View Full Version : Orion-big time adventure-happy ending

07-15-2010, 03:06 PM
So we have a balcony and between our house and the next is the garage building which has a nice pointed roof with red tiles. One slope of the roof goes down right besides our balcony which is cat proof with a netting- or so we thought.
Turns out that there is a small hole in the netting which lived well over Tigris' and Filou's whole lifetime. We were outside having drinks and talking and Orion paraded on the balcony railing catching insects while it was getting dark. And then I notice he is going through and I jump and get his tail but to no avail. Gone is the boy and sits on the roof.
I shout at Siegmar to bring treats and he brings and I offer and Orion comes back and eats a treat but all very fast and I can't catch him as the hole is too small. And then he starts quietly and explores the slope. Not so bad if he jumps down in the garden downstairs as it is catproof as well, the lady downstairs has 3 cats and a very high fence. But he perambulates to the next building and there are some big trees so he could go in that garden and from there- who knows.
And then he walks up the slope and crosses it to the street side!!!!
I send Siegmar down outside so he can see him whether he tries to come down there, it is about 9 feet and if he decided to jump he certainly can do it.
I get one of his wands but he thinks the roof is much more interesting and goes up to the top and tries to catch more insects while I am cooing and meeowing.
He came close several times but not so close I could catch him and he seems to be scared to go back the little distance (half a foot) between the balcony and the roof. So I think I must work strategically. First I got some scissors and opened the hole a little bigger. And then I got the laser mouse. I hardly can see him now as it is getting dark. And he is on the other side of the roof, about 20 ft away. But the laser mouse does the trick. I can get the red dot right in front of these nawtee pawsies.
In the mean time Siegmar is back - he thinks he won't jump on the street side. And so he stands at hole, I play the laser mouse and there is little Orion trying to catch the mouse and coming really close- where his daddy catches him by the neck and pulls him in. Big *phew*
Little boy meowed and scratched but he is safe and sound and wants to play!

Next week we get some work done at the balcony to make it bigger and then we need a new netting anyway. But no time alone outside until then, nawtee boy!!!!!

I will immediately stop worrying about Orion being too well behaved. He's an Aby after all.

07-15-2010, 03:30 PM
Oh Barbara, how scary!! I would have freaked out for sure! So glad that he made it back home safe, and that the trick with the laser pointer worked.

07-15-2010, 03:52 PM
the old saying that Curiousity killed the Cat is so very true Barbara.
I remember when I lived in an apartment before the Found Cat Hotel when Pouncer and Scrappy would go out on the balcony and walk along the railing:eek::eek::eek:
And when I moved into the Found Cat Hotel , I let them into the back yard and Bobo was having dinner with four German Shephards three doors up on the other side of the street.:eek::eek::eek:
We are so glad that Orion is back, we bet Filou:love: and Tigris:love: gave him a lecture afterwards on scaring you like that.:love::love:

07-15-2010, 05:02 PM
Oh, Orion! I am so relieved your adventure had a happy ending! Please have mom and dad give you a ton of hugs, kisses and snuggles for me. Filou and Tigris were definitely watching out for you, sweet boy.

07-15-2010, 05:24 PM
Barbara, I am not surprised either. You know how independent they can be... and filled with adventure! Juni escaped yesterday, but came back after only about 1/2 an hour, the shortest amount of time EVER.

If he escaped once, well, he will keep trying. It is in their blood.

I am so happy you tricked him into returning. By the neck, eh? I know that you have to grab what you can, with these skinny cats. And scratching....well, that goes with the territory too!

Be a good boy Orion! Your mom and pop don't need heart problems right now.


07-15-2010, 05:47 PM
Oh Wow, Barbara, an adventure indeed.:eek: I'm so glad you both stayed
as calm as you did & worked to well together to lure Orion back inside.:D

Thank heavens for the laser pointer.:)

07-15-2010, 06:16 PM
I get one of his wands but he thinks the roof is much more interesting and goes up to the top and tries to catch more insects while I am cooing and meeowing.

"Quick.....Hurry......Look! That lady that lives across the way is acting strange. She's walking around while holding wand, looking up in the air and and making cat and dove noises.......";)

07-15-2010, 06:22 PM
"quick.....hurry......look! That lady that lives across the way is acting strange. She's walking around while holding wand, looking up in the air and and making cat and dove noises.......";)

Hee Hee :D Whatever it takes.:)

07-15-2010, 06:27 PM
Goodness! How did you stay so calm? I would have been trying to go out the netting after him!!! So glad you got the little rascal back inside safely!!! :love:

07-15-2010, 09:24 PM
Oh Orion! You little abys are monkeys! Nawtee boy! You stay in your home young man! Good thinking meowmie and pawpee! You got yourself a lively young one there!

07-15-2010, 09:58 PM
Orion is young and testing the limits of his domain. Abys act like children...

07-16-2010, 12:53 AM
Wow!:eek: I'm so glad that you were able to get him back to your balcony and then back inside. Hopefully he'll never try this again. I think you need monkey proof netting on your balcony.:)

07-16-2010, 04:50 AM
So scary! I am glad all is ending well! Phewwww, kitties :rolleyes:

07-17-2010, 07:04 PM
Orion - you are a little monkey cat (like sumbuddy else I know and love:rolleyes:). Don't be giving your mommy and poppy such heart failure baby - there's lots of time for that!!

Good thing you and Seigmar understand the abbycat need for adventure and also how to entice the little munchkin to come back home;) Good luck with the netting and keeping the little prince entertained:D:love:

Hugs to all for a job well done!

07-17-2010, 07:10 PM
OhmyGod, Orion.. So glad you are safe at home!

A few pitterpatters of many hearts here...