View Full Version : Anyone use Castor & Pollux Ultramix Food?

07-12-2010, 02:34 PM
They have it on amazon.com with a subscription for about the same price as the cat food they eat currently (about $30 for a 15 lb bag). I can't remember the name of the food they are eating now since they haven't been on it long (all I remember is there is a mountain lion on the bag- I think it may be a local food). I started them on the food they are eating now because our local store stopped stocking the large bags of Felidae.

I read some reviews on Castor & Pollux that seemed positive, and the ingredient list looks pretty good. It would be much more convenient to have cat food delivered to the door, but I wanted to get some opinions first.

Has anyone's cat tried this food? Or, if you know of a good food can be delivered to your door with little or no shipping, I'd be interested, too.

07-12-2010, 04:18 PM
That name is not familair to me at all , but then again in Catada there are so many brands of Cat Food that do not make it here, and so many varities of established brands taht never come here at all.
Now many Cat Lovers order their food on the net, and who is reliable and sell at a fair price??

07-12-2010, 04:34 PM
I've never heard of this food but the other one that you're describing sounds like "Taste Of The Wild" which I tried before. My cats loved it but it didn't love them. Several had bad diarrhea and Pearl broke out on her lips and chin area. I've also heard that the fish meal that it's in it contains ethoxyquin which is a preservative used in many fish meals. I guess the company is trying to use another healthier preservative in the future.

I've been feeding all of my cats Innova Evo which is a grain free food for several years now. Since Proctor and Gamble have now bought out all Natura Pet products which include Innova, Innova Evo, California Natural and a few others, I've decided to switch over to Nature's Variety Instinct which is also a grain free food. So far my cats love it and are doing well on it. The dry now comes in 3 different formulas: Chicken, Rabbit, and Duck. They also have many varieties of canned food which are: Chicken, Beef, Lamb, Venison, Duck, and Rabbit. I think that's it. I feed my cats the Rabbit and Duck dry and the Rabbit,Duck,Lamb, and Venison canned food.

I don't know about ordering this online or how much it would cost. I just buy it at a pet store called Pet Food Express. If you have some independent pet stores around they may carry it or if they don't they may be able to order it for you. Good luck.:)

Here's their website:http://www.castorpolluxpet.com/.

07-12-2010, 07:00 PM
Had not heard of that one, so I went to look on the web site.

Both the dog and the cat foods look good. None of the things to avoid appear anywhere in the ingredients lists.

Let us know what your cats think!

07-12-2010, 07:19 PM
The only way I know their name is that they are the donating food supplier for FREEKIBBLE.COM

I've looked at their food before and did consider it, but right now their
prices are just beyond what I can afford.

Let us know what you think if you start your cats on it.

07-18-2010, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the input! Yes, the food is Taste of the Wild. I'm not thrilled with it and don't think I'll be buying it anymore if it contains ethoxyquin. I'm still not sure if I want to order Castor & Pollux or just go with Felidae again and order online. I'll let you know if we end up trying the new food!