View Full Version : Tigger a year since he passed away

07-12-2010, 04:48 PM
In loving memory of Tigger Nov. 9, 2003-July 12,2009. I can't believe that its been a year since I lost you.

Some days are harder then others. Today I have been thinking of Tigger a lot and its so hard to believe that a year ago today I lost him to liver failure due to kidney failure that came from diabetes. I still miss and love you. Here is a letter I wrote to Tigger a year ago when he first passed away. I wrote a little at the 1 month anniversary and made some changes. But here is his letter.

Dear Tigger,
I want to thank you for being the best if not one of the best cats that I have ever had. The memories that you brought me will last a lifetime and I will never forget you. I love you very much and as much as it hurts now that you’re gone, at least now you are no longer suffering. I want to say a big thank you for fighting as long as you did. You could have easily died last year with your heart condition, but you chose to fight. You could have died with the diabetes sooner then you did but you fought. And you fought hard to make it as far as you did and that what I will probably miss the most (that and the loud purrs). You fought to live longer than I expected. And thanks for trying your best. You’re now with God and all of my other pets that passed. You may even remember some of them. Could you please tell them hi for me? I want to thank you Tigger for doing that for me. I want to thank you for being a part of my life. I love you and I will never forget you.
I remember when we first got you. At first we weren’t going to keep you. But you being you had us fall in love with you and decide to keep you (luckily for you, we couldn’t find you a home). I remember when mom told us that if the lady from her work said no, that we could keep you. I half way wanted her to say no. And when she did say no, I knew we were keeping you. When you got sick, we made the decision to help you fight as long as you wanted. And you fought long and hard. And on your final full day of life you even tried to get out the incubator through the hole two times. I felt so bad leaving you there when you wanted to go home. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we brought you home to die. But I know that I can never find out until we see each again. We blew up one of your pictures and will frame it, and then we got some wood sign to engrave with your name and the year of your birth and death. I will also buy a new collar and tag for you. I wish you could see the final project. It is going to be so beautiful. I am sure that you’re going to see it from up where you are. Hopefully you’re playing around with other cats and getting along with everyone.
The other pets loved you to. Even Peaches loved you (although she doesn’t want to admit it). They miss you terribly. Ashes the cat is now the only male pet that we have left. I remember when you were well, you went and was picking fights with Ashes. Alison would run down and stop the fight and then smack the heck out of Ashes. I wondered what you thought of it after all it was mostly you who started it. I also remember a time when it was storming so bad, that we had to go to the basement for a little while. Little did my brother realize that he put you right next to Peaches. You both had a hissing fit. Personally I think that you beat her.
You were one spoiled cat. I remember when you wanted attention. No matter what we were doing, you jumped onto our laps, computers, laptop just to get petted. Now Peaches has taken over that role. I remember once when you caught a baby bird. You were so proud of yourself and were disappointed when mom wouldn’t let you keep it. You gave her such a disappointed look. I knew you were just giving us a present. But you forgave us and loved us still. I remember when you once had a hanger on you. I wish I would have seen you do it. It looked so funny on you. I remember you finding the weirdest places to take a nap or lay down. I remember when we got shocked when you went downstairs and hanged out with one of our Aunt’s daughter. You hated strangers. But she was an exemption I suppose. You protected us. I want to thank you for protecting us. Although sometimes it was only Alison or Ashes and you didn’t need to do it. But you felt that you had to do what you had to do. I understand that.
I remember calling you Snoopy instead of Tigger sometimes because you were so snoopy. I remember one time you got too snoopy and ate some yarn. I remember like it was yesterday. You went into the living room with some poop still hanging from your butt. I called mom over to see why and when she pulled the poop out, here comes a decent length of your mom’s yarn proceeded to come out of your butt. I bet you learned your lesson on why cats don’t eat yarn. I wish I had a working camera back then that would have made a good AFV movie. Another time you got your foot stuck in a mouse trap. Mom had fun trying to unstick your foot from the mess. There were dead bugs and a dead mouse. How you managed to get into the mess I may never know.
I do not know what I would of done if you died last year. It is hard enough now loosing you, but to lose you so soon after I lost both Flower and Mary would have been worse. I praise the lord that you fought and hanged on. You had a good life. You may not have realized until you got to kitty heaven on how lucky you are. Some cats never get to go to the vet when they need to. Some even have to live outdoors. You got to be indoors most of the time and spoiled. Peaches knows all about the tough life. Even though you two rarely got along, I knew deep down that she cared for you.
I remember when I opened up the bathroom door one day and I spotted both you and Peaches. Peaches is such a sweet heart. I know you didn’t think so. But you didn’t know of her past. She had to fight other cats to survive and breed. But I knew that you were real sick when you let her roam without even a hiss. To her you were a threat. I wish that I could have helped you two to get along better. But with your heart, we didn’t want to stress you out too much.
I can’t believe it’s been nearly a month now that we lost you. I miss you so much but I know that you are in a better place. Peaches loves her new place in the house, although I would rather have you here with us. But I know that you had to leave us because you were just suffering and needed to go.
Tomorrow marks a month since we lost you. I guarantee you that we will always love and miss you. I even wrote your story in a message board, and “You Report” on KCRG. Peaches and the other pets sends there kisses and purrs and they also continue to miss you and won’t forget you.
Who will always love and remember you.

07-12-2010, 05:59 PM
That's a great letter. And a wonderful idea. I know exactly what you are going through. I lost my guy on July 2nd, 2009.

Take care.

07-13-2010, 09:48 AM
Tigger:love::love::love: is showing your Letter of Love to his Awesome Angels Angel Companions , he is so proud that his Meeeowmie still thinks of him , and that he could inspire such a touching letter!!!:love::love::love:
On his First Anniversary of being an Angel we are going to the King's Buffet where Tigger will recieve the first trip around the food bins.
When I pray for My Angels I will add one for Tigger , who is sucha Great Cat Angel.
Tigger has found a Purrfect Place for you all to be reunited:):)
and you will be together again.
One Fine Day:love::love:

07-13-2010, 05:49 PM
My deepest sympathy to you on the occasion of this sad anniversary.

Rest in peace, dearest beloved Tigger. Your family misses you very much.