View Full Version : Help! Fleas!!!!

07-08-2010, 07:30 AM
Greetings all! We have a flea issue with our herd and are looking into getting Frontline for them. Below is something my husband found and he wanted me to check with y'all and see if this is something we need to be concerned with. I would assume that if the packaging is labled for cats, then it is good for cats...or is that too simple?

Frontline Plus for dogs contains exactly the same amount of Fipronil (the ingredient which kills fleas, ticks, and chewing lice) as Frontline Plus for cats. Frontline Plus for dogs contains 3%less of the ingredient S-methoprene then the cat formula. This 3% makes no difference: in other words, dog Frontline Plus kills fleas and ticks just as well on cats. Plus, since there is 3% LESS of one ingredient, you don’t need to worry that you might be overdosing or harming your cat in any way.


07-08-2010, 07:46 AM
No. you should NEVER use a "dog only" product on a cat. The cat will have a toxic reaction. It isn't "just" the active ingredients; the inactive ingredients may also be toxic to cats.
Please do not even consider doing this!

My vet suggests Revolution for my cats, been using that for over 10 years with no problems.

Laura's Babies
07-08-2010, 08:11 AM
I would ask my vet, maybe several vets before I did that. I have use the doggie Advantage on my cats for YEARS and so have a lot of other PT'ers. My vet knows I do it, even supplies the syringe for me to use. I have always heard the Advantage is the ONLY one you can do this with. We have used it on ferals and strays and on our own with no consequences... It is a matter of using the correct dose.

Check with your vet as I said. Don't try it until you know for sure, have researched it fully, maybe even call the company that makes it and ask them about the formular for the doggie verses the cats..

07-08-2010, 09:37 AM
Fleas can be such a pest and they are very cunning and can be tough to kill.
We are praying that you are successful in protecting your Cats :cool::cool:
and kidding rid of these parasites:D:D

07-08-2010, 09:38 AM
I buy the large dog Revolution and my vet gave me the right amount to dose my cats with. I like Revolution because it works for ear mites & internal parasites as well as the fleas and heartworm prevention. I have a huge crew and this saves me a ton of $$ and is safe for the cats.


07-08-2010, 10:29 AM
I buy the large dog Revolution and my vet gave me the right amount to dose my cats with. I like Revolution because it works for ear mites & internal parasites as well as the fleas and heartworm prevention. I have a huge crew and this saves me a ton of $$ and is safe for the cats.


Is that dosage based on weights? Our herd goes from about 5 pounds up to over 20....

07-08-2010, 10:57 AM
Just talked to the vet's office. They are going to give me the Frontline Plus for large dogs and told me what dosage to use for the cats. Doing it that way is much more economical. For the cat version for 8 cats it would be $135 but doing it this way is just over $20...so that makes me happy. I feel so bad for the herd. Not only are they hot and miserable (it has been 90+ degrees this week in Pittsburgh) but they are itchy too...got a flea comb and have been using that on them, running the vacuum quite often (mostly hard wood floors, thank goodness!) and doing laundry quite often....

Wish us luck!

07-08-2010, 11:09 AM
I have used D-earth in the past.


Works well and is non toxic..

07-08-2010, 11:28 AM
I'm one of the ones that have been buying the largest dog advantage and then measuring it according to weight for my cats. I do this year round because CA has a mild climate. Ever since I've been doing this, I've never had a flea problem.:)

I'm glad that you called your vets before you used anything and I hope that it will kill the fleas quickly. I don't know where you live but you may find that using this for at least most of the year will be better than just using it during the hotter months. Good luck.:)

07-08-2010, 12:34 PM
"I don't know where you live but "

About an hour south of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania....we think it started when we brought our last "stray" in about a month ago. They didn't say anything when she was spayed about her having fleas but...plus the fact that my husband and I are Civil War Re-enactors and are quite often tromping thru woods/weeds etc...so the little buggers may have come in with us....who knows! Thank you for the advice, for $20 a month I think treating them most of the year is not a bad thought just to avoid it in the future.

07-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Glad you phoned the vet!

Good luck getting rid of them, I know from experience they can be tough. Hardwoods here as well; and only valances, no curtains due to the cats. Still, one time I had a real struggle getting them GONE. Grrrr

07-08-2010, 01:07 PM
I feel your pain. We have 2 indoor only cats, but we live in Florida and in an ongoing battle with fleas. So frustrating...

07-13-2010, 11:32 AM
I buy the large dog Revolution and my vet gave me the right amount to dose my cats with. I like Revolution because it works for ear mites & internal parasites as well as the fleas and heartworm prevention. I have a huge crew and this saves me a ton of $$ and is safe for the cats.


The dog version doesn't treat Roundworms and Hookworms. If you were using the cat version for cats it would.