this on facebook... we all send our wishes and hope that things will be taken care of with these children. It's so great to hear the surgery can happen... I hope everything goes great. JW is such a little trooper and that first picture of him on here just haunts me every time I think about this... What a sweet sweet boy JW seems to be... Good luck little buddy <3

07-22-2010, 12:27 AM
For those who were unable to find Jonny-Walker on facebook I found it and decided to paste it here http://bn-in.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=281085&id=119462211408562
They are doing an incrediable job Helping us get his story makes you want to cry. Thank All of You at the La. Veterinary Referral Center for all the love and care you have given Jonny Walker

07-22-2010, 12:45 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Jonny Walker will be having his surgery tomorrow.:) I hope that everything will go well and that he'll recover quickly. PT people are amazing and I'm so glad to hear that Laura will be able to represent PT tomorrow when she goes to see him.:) Many more prayers and positive thoughts are going out to JW.

07-22-2010, 05:18 AM
I am in shock. I can just imagine the poor friendly doggy who was knocked while he was blindly trusting any human :( If we can call human people who can do that.

Everyone is amazing. I wish full success for the surgery and quick recovery to Jonny Walker.

Cinder & Smoke
07-22-2010, 05:26 AM
"Trish" sort of 'slipped into' Pet Talk without a lot of fuss ...

WELCOME to "Sam06" otherwise known as "Trish" :)

I signed up for this website last night in order to be able to give
an update from our hospital on Johnny Walker.

Everyone worked today to secure donations towards the continuing care and need for surgery for Johnny. I have received $1600 between
yesterday and today in phone call transactions for Johnny.

I contacted a local radio station and told the story and asked for it to be mentioned.

I will also reach out to our local Chamber of Commerce as we are business members with them
and will ask them to notify all of the Chamber members of this need.

The Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center is owned by three doctors:
Dr. David Kergosien, Dr. Elizabeth Kergosien and Dr. Kenneth Arceneaux.

Dr. David Kergosien is a diplomate with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He has offered to volunteer his time and surgical skills to
perform this surgery. We are working very closely with the owners and all donors to make this happen.

We are still taking and in need of donations.
Anyone interested in donating may call our main number, 985-626-4862 and ask for Trish.
I am handling all of the transactions to keep things simple and consistent. In the event that someone calls and I am not here (like at night), the receptionists are taking names and numbers and I am returning calls. I will be in the office all day on Thursday and Friday.

I will keep everyone posted on this site.

/s/ Trish, on behalf of Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center, Mandeville, LA

07-22-2010, 06:17 AM
I just joined Pet Talk after reading Jonny's story and seeing the wonderful community here helping him and the people that love him. Bravo to all of you for working so hard for this sweet boy, I have shared his story with all my contacts. Thank you, prayers and love to JW.

One of my FB pals joined too :) Welcome Pupdawg :)

07-22-2010, 06:24 AM
I wish I could, trust me. But she's all the way over in Delaware!!!

Cindy - I am totally blown away by the generosity of your friend Brandi. I wish I knew where in Delaware she lives - I would personally visit her and give her the biggest hug anyone could imagine. What a wonderful person she is to do this.

Laura - your part in this is amazing also - to take time out to go see Jonny - or at least go to the clinic to deliver all the well wishes in person. Amazing!

I don't believe that I've ever seen such a response as this, in the time that I have been a PT member. I am so proud to be part of this community of wonderful, caring and compassionate people. As promised, I will also make a donation when I receive my August check.

We're all pulling for you Jonny. Get better soon, and know that people from all over the world are in your corner and praying for a full recovery. :love: Gentle {{{hugs}}} from the crew here in Delaware.........

07-22-2010, 07:26 AM
Hey Kev and Jason,

This is absolutely amazing! People from around the world have responded. Every time I turn on the computer, there is another post. It brings tears to my eyes, along with a huge smile on my face. :) I will be sending in some more money today as I got paid. I cannot wait for JW to get home. I am keeping copies of all of the responses, and making up a scrapbook for keepsake. The cards are so cute. To all PT'rs, Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center Staff, WE LOVE YOU!!! :love::love::love:


07-22-2010, 08:05 AM
Prayers and loving good wishes for Jonny Walker. It is so nice to read of all the love and care and assistance being sent to him.

What kind of people are these who have brought up their CHILDREN to do things like that to a sweet, friendly, helpless animal?

I just lit a candle for this dear doggie: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=11246062

07-22-2010, 08:29 AM
I do believe they have raised all of the money needed for the down payment of $2500!!! :D :D
I happen to know this because my friend (as I stated earlier, the one who has the cat, G, that I watched) donated the remaining amount when she got through tonight. She is awesome!!! :D :D


I'm just seeing this now. That is so great! I'm sure the donations will keep pouring in but getting to this point was SO critical for Jonny! MANY MANY THANKS to you and your friend! :love:

07-22-2010, 08:33 AM
I posted this on my Facebook account; and also the Bichon Forum and the Prius Chat Forum. I know several folks said they would donate.

Including one Bichon Owner from Singapore!

07-22-2010, 08:36 AM
I posted this on my Facebook account; and also the Bichon Forum and the Prius Chat Forum. I know several folks said they would donate.

Including one Bichon Owner from Singapore!

It's good to see the best in people after we had to hear of the worst in people.

07-22-2010, 09:19 AM
When this thread first started I shed tears of anger, sorrow and disgust at what happened. And now I am shedding tears of joy at how so many people from all over the world came together and pulled through to help this wonderful dog. :D :D :D

Daisy and Delilah
07-22-2010, 10:15 AM
More thoughts and prayers going out for Jonny today. Bless him and all the people that are praying for him and helping him. He is such a sweetheart of a boy. His Facebook picture is so pitiful. When is his actual surgery? Does anyone know?

I can not wish for anything more than I am wishing that justice is done here. I look forward to these hateful kids being punished and their parents punished as well. No one should be able to get away with something like this. That poor little doggie had no idea why anybody did this to him. Blast those kids and their families where it hurts!!! I hope they pay dearly. The oldest boy needs to be locked up before he does this again and again. Next on his agenda are people. Get him now!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-22-2010, 10:46 AM
This statement from the facebook page really gives me hope that JW will
be cared for and protected from abuse for the rest of his life. He deserves
(as all dogs do) a loving and caring home of his very own.

"Johnny Walker has a good home arranged for him after his recovery from surgery at our hospital. He will become an inside dog, and, there is no doubt, be spoiled rotten. We’ll keep you posted on his progress."

Best of luck with the surgery today Jonny Walker.:)

07-22-2010, 10:55 AM
More thoughts and prayers going out for Jonny today. Bless him and all the people that are praying for him and helping him. He is such a sweetheart of a boy. His Facebook picture is so pitiful. When is his actual surgery? Does anyone know?

I can not wish for anything more than I am wishing that justice is done here. I look forward to these hateful kids being punished and their parents punished as well. No one should be able to get away with something like this. That poor little doggie had no idea why anybody did this to him. Blast those kids and their families where it hurts!!! I hope they pay dearly. The oldest boy needs to be locked up before he does this again and again. Next on his agenda are people. Get him now!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm right with you on this Terry. I hope the kid/kids and family have to be financially responsible for all of Jonny's expenses, and that the child receives the most severe punishment that is allowed by law. I hope that the knowledge of what a hated individual he is, by people around the world, haunts him for the rest of his days on Earth. No - this is not a forgiving or Christian-like attitude - but this individual is not deserving of any forgiveness for this despicable act of cruelty that he imposed upon this sweet and innocent dog. Someone so young to commit such an act, is surely destined to go on to more of the same, and worse. He needs to be stopped now! What's next??? - an innocent neighborhood child???? :mad:

Cinder & Smoke
07-22-2010, 11:09 AM
Surgery has begun at about 11:45 am Eastern time on Thursday. :)

It's expected to take from 4 to 6 hours = :eek:

We probably won't hear anything till after the Familys are notified of the prorgress
and results at dinner time.

Hurry up & wait ... but send some Prayers. :love:

07-22-2010, 12:11 PM
Prayers still going out for Johnny.

Daisy and Delilah
07-22-2010, 12:29 PM
Thanks Phred. I have not received a call from Trish yet. This is why. If she doesn't call today I will try her tomorrow.

Thoughts and prayers coming from Florida by the truckload. I'm telling everyone I know about this little fella. God help him. Please let the surgery be a total success. Bless the staff at the center.

07-22-2010, 12:48 PM
Keeping you in and your family in my thoughts and prayers, precious Jonny Walker!:love::love::love: Can't wait to hear you're out of surgery and resting comfortably!

07-22-2010, 01:00 PM
I just got a call from Trish. He's in surgery now. Aren't they just the nicest folks? Here is their website:


07-22-2010, 01:02 PM
I just got a call from Trish. He's in surgery now. Aren't they just the nicest folks? Here is their website:


Woo Hoo!! And yes, they are SUPER nice!

Major thoughts going out to Johnny!!! :D :D

07-22-2010, 01:15 PM
Hello all,
I called and spoke with my mom yesterday and asked if she had seen this thread, she stated that she had and asked why I was intreasted? I told her I am Kev68. You know as you get a little longer that mind slows down :D She hadn't yet connected the dots. You all know her as Laura's Babies. She had no clue that I was Kev68 until yesterday.
She is heading home to go post pics and plenty of them were taken. We went to visit Jonny this morning and the visit lasted for about 45mins before they carted him off to surgery. Dr stated Jonny is not out of the woods yet, Possible complications are one we not gonna think cause he is a fighter, the plates not take, Jaw alignment is a little off, and last a possible redo on the surgery.
Mom told me I could post one pic cause she wanted to surprise all you PTer's with the rest. Video as well. The one I felt meant more to Jonny than anything is the one I chose. It was Jonny viewing the card she made from PetTalk. I know enough already here's the Pic
With more to come, she has the man of the hour (Dr. David Kergosien) with Jonny, Trish with Jonny, and more.
God Bless You all for your prayers, donations and Phone calls that Ya'll have made on Jonny's Behalf.

07-22-2010, 01:25 PM
That picture is going to produce thousands of tears :love:

07-22-2010, 01:49 PM
thousand and two here...

what a happy "ending".. Iīve followed but hadnīt posted as I was upset about the whole thing and didnīt knew what to say other that was already said..

Iīm so glad Johnny got the help he much needed... I could say Iīm amazed about PTers awesome kindness.. but Iīm not.. all PTers are AWESOME!!!

Trish and the rest of the staff/crew involved as well as the many organizations and donors were spectacular too.. itīs good too see Johnny had his surgery and seems to be doing good.. yay!!

I must add my jaw dropped once I knew Kev is Lauraīs son.. wow.. I did not see that coming..:D

now hereīs just hoping Johnny heals up nicely without complications and the punks who did this get punished..

get well sweet Johnny!! ...keep on walking ;)

07-22-2010, 01:50 PM
Kev and Laura??? Well whoda' thunk? :confused:;) What a small world. :D

You are both obviously from the same mold - and a great one at that. Your caring and compassion just can't even be measured.

Jonny - we're hoping all is going well with your surgery. Come on boy - you have so many people pulling for you. Prayers still coming from the crew here in Delaware. :love:

07-22-2010, 01:52 PM
I had always wondered how the original poster knew to look for help on PT. Maybe Kev told him about it and knew about it from his mom?

07-22-2010, 01:54 PM
Just got the call Jonny is in recovery. The Vet give it about 2hrs and we can all call and get the status. All looks good for now but will not know for sure until Jonny wakes up.

07-22-2010, 02:15 PM
Good to hear, we're looking forward to the updates! Thanks for the picture, too! Looking forward to Laura's account and pictures!

07-22-2010, 02:16 PM
WHOOO HOOO JW! Keep fighting sweetheart, we LOVE you.:love:I am praying for a speedy recovery. I will see you as soon as I get back home.
I have a special treat for you when I see you.


07-22-2010, 02:18 PM
Hi all I am formerly Dusty's People and alot of you will remember me as that. I have been off line for a various reasons. They expand from Surgeries to visions problems. by the time I got back on the net I had lost half the sites I had posted on and have lost user names and passwords. I wanted to post and tell everyone one sooner, but I have busy on the net trying to get Jonny's story out I have e-mailed TV stations, Radio stations, Talk Show Host, and Pet food companies trying to get Jonny's word out.
I would come in and give updates on Jonny's condition and right back to e-mailing. I witnessed this accack and it haunts me. This has motavatied me to get Jonny's story heard. If I can make it to where on 1 person would have to live with images of this and have this type of attack keep playing over and over again then Jonny's story is out there. I am not going to give up until one of these e-mails work. I want to hear that Jonny's story makes news, so our state can see this is an issue in the state that needs to be addressed.
Yes I was raised to take part in taking care ALL Animals. Jonny can't speak and say what heppened so I will be his voice in my local area. I have found that everyone on PetTalk is a voice for Jonny as well.

07-22-2010, 02:23 PM
Kev and Laura - how cool!

Glad to hear Jonny made it thru surgery. Prayers that he wakes well and heals perfectly.

All the people involved here....wow....special thanks to the vets and staff at the vet clinic.

Go, Jonny!:D

07-22-2010, 02:36 PM
That picture definitely brough on the tears here. ADORABLE!!!

It's so funny that Laura didn't recognize Kev68 as her son. But she was probably more focused on Johnny anyway.

Still keeping Johnny Walker in my thoughts for a full recovery! And looking forward to more pictures from Laura. :D

07-22-2010, 02:41 PM
From the LVRC Facebook Page:

Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center commented on their photo:

"Johnny Walker is out of surgery and in recovery. The surgery went well and we
are optimistic that he will have a healthy jaw again soon. The fractures
required placement of two plates as well as several teeth extractions. "

07-22-2010, 02:49 PM
Just joined PT after following sweet Johnny's story. So glad to read that he has had surgery and is doing better. Sending prayers and healing thoughts to him. Now off to call and make a donation. Get Well Johnny we are rooting for you BIG TIME!!!

ps Moon and Bean this is Wyomings Mom from dogster thanks for letting us know about Johnny :)

Laura's Babies
07-22-2010, 03:03 PM
OK folks! I SWEAR!! SWEAR! SWEAR! I had been checking this every day, outraged at what had happened to this dog and it really haunted me and I did NOT know Kev68 was MY Kevlin (former Dusty's People here) (Guess that is why I never connected the dots).. I SWEAR, it was ONLY after he saw my post there on this thread did he call me on the phone and said he had seen my post? " I said something like "Huh? What are you doing there looking at that?".. I think he got a big kick out of my utter shock that this was HIS thread...

You ask how they knew to come here... There was another occasion with 2 cats Lucky & Louie (His neighbors cats)... Lucky was extremely sick so I posted and asked what could be wrong with this cat. His owners had just thrown him out to die and didn't care!.. That was on a Sunday and I left to go to work that Wednesday thinking nothing more of it... PT'ers took that challenge on and donations poured in for him.. He was very, very sick and in the hospital a very long time... He eventually got well and 2 PT'ers adopted them and they were flown to their new forever home with Catfamily.. (Lucky did die about 3 years later but he had the life of a king in his new home) <short version of the story

So, I am not surprised that Kevlin turned where he knew would get help.. THIS amazing place. I was STUNNED to find out HE is the witness and shared owner of the dog.. I can't tell you how much that phone call from him blew me away yesterday with all the information.. I even know one of the kids (that did this) Dad, known him since he was a small child and use to date his Dad. (One of the baseball bat kids Grandad)

Anyway, all I needed to know was I had someone to take me to see JW so I took full advantage of it. Kevlin is the one who arranged for me to go see JM, but AS A PT'er... that is ALL the clinic knew... I am a PT'er. I didn't tell her until we were about ready to leave and I had done my PT bragging, story telling of the wonderful things I have seen happen here, told a few things about some of the people on the card (you guys).. Told a few SBR stories and last, I told her I was Kevlin's mother..

Seeing Johnny is heartbreaking, just thinking what he has been through. I gave him hugs, pats and kisses as instructed. He looked like he was just so tired until he spotted the little girl that is one of his "kids" that we took with us and his tail started wagging, his eyes perked up and he had to walk to her, over and over. In between, he would just have to lay down and rest. Before I left, he was coming to me wagging his tail, wanting me to pet him which was a honor!!

I told him all about you guys, the outpouring of love he has from you, how everyone was pitching in to help him get well and praying for him, sending good thoughts to him and that he was now an official PT doggie! (Thank God my son is like I am so he didn't think I was nuts telling a dog all that!)

I can't tell you how impressed I was with the humans there! Trish, I teased and told her she is Johnny's secretary now.. She laughed and corrected me, saying "I am his Executive Assistant!". How does she have time to do anything else? While we were there, the phone rang a lot and several times I heard the girl tell her "She's not in but you can leave her a message..... Yes, we are still taking donations"... So there are more donations coming in today. We got there waaaay to early and had to wait for Trish to arrive. All I can tell you is she is just the greatest person I have met in a long, long time.. Everybody there was great. The doctor came in and explained everything, spending a lot of time with us making sure we understood what he was planning to do, explained the best case and worst case senerio.

I got LOTS of pictures and a rather long video but that video is giving me fits to upload at Photobucket... gonna have to work on that. Shucks! Until then..

The amazing doctor who is doing the surgery

And as he was taken to surgery (at this point I almost cried)

Will post more as I upload them so hang on..

07-22-2010, 03:04 PM
Just joined PT after following sweet Johnny's story. So glad to read that he has had surgery and is doing better. Sending prayers and healing thoughts to him. Now off to call and make a donation. Get Well Johnny we are rooting for you BIG TIME!!!

ps Moon and Bean this is Wyomings Mom from dogster thanks for letting us know about Johnny :)

Thanks Deb! You're the best and welcome to PT :)

07-22-2010, 03:14 PM
Darn...can't see pics on this computer; have to wait until I get home :)

Laura...thanks for the update! I can't wait to see the pictures and I loved your account of the visit :)

Laura's Babies
07-22-2010, 03:15 PM
Here is is with his little human that did his heart so much good to see..


Here you can see how is nose was broken and it is turned up a little.

There is even a open spot on the top of his snout... From the hit?

Then he saw that sofa with his little human on it and he wanted up there...

07-22-2010, 03:19 PM
Just got off the phone with Trish and you are right she is a fabulous lady!! Told me that Johnny is out of surgury and she was waiting to speak with the surgeon and then she would be posting an update for everyone. She also told me that close to $3400 has been raised so far!!! Way to go. With all this love and support Johnny is going to get through all this. The pictures of the visit are great!!

Laura's Babies
07-22-2010, 03:24 PM
He is just a sweet soul that loves his little humans, I can't wait till he is all better and I get to see him healthy, well and normal.. As GOOD as he was today, he had to be suffering but he was SO happy to see his little human..


Now, I got to go do the video and see if I can get it upoaded somewhere to post!

07-22-2010, 03:27 PM
Now, I got to go do the video and see if I can get it upoaded somewhere to post!

Try YouTube- their main thing is videos and video sharing!

07-22-2010, 03:35 PM
Oh Laura, what a great update! I can't tell you how happy and relieved I was hearing that Jonny has come through the surgery and (paws crossed) is resting comfortably. The pictures are melting my heart, and oh, how the tears fell seeing the one of him reading his card, heading off to the OR.:love: Can't wait to hear he's awake, of that first tail wag! We love you Jonny!:love: Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, sweet baby boy!

07-22-2010, 03:36 PM
yay Johhny!!.. so adorable and cute to see him with his lil person.. aww..

thnx for sharing the pics... get well soon :D

07-22-2010, 03:40 PM
Ugh, I am in tears all over again. This is just the sweetest thing!
It's also nice to put a face to the voice, Trish. You look just as nice as you are!! :D

Thank you Laura for representing all of us this morning. :D

Now I have to go check my make-up. :)

07-22-2010, 03:51 PM
I love him!!!!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
07-22-2010, 03:53 PM
Like everybody else here, this story is almost more than I can believe!!! How awesome is this that Laura and Kev are Mom and Son? Who knew?? Laura you done good with that boy.;)

Thanks so much for going there and getting pictures of Jonny Angel. He is such a sweetheart. I can't stop crying after seeing him looking at the card. Great pictures of him but so so so sad.:(

I'm thrilled he is out of surgery and doing well so far. YAY!!!!!

In my wildest dreams I could never imagine being so close to all of the happenings in a story like this. This has got to be one of the best days of our Pet Talk lives. THANKS TO LAURA, KEV AND EVERYBODY!!!!!


07-22-2010, 04:14 PM
What a tearjerker! I'm so happy that JW is out of surgery now. We're still praying that he'll heal nicely and forget about what happened to him. It was so heartwarming to see him w/his little human. I so love dogs. What a special boy he is and so are Kev and Trish and the vet and you, Laura. I'm so proud to "know" you. :love:

07-22-2010, 04:32 PM
I am still in awe, that a post from a total stranger asking for help, just a few days ago, has brought the response, love and contributions from all the people at PT, and even from those who are not PT members. All these folks have opened their hearts and wallets to help, and to bring Jonny back to good health. What an incredible bunch of people from everywhere, all walks of life, and all financial circumstances.
Bless you all, and I just know that the big guy upstairs has taken note of each and every unselfish gesture made by his sometimes wayward flock. :):love:

07-22-2010, 04:35 PM
I just spoke to Amber which is in the Consumer Affairs Department at Hill's Science Diet pet foods. They are going to donate Jonny some food. All I have to do is let her know what Dr. David Kergosien recommends. I am awaiting a call from Trish so I can get this info. Is some great news or what?:)

07-22-2010, 04:49 PM
I just spoke to Amber which is in the Consumer Affairs Department at Hill's Science Diet pet foods. They are going to donate Jonny some food. All I have to do is let her know what Dr. David Kergosien recommends. I am awaiting a call from Trish so I can get this info. Is some great news or what?:)

That's excellent! I can't wait until his jaw and face feel good enough for him to want to eat. Beagles love food!! :)

07-22-2010, 05:12 PM
Those photos are precious of Jonny and his little one! I am thrilled to hear he is out of surgery.

Can someone provide the link so that I may make a donation for his care? Thank you.

07-22-2010, 05:18 PM
Here is the info for making donations. You will need to speak with Trish. Even if you wish to send in a check, please call and let Trish know.
Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center
2611 Florida St
Mandeville, La 70448
Phone (985) 626-4862
refferance name Johnny Walker

And here is what was recently posted on Facebook about 45 minutes ago:

Although Johnny Walker did very well during surgery, he still has an uphill battle. He has intestinal parasites as well as heartworm disease. Once we get him through his jaw surgery he will require treatment of the heartworm disease. We will treat the intestinal parasites, too, but the heartworm treatment is not without the potential for severe complications. He is obviously a tough boy. We will take things one step at a time, and so far, so good!

07-22-2010, 05:18 PM
Those photos are precious of Jonny and his little one! I am thrilled to hear he is out of surgery.

Can someone provide the link so that I may make a donation for his care? Thank you.

La Veterinary Refferal Center
2611 Florida St
Mandeville, La 70448
Phone Number (985) 626-4862 Attn Trish

Pinot's Mom
07-22-2010, 05:21 PM
Johnny does look like such a sweet soul. I'm so glad the PTers came together again for such a wonderful pup. Good job everyone, and Johnny, prayers for a quick recovery!:love:

07-22-2010, 05:41 PM
Those pictures with Trish and the Doctor make me so happy and sad at the same time... it's so amazing how someone can love a dog so much that they just met. It truly makes my heart ache... in a good way.

I think with all of us behind Johnny Walker, he will have the strength to get through this surgery, recovery, and the oncoming battles with the parasites in him. It's a tough journey, but with love, it's always a little easier :love:

07-22-2010, 05:41 PM
Just to let you all know mom is working on the youtube video and it will be posted within the next 30mins to an hour, maybe sooner

07-22-2010, 05:42 PM
Excuse me, but I am confused. I dialed the number listed and got the clinic. A recorded message came on telling me to press 1 for an emergency. Is that what I need to do? Again, sorry for my confusion.

07-22-2010, 05:44 PM
Excuse me, but I am confused. I dialed the number listed and got the clinic. A recorded message came on telling me to press 1 for an emergency. Is that what I need to do? Again, sorry for my confusion.

Yes dial 1 and inform them you are calling about Jonny Walker

Laura's Babies
07-22-2010, 05:49 PM

(More pictures added in post # 446 & 447 August 1)

07-22-2010, 05:54 PM
Thank you for your help; I got through to make my donation. Tish is a wonderful person--so pleasant! Bless everyone who has made an effort to help out Johnny.

Killearn Kitties
07-22-2010, 06:00 PM
So glad to know that Johnny is out of surgery. I can go to sleep now!
It's great that you got to see him Laura, and thanks so much for the video. It makes such a difference to actually see him moving about.
Best wish to you, sweet boy. We will be rooting for you every step of the way. :love:

Laura's Babies
07-22-2010, 06:02 PM
I wanted to hurry up and give everyone that link so it can be passed around and around to everybody you know if you want to.. I haven't had time to catch up on all the posts yet, been busy working on this.... (interrupted by a phone call from the lady where we trapped the cats the other night.. They found a kitten, looks to be about 4 weeks old.. If it is a girl, she is naming it after ME! If it is a boy, she is naming it after Mike!)

I didn't put music to that video on purpose, so you can hear how he is breathing.. Poor fella. Again, I swear, I did not know until yesterday that my son was Kev68!

I can not brag enough about the La Veterinary Refferal Center! I am still in awe of how they have done SO much and how nice they are. Even more I am in awe of how everyone has come forwards to do what they can and how fast Johnny's fund has risen to what it is. Even Kevlin has amazed me at how much time he has spent on this! What happened to JW will always haunt me, as I am sure it will many of you..

Hay, I am off to catch up on what I have missed today!! Got a lot of reading to do.

07-22-2010, 06:03 PM
Beautiful video, very touching. Thank you for putting this together. I am sharing it.

07-22-2010, 06:04 PM
Thank you for your help; I got through to make my donation. Tish is a wonderful person--so pleasant! Bless everyone who has made an effort to help out Johnny.

Thanks CheckersMom from another PA pet-talker :)

07-22-2010, 06:04 PM
Oh my goodness, I am in tears AGAIN!!! I don't even know what to say.
Thank you Laura for that video. So, so precious. I am posting it on facebook!

07-22-2010, 06:19 PM
I too posted it on Facebook...I just saw that some of my friends have posted it too! I don't know if they got it from me, or if one of them is one of you!?!

Pinot's Mom
07-22-2010, 07:18 PM
Posted by me as well, I am crying again, Laura-thank you!:love:

Daisy and Delilah
07-22-2010, 07:21 PM
After watching that video it is very hard to compose myself. Thank you, Laura. Two angels in you and Kev.

Jonny is the sweetest boy on earth. He knows he is among friends at the center. After what he's been through I am amazed that he would go near any human but he knows who the good ones are.

This story is all I think about. This story and precious Jonny. I am so sorry to hear he has other issues but with all this help and support I think he will make it through.
Thanks again to everyone!!!

GET WELL JONNY!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!:) :) :)

07-22-2010, 07:51 PM
Job well done on the Jonny Walker Story on youtube. You gave it 150% on that video. Thumbs ^^^^ Up ^^^^:)

07-22-2010, 08:43 PM
I have been following this thread... and every time I come back I am in tears. Laura.... I cannot express to you how much it means that you went to visit Jonny Walker! And then to discover that Kev 68 is YOUR SON!!!!!! Well, even THAT brought tears to my eyes. And the video... he is so adorable!

God bless everyone for their donations, thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Sasha and I have included Jonny Walker in our prayers. We wish we could send money for his care, but at this time we just cannot. We also know that our sweet RB Tabby is watching over Jonny Walker (even though he is a DAWG!) and she and out many other PT RB babies will help him through his difficult recovery.

07-22-2010, 08:55 PM
Wow...Jonny is going to come out of this BETTER than new! He will get his heartworm treated and the other parasites.

He is so loving, that big heart of his will pull him through - along with hundreds of prayers!

07-22-2010, 08:55 PM
Small world!! I'm so glad you were able to visit Laura. Thanks so much for the photos and videos. JW sure does love his little human. :love:

I'm so glad to hear he got through the surgery. Now to beat those parasites! :cool:

07-22-2010, 08:58 PM
Holy Swiss cheese! I just now had the time to read through this whole thread and I am overwhelmed. Jonny is so precious. Laura, please give kev68 a hug from me - what a great guy! Payday is (wait, looking at calendar) tomorrow! Woohoo! I just have to check with the bank what bills have cleared and then I can chip in a bit.

Mustang Sasha
07-22-2010, 09:34 PM
My heart is broken for Jonny yet filled with inspiration and hope for this handsome boy.

It is so amazing how many wonderful people truely care about JW.

Thanks to all of you that made a difference in this pups life... You have simply changed his world... One at a time.

To those kids that created this firestorm... Shame on you .. One day you will know the true meaning of love and the pain to lose someone close to you... Think back to this day!

Finally, Thanks Deb (Sunny, Moon & Bean's Mom) for cross posting this on Dogster.

I have cried for this innocent pup for 2 days.... Be strong little one...Your life is going to get much better after you get over these few speedbumps.. We will be talking to Trish tomorrow...

God Bless you Jonny
Sasha, Dozer, Cheyanne
& Lucy Kitty :love:

07-22-2010, 10:24 PM
I just wanted to Thank Everyone for their Thoughts, Prayers, Phone Calls on Johnny's behalf, Their Generous donations to Johnny Walker, and time used to get JW's Story out there. If it hadn't been for PT Johnny wouldn't have made it this far. Keep the Prayers and donations coming as JW still need our help.
A special Thanks to Trish, Dr. David Kergosien, and all the Staff at La. Veterinary Referral Center for their generous donations and support for Johnny Walker, and being so helpful with all the incoming and out going phone calls to update every one.
Also Special thanks to Science Diet for pledgeing food for Johnny Walker. All they are waiting on is what type of food he needs to be on.
I don't know if the Staff at La. Veterinary Referral Center had ever took on a case as intense as Johnny's where they had donations coming in from so many different places, but I do applaude them for how they handled this.
This has been a long 5 days here so I am gonna try and get some sleep tonight. I will be back working hard to get Johnny's Story out there and trying to contact the Sheriff's Office in the Morning to see where they stand in this investagation. God Bless you All and have a good night

07-22-2010, 10:31 PM
I know I failed to give a little background on Jonny. Well when he was abandoned here I remember he was so skinny and you could tell mistreated badly. Well my family and I started feeding him and taking care of him. He was getting better after time. He use to play with our little dog killer. He is a min pin. and the use to have so much fun. My other dog jesse ( basset hound) is to old to play with him but the always got along great. My little sister emily and myself use to go outside and throw the baseball and use to play with him while doing so. Whenever my friends came over he use to join us on the swing set while we talked and he would just want all of our attention. It was great. He is like the perfect animal.
Then Mr. Kevlin and his family moved here and they bacame a part of Jonny walker's life also. My little sister emily and heather use to go outside and play with him. It was adorable. My aunt kelly's dog lady ( black lab ) and Jonny Walker are the best of friends. They do everything together. From playing to getting all dirty in the stream.
I use to go walking through the trail by my house and Jonny would follow me and nudge me so I would play with him. I never could resist. He is always so much fun.

He made his way into our hearts very fast! Just from how amazing his personality is. I can't wait to have Jonny back home into my life again. I wish I could be there when he gets home but I can't because of Drill with the National Guard. It might be a little bit long too. I believe I am about to be activated for hurricane relief. I am hoping that thing go right so I can see him.

Well my next big objective is to have these "Attackers" brought to justice for what they have done. I will be talking to some of the military Officers that I know for information on things I can do and hit them with everything I have got.

Once again I want to thank everyone for the support, prayers, love, and compassion. It makes me feel so great! I am glad to be in the Army fighting for people like all of you! You all are the greatest!

Jason Mulvey

07-22-2010, 10:40 PM
count me in on the one of the shocked the kev68 is Laura's son. What a hoot that she didn't even know. lol
LES looking at the pics -
what an amazing story.

07-22-2010, 11:23 PM
I just got caught up on all of the posts and I saw the pictures and video. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that Kev68 is Laura's son.:)

Laura,thanks for being able to visit him and represent PT and for posting the pictures and video. Major LES.:( I'm so glad that his surgery went well and hopefully he'll recover quickly and will be able to get rid of his parasites. JW continues to remain in my thoughts and prayers.

07-23-2010, 12:50 AM
I know I failed to give a little background on Jonny. Well when he was abandoned here I remember he was so skinny and you could tell mistreated badly. Well my family and I started feeding him and taking care of him. He was getting better after time. He use to play with our little dog killer. He is a min pin. and the use to have so much fun. My other dog jesse ( basset hound) is to old to play with him but the always got along great. My little sister emily and myself use to go outside and throw the baseball and use to play with him while doing so. Whenever my friends came over he use to join us on the swing set while we talked and he would just want all of our attention. It was great. He is like the perfect animal.
Then Mr. Kevlin and his family moved here and they bacame a part of Jonny walker's life also. My little sister emily and heather use to go outside and play with him. It was adorable. My aunt kelly's dog lady ( black lab ) and Jonny Walker are the best of friends. They do everything together. From playing to getting all dirty in the stream.
I use to go walking through the trail by my house and Jonny would follow me and nudge me so I would play with him. I never could resist. He is always so much fun.

He made his way into our hearts very fast! Just from how amazing his personality is. I can't wait to have Jonny back home into my life again. I wish I could be there when he gets home but I can't because of Drill with the National Guard. It might be a little bit long too. I believe I am about to be activated for hurricane relief. I am hoping that thing go right so I can see him.

Well my next big objective is to have these "Attackers" brought to justice for what they have done. I will be talking to some of the military Officers that I know for information on things I can do and hit them with everything I have got.

Once again I want to thank everyone for the support, prayers, love, and compassion. It makes me feel so great! I am glad to be in the Army fighting for people like all of you! You all are the greatest!

Jason Mulvey

Jason, You have been in my thoughts! Thank you for helping Jonny before he got hurt, during and after.

07-23-2010, 02:15 AM
Here is the medical update as of midnight on Thursday. I just got home from work around 1:20 am. I wanted to make sure to get all thank you letters done tonight along with receipts for donations. I brought this to the post office at 1:00 am on my way home from work so that the donors can receive these by Saturday.

I checked in on Johnny before I left right after midnight. I spoke with Dr. Kergosien as he was leaving the hospital around the time that I was (he had other emergency surgeries all evening).

Johnny did fine in surgery today. He has plates placed in his jaws which will remain unless there are problems with them. He is still on IV fluids and he is on injectable pain medication. He is also on IV antibiotics for any signs of infection. His vital signs are within normal limits. He is alert and he was able to eat 1 1/2 cans of pureed food!!! He has water available to him as well. He also wagged his tail this evening which he has not done since he arrived so he must be feeling better or this was also his way of saying "thank you". I will update again on Friday at the end of the day. I sent a group email to all of the donors just now with this same information. There were some donors who I did not have their email addresses and I promised to update everyone on a daily basis. I will continue to do so, including over the weekend.
We collected approximately $3600 by this evening.

Will keep everyone updated on this site and by personal emails that I have.

Good night. Gotta get some sleep to be back at it in the am!!

Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center

Cinder & Smoke
07-23-2010, 05:12 AM
I just got home from work around 1:20 am.
I wanted to make sure to get all thank you letters done tonight
along with receipts for donations.

I checked in on Johnny before I left right after midnight.
I spoke with Dr. Kergosien as he was leaving the hospital around the time that I was ...

Johnny did fine in surgery today.

He has plates placed in his jaws which will remain unless there are problems with them.
He is still on IV fluids and he is on injectable pain medication.
He is also on IV antibiotics for any signs of infection.
His vital signs are within normal limits.

He is alert and he was able to eat 1 1/2 cans of pureed food!!!
He also wagged his tail this evening which he has not done since he arrived
so he must be feeling better or this was also his way of saying "thank you".

We collected approximately $3,600 by this evening.

/s/ Trish

GOOD Report, Trish!!

Many Thanks to YOU for all the dedicated hard work you have contributed
toward Johnny Walker's Care and Recovery!!!!! :love: :love:

07-23-2010, 07:08 AM
Thanks so much for the update Trish. Hooray for you JW on eating some food. Poor baby. I can't wait to get home to see you. Lady Bug is about going stir crazy in this hotel room. I know she misses you sweetheart. As soon as we pull into the driveway, we'll see you. Hugs and Kisses:love:
Kelly, Shannon, and Lady Bug

Laura, that was cute you not knowing it was Kevlin all along. When he told me that, I must say I giggled. I am looking forward to meeting you. I live right across from Kevlin. See yall soon.

07-23-2010, 07:17 AM
It's so good to hear that Johnny is doing well. :) Especially that his little tail was a waggin. :)

07-23-2010, 07:40 AM
Jason, thank you for all that you have done for JW and thank you for serving in the Army. I am proud to have someone like you protecting us.

Trish and everyone at the clinic, you are truly amazing! Thank you so much for all you are doing for Jonny Walker and each animal that passes through your doors.

Bless you all!

07-23-2010, 09:13 AM
I got this email from a dog on dogster :). It is so cute, I had to pass it along... HOW AWESOME IS THIS!? I'm attaching a cute picture of Lucy Girlypants :)

"Mom has been closely following the Jonny Walker story (so sad, but her heart was really lifted by how hard her owner tried to get Jonny the help that he needed, we want to just smooch that guy). Anyway, we realy wanted to donate money, but it would've been impractical from here (South Africa), since the costs incurred would not have made it worthwhile. So what we did instead was to donate US$10 to the shelter which rescued me, in Jonny Walkers name. We put Jonny Walker as a reference, they're probably going to think we're alcoholics or something BOL!"

Lucy Girlypants

Laura's Babies
07-23-2010, 09:15 AM
I am laughing that all of you were as shocked as I was to find of WHO Kev68 is! I still keep slapping my forehead going "DUH!"

I let out a "WAHOO!" at Trish's post that he finally got to eat last night. I bet he lapped that up so glad to be able to TASTE REAL FOOD again! This will help him recover faster I hope and I bet he will gobble up everything they put in front of him now. I am in awe of how LVRS has pitched in to do all they have done to help JW. That is something you don't see every day and even if I didn't have the personal connection to this that I have, I would STILL be in awe of it. This outpouring of love for a helpless animal is replacing the haunting of this senseless act but I think it will always haunt me.

We still need to get his story out so keep posting about it all over the internet. We need to keep cruelty to any animal out in the open for all to see and bring out a new awareness of it and help to pass stricter laws for those that dare abuse helpless animals for sport. Most of us here have fur kids and we know they are not "stupid animals".. They have feelings too and they DO get tramatized like we do.

07-23-2010, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the update Trish! I'm so glad to hear he is doing so good after surgery.
I think about him all the time. In fact, yesterday I didn't get much done here at work because I kept checking in here and just thinking about it.

Thanks to everyone involved, here, at the clinic and in JW's neighborhood. :D

07-23-2010, 10:57 AM
I have been very moved by this sad but inspirational story. My finances are going through some challenges right now so I can't make the donation that I would like but I'm pulling and praying for JW too. The love, unity, support and encouragement in this post has evoked great passion in me. I'm so glad to hear a better report for JW even though he's got a long way to go. Laura the video is a tear jerker. Thank you for posting and keeping us updated. Finding out the Kev was your son almost seemed like the twist in some movie plot :D. I cheered out loud when I read that he had eaten and his tail wagged.

07-23-2010, 11:35 AM
Hi All,
I am a newbie but I sent this information to others. Hope it helps!!
Sadly, Springfield is in the parish of LIVINGSTON not EAST BATON ROUGE. Sadly, because I live in Livingston Parish. I hate people who do this!
-- The Sheriff of Livingston parish is Willie Graves.
-- Under Sheriff Graves is Chief Criminal Deputy Jason Ard.
-- They do have a Juvenile Department.
-- The Uniform Patrol Commander is Alden Thomasson.
He should be able to help identify the deputy who investigated the call and the outcome of the call
I have no idea why these punks were not charged with animal cruelty for the start. But you can bet I am going to try to find out. We (my mom and I ) had to enlist the help of Sheriff Graves and Chief Deputy Jason Ard when we needed to get a rescued pit bull out of LA before being put down (no fault of the dog).
They were very nice. I have included the information below. PLEASE CALL , WRITE or EMAIL and let them know how you feel! This must be stopped before these kids become teenagers or adults.

Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office

20180 Iowa St.
Livingston, LA 70754
P.O. Box 850
Livingston, LA 70754

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

**I would also suggest contacting the Livingston Parish Newpaper at:
[email protected]

**I am also sure the mayor of Springfield, LA is not going to like what happened either. Here's his information:

Town of Springfield
Mayor Charles E. Martin
Municipal Office:
27378 LA Hwy. 22
P.O. Box 352
Springfield, LA 70462
Phone: (225) 294-3150

P.S> My mom has agreed to contact ALL the officials and try to find out more about this!!

07-23-2010, 11:49 AM
I continue praying for Johnny.

How old was this kid, does anybody know?

07-23-2010, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the info MEL, great post!

07-23-2010, 12:08 PM
This story is simply the most amazing! I was in tears reading it, and I’m feeling very sad that someone could harm sweet trusting Jonny like this, it’s just unbelieable! :( :( I hope he will be able to forget it.

I’m so happy to see how many have come to his rescue and he was brought to a vet so soon after it happened.

It’s been good to read the updates and know that Jonny’s surgery went well and that his story is shared with the world.

Trish, the vets, Laura and Kevlin have been absolutely wonderful! You did a good job raising your boy, Laura! :) Thank you for sharing the pictures and video. Jonny is so sweet - and he already looks confident. Isn’t that amazing considering what he has just been through!

I know Jonny still needs some treatment - I’m sending lots of love and good thoughts for his full recovery. Whoever gets to visit Jonny, please give him some kisses from me!

Get well Jonny, the whole world loves you! :love: :love: :love:

07-23-2010, 12:17 PM
Thanks so much, that's was sweet. Cute about people thinking may be alcoholics. It is just the power of LOVE for our friends.

07-23-2010, 12:56 PM
Dogster is such a nice place too. I love animal lovers... they are some of the best people :)

07-23-2010, 01:12 PM
Just Recieved a phone call from the Sheriff's Office. They have made 3 arrest in Jonny's Case and are fixing to release a statement to the Media. I was informed that e-mail and phone calls have flooded their office. Thank Each and Everyone of you for that!!!!!!!!!! A 4th/ arrest could not be made cause of the kids age..............
Will keep you all Posted as this progresses futher

07-23-2010, 01:14 PM
Just Recieved a phone call from the Sheriff's Office. They have made 3 arrest in Jonny's Case and are fixing to release a statement to the Media. I was informed that e-mail and phone calls have flooded their office. Thank Each and Everyone of you for that!!!!!!!!!! A 4th/ arrest could not be made cause of the kids age..............
Will keep you all Posted as this progresses futher

That's great! MAYBE (I KNOW...I'm being way too optimistic but MAYBE...they will actually learn something and can be rehabilitated before they further harm society!)

Laura's Babies
07-23-2010, 01:18 PM
WAHOOOO! For the animals of the world who have been abused prior to this and after! Although what had been done can not be undone and Johnny will still suffer, these arrests may help stop the next kid who thinks of doing such a thing.

07-23-2010, 01:22 PM
Just Recieved a phone call from the Sheriff's Office. They have made 3 arrest in Jonny's Case and are fixing to release a statement to the Media. I was informed that e-mail and phone calls have flooded their office. Thank Each and Everyone of you for that!!!!!!!!!! A 4th/ arrest could not be made cause of the kids age..............
Will keep you all Posted as this progresses futher

They also stated that they are going to release a statement to the Press the hard working is finally working Jonny's story is out there!!!!!!!!

07-23-2010, 01:31 PM
Prayers have been answered!! Not only is Johnny on the road to recovery and eating some pureed food, the people responsible for this horror have been arrested. Could not be better news for these tear stained eyes.
Be sure to post the link to the press release for us.
Hugs all Around on a job well done.

07-23-2010, 01:38 PM
that is great news!!.. hoping this will teach a lesson... for them and others.. :)

07-23-2010, 01:40 PM

Thanks for calling me. I was in Dollar General with a 17lb bag on dog food for Lady when I answered your call. I started jumping up and down with this bag of food on my shoulder, lol. I did not care who looked at me, I just replied "good news" and continued to jump and smile and laugh saying "YES!"
Our prayers are still with Johnny and Lady says WOOF WOOF!!!!


07-23-2010, 01:51 PM
Prayers have been answered!! Not only is Johnny on the road to recovery and eating some pureed food, the people responsible for this horror have been arrested. Could not be better news for these tear stained eyes.
Be sure to post the link to the press release for us.
Hugs all Around on a job well done.

to all accounts!
details when available with permission :)

07-23-2010, 01:54 PM
Thanks so much for posting!!!

07-23-2010, 02:06 PM
Our prayers have been answered! Oh, what great news all around! Jonny came through his surgery like a trooper, he's eating, AND wagging his tail, and now this news, that the evil culprits have been arrested! Oh, what great news!:) Such cruelty cannot go unpunished!

Thanks so much Trish, for your encouraging updates; we love you, all of you there at the center, for taking such great care of Jonny, for ALL of the great work you do for so many animals in need!

Jason, Laura, (the video was heart wrenching Laura, *tears*) Kev, everyone who's helped, cared, cried, donated, posted...what a great group of people!

Keeping fingers and paws crossed for more encouraging updates!
We love you, Jonny!:love:

07-23-2010, 02:07 PM
I bet the boy that was brought back to the scene to see the damage he caused is no longer smiling.

07-23-2010, 02:22 PM
Just Recieved a phone call from the Sheriff's Office. They have made 3 arrest in Jonny's Case and are fixing to release a statement to the Media. A 4th arrest could not be made cause of the kids age.

That's great! MAYBE (I KNOW...I'm being way too optimistic but MAYBE...they will actually learn something and can be rehabilitated before they further harm society!)

That is what I was hoping, too. There's a connection between cruelty to animals and psychiatric illnesses, and there are criminals out there with mental conditions. I agree with MoonandBean's hope that these youngsters will learn something and can be rehabilitated.

Could someone please give Jonny a big, Big, BIG hug from me?!

When Jonny is ready to leave the hospital, he will go home with Jason, correct? Or if Jason is away for military training, Jonny has somewhere else to go until Jason returns?


07-23-2010, 02:26 PM
Thanks so much for posting!!!

Mel I think I owe you a very BIG Thank you for posting your first post, I was leaving that information out because I am the witness to what happened. I was informaed that e-mails and phone calls were coming into the Sheriff's Office in the matter.
Oh, Just recieved a Phone Call From Kristy Davis @ our local Channel 2 news www.wbrz.com they are on their way here so I have to get ready for their Arrival. Will Post afterwards.

07-23-2010, 02:28 PM
Deputies say youngsters beat a dog with a bat
Posted: Jul 23, 2010 1:42 PM CDT
Updated: Jul 23, 2010 1:47 PM CDT

Deputies say youngsters beat a dog with a BAT

SPRINGFIELD, LA (WAFB) - Authorities arrested three teenagers for their suspected involvement in badly beating a dog in Springfield Saturday night. They believe a 7-year-old boy was also involved, but he is too young to be charged.

According to the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office, a 15-year-old boy, 16-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl face animal cruelty charges. after an adult dog was found severely beaten and bloody on Pardue Road around 11 p.m.

Witnesses who called emergency officials identified the teens to investigators.

Deputies suspect the 15-year-old boy actually hit the dog with the bat. They said he hit the animal in the head.

The dog is recovering at a veterinary clinic and is expected to pull through.

The teen was charged with aggravated cruelty to animals and placed in the Florida Parish Detention Center.

The other teens are accused of luring the dog off the porch. They were each charged with principal to aggravated cruelty to animals. They were released to the custody of their parents pending court proceedings.

Detectives called the parents of the small boy to let them know what happened and recommended counseling for him.

By law, he could not be criminally charged.

According to the sheriff's office, a person convicted for aggravated cruelty to animals can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison and/or issued a $25,000 fine.

Copyright 2010 WAFB. All rights reserved.

07-23-2010, 02:31 PM
YOu are very WELCOME!! As a pet lover and foster and rescuer, this made me sick to my stomach. I just rescued a 5-6 week old puppy that was thrown away in the raod to be run over. Thanks goodness, I did not run over him. Midnight is now safe at my home!!

07-23-2010, 02:33 PM
thanks for posting the press release..

hope thatīll teach them.. and make them think twice about their actions.. no bad deed goes unpunished..

good job on all parts involved.. medical and law enforcement.. as well as the awesome supporters with donations and prayers..

07-23-2010, 02:40 PM
I continue praying for Johnny.

How old was this kid, does anybody know?

They were 16, 15 and 13 years old. They think the 15 years old is the one who hit poor Johnny. There was also a 7 year old involved but "it" was not arrested.

07-23-2010, 02:42 PM
Thank you so much for the follow-up! We are glad to hear justice has a chance to be done.

07-23-2010, 02:59 PM
How awesome is this!!?!??!!!!! I'm so happy that justice is occurring, not only for Johnny's sake, but for those children. I feel bad for those children to think that doing this is okay. I truly hope they get some help and learn how to handle animals correctly. The children may be upset about it, but this is what is best for them... they need to learn that we love animals, not beat them.

07-23-2010, 03:20 PM
Hey Everyone,

Kev, do tell the media that JW would always wag his tail and look up at you with his big beautiful greenish brown eyes, play with humans and all the other dogs, and would actually smile if a dog could. He would lick you just to say "Hello, I'm Johnny, how are you? I showed up here in this neighborhood a little over 2 years ago because I was not welcomed where I came from. But all of you welcomed me with open paws and I love you. You took me in when there was nowhere else to go, kept me warm inside when the freezes and snow came, fed me and gave me water, bathed me, provided cool air in the heat. Thank you from the bottom of my paws. Also, HIGH PAWS, FEATHERS, CLAWS, NOSES, MOST OF ALL EYES (eyes from us to our humans) to the WORLD'S SUPPORT that I am still alive. No animal should have to go through neither abuse nor neglect."!!!!!

07-23-2010, 03:48 PM
Hey Everyone,

Kev, do tell the media that JW would always wag his tail and look up at you with his big beautiful greenish brown eyes, play with humans and all the other dogs, and would actually smile if a dog could. He would lick you just to say "Hello, I'm Johnny, how are you? I showed up here in this neighborhood a little over 2 years ago because I was not welcomed where I came from. But all of you welcomed me with open paws and I love you. You took me in when there was nowhere else to go, kept me warm inside when the freezes and snow came, fed me and gave me water, bathed me, provided cool air in the heat. Thank you from the bottom of my paws. Also, HIGH PAWS, FEATHERS, CLAWS, NOSES, MOST OF ALL EYES (eyes from us to our humans) to the WORLD'S SUPPORT that I am still alive. No animal should have to go through neither abuse nor neglect."!!!!!

Well put!!!!!!!

07-23-2010, 04:12 PM
Just go done with WBRZ, Kristy Davis is going to air his story at 10pm. I can't began to say how many times I mentioned PetTalk and the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center and Trish. She said they were going to mention the Johnny Walker Fund. I gave them Trish's card and stated how helpful she has been taking these Donations.
Trish are you ready :D for more? They took a copy of the pics that Lauras Babies posted as well as the Video. They said they may have to edit the video if they air it. They want his breathing. Kristy said Jonny Walker's Story has to be the saddest thing she has ever heard. They didn't want the Graphic Photo because of kids watching the news.

07-23-2010, 04:41 PM
this. is. awesome! :)

07-23-2010, 05:31 PM
WOW...would that this could grow big enough to change the heart of nations!:):love::D

07-23-2010, 06:07 PM
I can only repeat thins others have said:

- that card is wonderful!
- thanks for making the trip and representing PT!
- the photos and video are great to see.
- ya done good, raising da kid, Kev! LOL

JW Humans: good on you for pursuing all avenues!

Trish and colleagues: in some ways, you may think, just doing our jobs. But when we pet owners come in with a sick or injured pet, you folks do so much to reassure US as well as care for our pets. And with JW, you have really gone the extra mile. Reassuring donors who only know JW from here on PT, from cross posts on other forums and sites. Taking donations, phone calls and emails from all over, in addition to continuing to service the folks coming in, standing at the desk. THANK YOU.

JW: WE LOVE YA, BIG FELLA! Bet that first bowl of food tasted REALLY YUMMY, even though it was pureed, lol. Eating, wagging that tail, you keep on recovery, good boy.

Continued prayers for JW and his humans.
Prayers for the children referenced in the Press Release. May they get the treatment they need.

I am proud to be a member of this great community know as Pet Talk!

07-23-2010, 06:08 PM
Just go done with WBRZ, Kristy Davis is going to air his story at 10pm. I can't began to say how many times I mentioned PetTalk and the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center and Trish. She said they were going to mention the Johnny Walker Fund. I gave them Trish's card and stated how helpful she has been taking these Donations.
Trish are you ready :D for more? They took a copy of the pics that Lauras Babies posted as well as the Video. They said they may have to edit the video if they air it. They want his breathing. Kristy said Jonny Walker's Story has to be the saddest thing she has ever heard. They didn't want the Graphic Photo because of kids watching the news.

Well done, Kev...well done!:cool:
We love you, Johnny!:love:

Pinot's Mom
07-23-2010, 06:08 PM
Wow! This is all such great news! The arrests, the news coverage, the outpouring of love for this great dog! Thank you one and all! Hugs and love all 'round!:love: Gentle kisses to JW!

07-23-2010, 06:41 PM
Hi All
im a newbie but I just wanted to tell EVERYONE just how SPECIAL YOU ARE!! YOU ROCK!!! We all came together to seek justice and help an innocent animal, one of GOD 'S creatures. There is power in numbers!! I have found thru my work reuniting lost Hurricane Katrina dogs with their owners, being a foster mom for a shelter or just rescuing an animal in need- people who love animals ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE.
I am very proud to be a part if this group.
If I can every help you in any way, plz let me know.

Mary Elizabeth Lorio
Certified EARS (Emergency Animal Services Rescue) Volunteer
Animal Lover
Foster Mom for 4 legged furbabies
PS Special Thanks to those that reported the crime!!

Daisy and Delilah
07-23-2010, 06:58 PM
I was lucky enough to get a call from Trish this evening. This awesome awesome awesome lady told me all the latest news and I am ecstatic!!!

This story is playing out exactly the way we all wanted it to. Jonny is getting better and these little pukes are under arrest. What could be better than this?

If anyone in the world needs to know there are still good people out there, they need to read this thread. I have never been so touched by anything.

Trish, you are one of the finest people I have ever met. You just do everything and act like it's normal. If the world had more selfless people like you, it would be a much better place.

Thanks a million times to everyone involved in getting this little guy the help he needs. ALL of you are doing a stellar job in putting this story out there to every place it can possibly go. Please, everyone of you, stop and give yourselves a big pat on the back for a job well done!!!!

I am jumping up and down to hear that he's eaten pureed food and justice is being served. Life is grand.


07-23-2010, 06:59 PM
I think this whole thing can be summed up in just a few little words ~~ there is power in numbers!

So many people came together to seek justice for this dear little dog, and it was such an immense success. The icing on the cake, is that an arrest has been made, and hopefully, punishment will given accordingly.

But it all comes down to just one thing - that Jonny got the treatment he needed and hopefully is on his way to a full recovery. What a lucky pup to be loved by so many. :love: Indeed - power in numbers...:)

07-23-2010, 07:10 PM
Hi All
im a newbie but I just wanted to tell EVERYONE just how SPECIAL YOU ARE!! YOU ROCK!!! We all came together to seek justice and help an innocent animal, one of GOD 'S creatures. There is power in numbers!! I have found thru my work reuniting lost Hurricane Katrina dogs with their owners, being a foster mom for a shelter or just rescuing an animal in need- people who love animals ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE.
I am very proud to be a part if this group.
If I can every help you in any way, plz let me know.

Mary Elizabeth Lorio
Certified EARS (Emergency Animal Services Rescue) Volunteer
Animal Lover
Foster Mom for 4 legged furbabies
PS Special Thanks to those that reported the crime!!

Hi Mel Welcome to PetTalk,
Your not to far away from us and I am the eyewitness that reported this crime. I see you belong here at PetTalk. Thanks you for all of your help so far. I know this is only half the battle.
They are showing clips on the the story with Pics that Laura's Babies took yesterday while we were visiting. Just remember everyone the story broke here first, and with everyone calling and e-mailing to keep Johnny in the SpotLight. I think the Sheriff's Office noticed the pressure was getting to intense and the had to get this investigation done and make the arrest. Again I want Thank Everyone for all this support and this on behalf of Jonny Walker and his Community.

Laura's Babies
07-23-2010, 07:16 PM
WOW! I am so excited!!! :eek: Was watching WBRZ 6 pm news and at the end they said "Coming up tonight at 10, a story about a dog" and they showed several of MY PICTURES!! TRISH, your picture was on the 5 PM news! Did you see it?

I was so excited I didn't hear what else they said about the story coming at 10.. I NEVER expected to see MY pictures on the NEWS!! EVER! (so.... sorry! I lost it ok?:rolleyes: :D)

Daisy and Delilah
07-23-2010, 08:36 PM
Awesome Laura!!!!!

Thanks for the news!!!

Pinot's Mom
07-23-2010, 08:53 PM
It's almost 10 - waiting for an update! :)

07-23-2010, 09:13 PM
It was also aired on the other local news station WAFB at 6pm. Here's a link. The video is over to the left hand side.


I was so glad when it came on, hopefully the kids will get the max punishment allowed.

07-23-2010, 09:14 PM
oops, it's on the right hand side not left.

07-23-2010, 09:30 PM
It was also aired on the other local news station WAFB at 6pm. Here's a link. The video is over to the left hand side.


I was so glad when it came on, hopefully the kids will get the max punishment allowed.

emma Thanks for this update. Sadly this is Channel 9 out of Baton Rouge. I email them on July 19 which was on Monday about they story and have never heard from them. They would have had the exclusive with photos and the video.

07-23-2010, 09:33 PM
Thanks for posting the link...I wish the news would have shown Jonny. I hope these children are punished.

07-23-2010, 09:38 PM
How cool is it that your pictures are on the news!?!?! This is so good for Johnny, I'm sure love for him will be pouring out now!!! I hope the friend's of those children are embarrassed to call them friends. I would be.

07-23-2010, 09:45 PM
Thanks for posting the link...I wish the news would have shown Jonny. I hope these children are punished.

They will be on wbrz

Laura's Babies
07-23-2010, 09:59 PM
You know Kevlin, I bet nobody was planning to cover it until the kids were arrested, only THEN does it become news worthy. Before it was only someone making some unconfirmed accusations towards some kids. Sure, the dog was injured but he could have been hit by a car. There was enough evidence to charge them, THAT is why it made the news.... So WHO contacted channel 2 news? (That is what I want to know!)

At this time I want to publicly thank KAREN & PAUL for this wonderful web sight that I have seen so many miracles happen on in the years I have been here. The story was born in a small southern town but this was the vessel that allowed Johnny Walkers voice to be heard and his story told.. Once here, it spread around the world like a virus.. only faster than any virus I ever heard of. THANK YOU KAREN & PAUL for all the work you have to do to keep this place going! :love:

The news is about to come on...I saw KEVLIN on the short clip they just showed of what is on the news tonight..!!!!!

07-23-2010, 10:02 PM
Will there be a raffle with the perpetrators being the prize?

As piņatas?

Daisy and Delilah
07-23-2010, 10:08 PM
blue, I love that idea. Let those kids feel the pain poor Jonny felt.:(

07-23-2010, 10:16 PM
blue, I love that idea. Let those kids feel the pain poor Jonny felt.:(

That was my first "Family Friendly" thought for this thread.

07-23-2010, 10:17 PM
Just saw the story on WBRZ CHANNEL 2. JW IS SO cute!!!

Laura's Babies
07-23-2010, 10:24 PM
OMG Pet Talk was ON TV.. it was talked about AND showed some of the post as they scrolled down the page!!

I think they did a wonderful job telling Johnny's story and they are putting a link for donations on their web sight too! Gosh, I hope they put that video on their sight so all of you can see it!!! It was presented so wonderfully!

So Pet Talkers, you made the news, Karen, your web sight was really shown and in a wonderful light!!

I had to laugh tho... I told Kevlin he looked fat on my TV.. :rolleyes:

07-23-2010, 10:28 PM
The Story aired wasn't expecting to put Pet of The Day to be on their. But everyone local knows about it now. I think Kristy Davis (which was the lady with channel 2) did such a good job on his Story she actually used some Photo's off of PetTalk. I Just cant believe it WOW!!!!! Mom did you see they used the video of him that you took? Showed him actually wagging his tail for the first time since all this happened. And remember PTer's the story broke because of everyone's presistance in this.

Daisy and Delilah
07-23-2010, 10:38 PM
This is so cool. We are so lucky to see this all come to this point. Thanks again to everybody!!!

blue, I know it isn't easy coming up with anything family friendly for this thread. This can bring out the worst in anyone. Good job coming up with that great pinata party idea. I'll make the cupcakes for the party.

07-23-2010, 10:45 PM
This is the News video that was played on channel 2 news http://www.wbrz.com/player/?video_id=3298

07-23-2010, 10:54 PM
This can bring out the worst in anyone.

If it comes to it, if justice isnt served, I will risk the wrath of the Pirates of the Rubicon (the PBB) and enlist their help. I do not offer this lightly, google "charlie wenzel pirate". The PBB is full of dog lovers.

07-23-2010, 11:29 PM
This is the News video that was played on channel 2 news http://www.wbrz.com/player/?video_id=3298

Thanks for posting this link.:) I just watched it and it was very well done but brought major LES. I'm so glad that the kids involved have been arrested and I hope that they'll be charged with the maximum sentence that is allowed. I also hope that the 7 year old will get the help that he needs now so that this abusive treatment towards animals or others will stop.

Prayers and postive thoughts continue for JW and I'd like to thank everyone who's been involved with helping this poor dog. I'm so proud to be a Pet Talker. The people here never cease to amaze me.:)

07-24-2010, 12:49 AM
I think it was amazing!!!! Brought tears again... the amount of media that jumped on board amazes me. I am so glad people care...

Scooter's Mom
07-24-2010, 01:18 AM
Simply wonderful news story for such a sad situation.
Get Well soon, Johnny Walker!

Pinot's Mom
07-24-2010, 06:24 AM
Thank you for posting the news link! I'm so glad the community is so involved - it can only mean good things for Johnny. Get well soon sweetie!:love:

07-24-2010, 07:08 AM
Thanks for the link, Kev. Our thoughts and prayers continue for JW. I spoke to a couple of friends yesterday, they are sending in donations today for Johnny and also the Johnny Walker Fund. PT'ers are nothing but absolutely amazing and loving people and pets. I love you all.


07-24-2010, 08:21 AM
Some of you may have recieved an up date from Trish but I am going to post what she sent out incase some PTer's did not give their email addy so here's an update as of about midnight last night.

"Hello to all,

I wanted to provide everyone with the daily update on Johnny Walker.

I saw him before I left work around 7:45 pm.

He had just come in from taking a walk outside. His vital signs are stable. He is no longer on any IV fluids. He is on oral antibiotics. He is taking oral pain medication. He has been able to eat his pureed food today. He has a large bowl of water in his cage. He appeared alert and oriented. He looked like he was smiling. His tail wagged as I talked to him through the cage. His get well card is still on his cage. He wagged his tail so hard, it went into the water bowl!!!
It is amazing how trusting he is after what has happened to him. He was lying upright in his cage and seemed unaffected by any other sounds in the room (barking of other patients). He looks happier.

I will get an update on Saturday on him and again on Sunday and will notify everyone throughout the weekend. For now, things look good.

I did speak with Dr. Kergosien this am about him. He stated that he may need to pull two small teeth for him if his mouth does not align properly but not too bad for all that has happened. He will most likely be on soft food for quite some time per the doctor.

The clinic is able to get in touch with me after hours and all weekend if needed. All calls for donations over the weekend will result in the receptionist taking a message for me to return calls on Monday. He will be seen by one of our surgery doctors all weekend.

Will keep in touch!


Poor Trish has been going around nonstop takeing Donations, chacking with the Dr, and giving updates to anyone calling for and update on Johnny Walker. Trish thank you so much for everything you have and will continue to do for Johnny.