View Full Version : Our Awesome Angel's Army are going to Bobcaygeon this weekend!!

07-16-2010, 04:32 PM

At least those who are not in Scotland!
I met a nice Lady who needed a bag so she could throw away Williams , shall we say end product. We got to talking and she mentioned that her Husband and Family were going to a Big Reunion in Bobcaygeon in South Eastern Ontario!!
When I asked if she would invite Our Awesome Angels Army she showed me a photo of Big Boy, her Golden Lab Angel and said it would be a pleasure for Big Boy to greet all the Angels and show them where to play , rest and of course eat.
This looks like so much FUN!!

07-16-2010, 04:54 PM
:love: Hey we be packing & be right there.. Yes looks to be so much funn..

07-16-2010, 05:57 PM
Mew! Mew! Going, did someone say going? Pinot and Groucho, can we get a last-minute Catmobile? Cassie is more than ready to spend the weekend with Michael and all the other kitties! Mew! :love:

07-17-2010, 09:14 AM
I bet everyone goes to the its Halibut to Me a Great Fish and Chips place and The Lakeside Restaurant for formal dining including great steak.:cool:
And El Toro for Tex Mex and a trip to the Grocery and Pet Food Stores to stock up!!!
:love::love::love:Our Awesome Angels bet that we meet the Catmobile:):):) en route and everyone can go swimming and barbcuing in a true Catadian Wonderland:cool::cool::cool:

07-17-2010, 10:52 AM
We'll be there!

If the Catmobile doesn't pick us up soon, we'll borrow Meowmie's car and her "enhanced" driver's license (won't she be surprised when she can't find them?!) and be on our way!

07-17-2010, 01:02 PM
Well, the boys begged me and I told them to go! They love going ANYWHERE with the Found Cats. Mac loves hanging with his fellow orangies, Michael and Miquelito and doing "guy things", whatever that means. Ming loves everyone, that's just how he is. They are catching a flight out as we speak and should be there this afternoon. I gave Ming some "walking around money" as it was his birthday this week! Remind them to give me a call when they get there. Sometimes they forget.:rolleyes:

07-17-2010, 02:23 PM
:cool:We definyley will make sure that there is a cell phone there for Ming to call you and let you know that Mac and Ming have arrived all right!!!
There's going to be Our Awesome Angels Fly In Movie Night in Bobcaygeon, and lots of sailing and swimming and fishing on the Great Lakes!!:cool::cool:
The Nice Lady assured me taht her Beloved Big Boy :love: loved All Other Animals and will be there to greet all his guests with a Big Woof , and a Warm Lick:love::love:
I wish I had a Photo of Big Boy , he's a WonderDog!!!:love::love::love:

07-19-2010, 09:43 AM
I heard a voice of Returning Found Cats last night and there was a smell of Halibut with Spare Ribs and Potatoes so I had a nice Bobcaygeon Meal too.
I know that both the Porch Cats Food Dishes were full, so everyone ate last night.:cool::cool:
Thank You So Much Big Boy for the invitation:love::love::love:

07-19-2010, 05:01 PM
And Tomorrow Our Awesome Angels Army is inviting Big Boy:):) Angel :cool::cool: to Our Tuesday Buffet at Our King's Buffet and then Friday to Tony Romas for an Early Cat Dad Purrtyhday Basheroooooooo!!:love::love:
Of course all are welcome to come along and eat to thier hearts content. Everyone is as welcome as the flowers on Blue Berry Hill.:love::love::love::love:

07-19-2010, 09:40 PM
Friday to Tony Romas for an Early Cat Dad Purrthday Basheroooooooo!!:love::love:
Of course all are welcome to come along and eat to thier hearts content. Everyone is as welcome as the flowers on Blue Berry Hill.:love::love::love::love:

Yay, yay! Cassie loves Catada and she loves to go places with her kitty friends! Pinot and Groucho, is it too late to secure the Catmobile? Kitties, who else is in?

07-20-2010, 09:47 AM
We will be there when Tony Romas opens and may have the Ecellent Kicking Shrimp and the Portobello Steak and Mushroom Salad!!
With some ice cream and cheesecake!!!:):)All Of course are welcome on Cat Dad Early Purrthday , My Real Purrthday August 3rd will be celebrated at The King's Buffet and of Course All are welcome there too!!!
Catmobiles are especially WELCOME!!:love::love::love::love::love: