View Full Version : NawteeDawg

10-22-2002, 06:10 PM
I went on some errands this afternoon, and took Malone with me (of course). I made a stop or two, and then went into the grocery store. I only had a few things to get and was gone maybe 15 minutes. I was SO mad when I came out. Malone had chewed my steering wheel down to the metal, and also the emergency brake!! Grrrrr! He is usually fine in there (chewed a little bit once before) so I don't get it. But I guess he was just reiterating to me that "What's his is his, and what's mine is his" 'cause when you get a puppy nothing belongs to you anymore. ;)

10-22-2002, 06:58 PM
Oh my! :eek: I am afraid this makes some of Bella's nawtee dog deeds look mild.

Cinder & Smoke
10-22-2002, 07:20 PM
:rolleyes: Hey Malone ~

Take it frum wun who knowez - DON't *chonk* onna trakter kar partz!

Back when I wuz a lil shavur- 8-9 munthz or so...
We wuz headin back to da Ranch an Dad stopped ta help the neighbor Fiur Guyz atta gasoline leak. I gotz all cited and jumpin round inna kar while Dad wuz puttin on hiz fiur suit - could see allua flashin litez an knew summa the guyz - thunk *I* wuz gonna get ta go, too. NOPE! No "turnout gear" fur me so I hadda *Wait* inna kar...

NUTZ! Whudda my gonna DO!?
Sat in Dad's seet an plopped my hedbone ober the seat to *watch*...
Hmmmm - what'z this!? Dat strap Dad ties ober hiz lappy so he don't fall outta da kar... Make a gud chew toy...

Wuz bout 1/3 a da way threw it when Dad snuck'd up on me :eek:!
"WHADD'r You DOIN??!!" :mad:

Uhhhh, wood ya beliebe *Nuffin*?? :rolleyes:
NOPE! Dint beliebe dat fur a sekund!

Got a *butt*smack* anna 'silent treetment' allua way home!
Sheeeze; whudda *Growch*! :p

10-22-2002, 08:25 PM
OOH, that must be very annoying! Good thing wherever we bring Lady she never stays in the car!

10-22-2002, 08:33 PM
don't feel bad Malone...if your mommy watches animal planet there is the program "Breed all about it"...when they showed the Irish Wolfhound episode.....they showed one who was left in car, while their mommy went in grocery store......
Nothing left of inside of Car!!!!!!!!!! nothing.......even ate the roof!!!all the seats...steering wheel...DASHBOARD!!!! everything....I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that insurance claim....It would make a good Geico commercial!!!!i'm really sorry sir, but my dog ate my car!!!!!
the funny part was..... the woman who owned the dog did NOT own the car!!!!!!she borrowed it from her neighbor to go grocery shopping as hers' was in the shop!!!!!

the dog got some sort of award in Ireland....like guinness book of records...biggest item ever chewed by a dog!!!


Aspen and Misty
10-22-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
"What's his is his, and what's mine is his" 'cause when you get a puppy nothing belongs to you anymore. ;)
