View Full Version : Anyone ever get bit by a turtle???

07-08-2010, 06:41 PM
As some of you know, I have a pet sitting business. One of my best customers has 4 dogs and a turtle named Mildred. Whenever we go out to the pool, Mildred hangs out in the pool.

Well, I was bringing her out to the pool and had her in one hand, trying to unlock the gate with the other. Wasn't paying attention. CHOMP!!!!

Thank God turtles don't have teeth. But they can crack a nut open in one try. I looks like a half dollar size hickey on my wrist. It doesn't bother me at all. Just taught me to pay more attention and keep all appendages away from this girl's jaws.

07-08-2010, 08:08 PM
Turtle soup. LOL Just kidding, glad you are ok.:D

07-08-2010, 09:12 PM
Oh, yes - she sure made her opinion known, didn't she? ;) We once had a baby snapping turtle that we rescued - he was heading the completely wrong direction, away from the river. His head was tiny, as was he, but he tried to bite me every chance he got. As he was so small, it didn't work, but he'd keep trying!

Cats can meow, and scratch, and hiss - turtles have a much smaller arsenal, but ayup - they can deliver a powerful chomp!

07-13-2010, 04:54 PM
Not so far

i had to giggle when i read your post though. :D
glad you an Ms.Snippy is okay LOL

07-13-2010, 05:05 PM
call me weird.. but I´m more afraid of a turtle bite than a dog/cat one.. lol.. they do seem to have powerful jaws despite the no teeth..

glad you´re ok...

07-13-2010, 05:31 PM
It's just a circle in the shape of a jaw and it's bruised. No blood was drawn.

07-14-2010, 07:47 AM
I am waiting for a SKUNK story!!!!:eek::rolleyes:;)

07-14-2010, 08:30 AM
You asked for it Richard,

Once upon a time our dogs got a skunk cornered in our garage. Mind you it was late fall & getting chilly outdoors. The skunk sparyed all 3 dogs up really good.:eek: It must of had a bad aim & also took care of our car too. The dogs had to stay outdoors the next couple of nights & survived. The skunk escaped.

The garage was attached to our house & the oils & smell drifted into our house from the garage. We had to open up windows to breath & air the place out. We wore our winter jackets to keep warm. It was so bad that it burned our eyes for a good day. It just seemed to drift around in the house even with the windows open. We were literally SKUNKED!

07-14-2010, 01:51 PM
Oh my gosh :eek: how long did it take before the smell finally vanished completely?

07-14-2010, 02:58 PM
:p Well like Bonny said here is you a Skunk story for sure.. Now I am at work Laughing my Butt off thanks to the two of you.. :D
You asked for it Richard,

Once upon a time our dogs got a skunk cornered in our garage. Mind you it was late fall & getting chilly outdoors. The skunk sparyed all 3 dogs up really good.:eek: It must of had a bad aim & also took care of our car too. The dogs had to stay outdoors the next couple of nights & survived. The skunk escaped.

The garage was attached to our house & the oils & smell drifted into our house from the garage. We had to open up windows to breath & air the place out. We wore our winter jackets to keep warm. It was so bad that it burned our eyes for a good day. It just seemed to drift around in the house even with the windows open. We were literally SKUNKED!

07-14-2010, 03:50 PM
Vette, It took the smell a good two days to leave. Glad you think it is funny Ivpets but at the time it wasn't, burning eyes & skunk perfume you can have it. :eek: Well, maybe a little funny. ;) I know a good raccoon story too. :D

07-14-2010, 04:03 PM
:D Ok lets hear the raccoon story too.. I will be waiting..
Vette, It took the smell a good two days to leave. Glad you think it is funny Ivpets but at the time it wasn't, burning eyes & skunk perfume you can have it. :eek: Well, maybe a little funny. ;) I know a good raccoon story too. :D

07-14-2010, 06:03 PM
Believe it or not, my best friend LOVES the musk smell of a skunk. Everytime she sees a dead skunk in the road, she winds her window down and sticks her head out the window inhaling deeply. She wishes someone would come up with a skunk perfume. But I told her, if she wears it, I highly doubt anyone would to smell her.

07-14-2010, 10:53 PM
Oncc upon a time the small garage door had been left open so the dogs could go in & out & sleep in their dog houses. The dogs had spent the evening indoors & at 10:00 they would be put into the garage for the night. If left out they would keep the whole neighborhood up chasing deer & barking a good part of the night chasing imaginary shadows across the yard.

There was a ladder leaned up to the overhead attic in the garage where we stored our stuff. About 2:00 in the morning when we were all deep in slumber a ruckess broke out in the garage. There was barking & snarling like you would not believe. It woke me & our sons up. Were going like what the heck is going on. Our older son grabbed the shot gun. We got our shoes on & headed out to the garage & opened the small door. On top of the car was this huge masked bandit a raccoon. Our son wanted to shot it but that would mean a big hole in the raccoon plus our bedroom wall. I said no don't shot. There has to be a better way. We got treats for the dogs & called them into the house where they spent the rest of the night. We opened up the garage doors so the raccoon could leave on its' own.

The raccoon left a mess up in the attic of course. After that the ladder was leaned up against the opposite wall & we kept the garage door closed so no more critters would move in on us & wake us up in the middle of the night.

Except the coyote that would come when it was dark & eat out of the dog dish on the porch. :eek:

07-15-2010, 09:00 AM
:eek: WoW good Raccoon story.. Yup them Raccoons can climb ladders for sure.. We learn by experiences right..:D