View Full Version : How would your dog drive, if it could?

10-22-2002, 02:24 PM
Today coming home from Wendy's i said to my mom... "Wouldn't it be cool if dogs could drive?" Then we talked aobut how Simba could drive.

We said he'd be one of thoose crazy teen drivers, with their music loud :D and swerving in and out of traffic. He'd also be a maniac when someone cut in front of him, laying on his horn.
How would your dog drive?

10-22-2002, 02:52 PM
Raustyk would be the same as Simba. Mylo & Nanook would be cautious, safe drivers (except if they saw a squirel or woodchuck).

10-22-2002, 02:58 PM
I think Malone would be a manic driver, driving in circles trying to chase the car's tail. And if a cop tried to stop him, I think he would get this look in his eye that says "catch me if you can" and then take off. :D

10-22-2002, 02:59 PM
If Kia could drive she wouldn't get far. She'd stop to sniff everything! :p :rolleyes: lol!

10-22-2002, 03:00 PM
I think Missy would try her very best to be cautious, but if she saw any sort of furry animal running across she'd drive through corn fields to catch up with it.

10-22-2002, 03:37 PM
I think Huney would be one of the grandma drivers;), you know the ones who don't even do the speed limit?! She'd just be taking it easy!

10-22-2002, 03:44 PM
My girls often get into the driver seat if I am not inthe car...they really wish they could drive!!!

Sadie would drive like she runs...fast and weaving in and out of traffic

Cincy would be the horn-blowing, aggressive annoying driver :) If you are lucky she wouldn't push you off the road :p

10-22-2002, 04:11 PM
LOl, my mom said she wish Sim could drive... He'd be her personal chafuer [sp?]

10-22-2002, 08:58 PM
he would drive very slowly...through every drive through

Cinder & Smoke
10-22-2002, 09:26 PM
Cinder anna SmokeMut here ~

We sure *look* the part!

Whenebber Dad hops outta da Kar, I jumps up into his seet an sit reel purdy rite hind da wheel - all squared up an *peerin* out ober da wheel...
Sumtymez eben lay a paw onna wheel spoke.
Folkz walk by an ask iffin I gotz a drivurz license or jest a lernurz permit!

Smoke sitz up onna back seet an starez out da frunt winnow, too. Heez da co-pilot :rolleyes:.

Cant get da hang of turnin dat durn key thingie ta get er started up, though. :mad:
Iffin we COULD tho - Ho BOY! Off to Mickey D's or the Bank we'd go! Gurlz inside thoze placez are GREAT fur passin out Dawggie Bisquitz when ya motor by!! :D

Dad figgerz iffin we ebber DID take her out fur a spin ~ We'd prolly wind up inna corn field too - chasin a NutRat or a Wabbit. We wanna get 4-tyre drive, next tyme!

We'll *honk* next tyme we see ya onna hiway! :D

10-22-2002, 09:45 PM
Tucker would drive with the A/C on no matter what the weather is like outside.. Then he would go and pick up all the lil girlfriends he made this weekend and I would have to call a taxi to take me to petsmart to get my dang truck back and I know the gas tank would be empty because the only thing he fills up is.. the yard with pee pee and poop ! Gotta Love him tho lol


10-22-2002, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I think Malone would be a manic driver, driving in circles trying to chase the car's tail.

HAHAhahahahaaha!! Oh my gosh, thats so funny! :D

10-22-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
I think Huney would be one of the grandma drivers;), you know the ones who don't even do the speed limit?! She'd just be taking it easy!

Exactly how I picture Honey and Lilly!! Extremely cautious........listening to Barry Manilow or classical music.......and watching out for everyone!!! :) But..........if they saw Mr. Possum, on a Tuesday night.......forget about it!! They'd be speeding, running stop signs, red lights, and weaving in and out of traffic.........gotta get a sniff of Mr. Possum, regardless of the loss of life. :eek: Better stay out of their way, especially on Tuesday night (which is why I'm up so late tonight.........he's out there).

10-23-2002, 07:30 AM
You guys are *so* funny! I have a cramp in my side from laughing. :D

10-23-2002, 11:35 AM
Smokey would be going granny style.....and of course he'd have to stop to take a whiz at every other street sign. He would need a passenger, or he would surely fall asleep at the wheel every time!

Reggie would be a stop and go.....speed up, then slam on the breaks.....he'd have all the windows down and barking like mad! If anybody came near his car he has his own personal barking alarm!

Nebo would be off like a speeding bullet.......no slowing that boy down! Lady would be in his passenger seat........he'd be weaving in and out of traffic and giving her kisses at the same time!

10-23-2002, 12:08 PM
merlin would be like a New York taxi driver honking and paw motining a LOT. He'd have on some kind of jazz on the radio. Can't forget the driving bandana (being proper english you know)
Lady would be one of those girls who has to always be checking the mirrior on her hair or makeup. ( she really should have gotting the gold hair from her mom not her dads black! )

10-23-2002, 03:59 PM
I take that back... if Kia got past the sniffing stuff and decided to drive (She too gets in the drivers seat if I get out of the car), then she'd probably try to herd the other cars! ;)

It'd turn into Highway bumper cars with her trying to get the other vehicles to go where she wants them to go. :rolleyes:

And LOL at the other replies. :D

10-23-2002, 06:58 PM
Winter would be fine, if she stuck to roads that had no traffic, no people, no animals...nothing at all. If she she saw something though she'd try to herd them all in to one lane.

Smudge well it all depends on his mood if he's in one of his goofy moods he'd be driving like a crazed maniac music blaring going as fast as he can, that is until he got really tired and then he would just kind of curl up in the drivers seat and have a snooze. If he was having and issuses day though he would probably be a granny driver or not even drive at all.

10-06-2005, 08:54 PM
He drives very carefully and has not needed intervention yet except when it is time to go in.

10-06-2005, 08:58 PM
Tanog would be one of those drivers who are paranoid about everything. Winston would probably drive really slow, he'd be the type to go sight seeing and take the long route to wherever he is headed. Keeva would be just like you described Simba and Tia would be a very good driver....

finn's mom
10-06-2005, 09:06 PM
Finn would sink my car, because he'd drive it directly into the lake.

10-06-2005, 09:08 PM

finn's mom
10-06-2005, 09:10 PM

Finn wouldn't need saving, my car would! :)

Kirbys Mom
10-06-2005, 09:17 PM
lets see my collie sophie would be causing hundreds of dollars in damage since she would be chasing down squirrels, bunnies and cats also chipmunks with the car, omg i can see it now...scary. and my new puppy wouldnt be able to see since his eyes are still closed and wouldnt be able to see over the steering wheel at all...his whole life since he is a chihuahua..lol :rolleyes: :D

10-06-2005, 09:25 PM
Kodie would be one of those crazy teen drivers :D
Lucy would be an O.K driver

10-06-2005, 09:34 PM
Finn would sink my car, because he'd drive it directly into the lake.
I still can't stop laughing.

MAXIMUS would be one of those honking, get outta my way, there's a squirrel. Jumping out of the car to get him......not slowing down.
Or the lake, most likely a creek.....I know it's here somewhere..........driving like mad....... :eek:

10-06-2005, 09:45 PM
I think Harlee would be cautious...yet if an animal (mainly cat) crossed the road and went into a field...so would she. :rolleyes: I also think of her as being heavy on the brakes...kinda like gas,brake, gas, brake, etc. Since she is a Swissie...she is kinda big and clumbsy when she runs (gallops)...so I think she would be a sudden braker, and then speed up reall fast and then brake real hard , LOL :)

10-06-2005, 09:56 PM
Jamie would be the crazy teenager, and Charlie would be the impatient old man LOL

10-06-2005, 10:00 PM
Wow!! This thread is from before Spot! Guess I better update :)

Spot, wouldbe a maniac. He would get up on someone's bumper, blow his horn, and then weave around them, trying to get them to chase him!

10-06-2005, 10:34 PM
Casey would jump and slam on the brakes everytime she saw or heard anything.

Bubba would get in a lot of rear end collisions trying to sniff the bumpers in front of him.

10-06-2005, 11:38 PM
Payson would always drive 10 mph below the speed limit, I'm sure he would constantly hit the brakes and slow down for no reason. He'd make a lousy driver. His fear would make him so overly catious that he'd be an obstruction of traffic!

10-06-2005, 11:40 PM
Spot, wouldbe a maniac. He would get up on someone's bumper, blow his horn, and then weave around them, trying to get them to chase him!
LOL! I can just see Spot doing that! These are all so funny!
Star would be a very safe driver, except that she'd run down every little furry creature that crossed her path :rolleyes: She'd probably rooo at other drivers just to keep them in line. And since Sherman can't see anything in front of him, he'd be running up over curbs and hitting fire hydrants - just like a Mr. Magoo cartoon!

10-07-2005, 01:05 AM
I can see Zeke either being a calm, careful driver....I duno why, he just seems that way.

Josie...I duno about her. I don't think she would care so much about the rules, she's do what she wanted...speed, whatever!

10-07-2005, 07:51 AM
This was before Dugan too I think he'd be a nondriver too he would have to have a driver as he is so laid back.

10-07-2005, 08:27 AM
Fenway would drive a Vespa scooter and putter around town going the exact speed limit that is posted....until he sees a chipmunk. Then he would crash his scooter in the woods and take off after it...leaving his little Vespa behind.


10-07-2005, 08:27 AM
Autumn would first make herself up so everybody oggles her as she drives past. Then she would drive perfectly, except of course she'd never stop for anybody else, she'd expect the world to give her the right of way.
Pepper would drive like Helen Keller.

10-07-2005, 09:12 AM
Buddy would be on the lookout for any one that may be in trouble. If someone were broken down on the road he'd stop and help them. He'd drive slow and obey all traffic laws.
Sierra would first off all only drive in high priced convertibles with the top down and sunglasses on and would be checking herself out in the mirror all the time to make sure she looks her best at all times! :rolleyes: :D
She would be on her cell phone talking to her friends all of the time also. She would not use her turn signals and would speed also. :D

10-07-2005, 10:23 AM
Frankie is MUCH too proper to ever be expected to drive Himself. Frankie is always provided a Professional Driver.

((given free range of the vehicle when we leave it for a few minutes - he usually sits in the back seat passenger side staring straight ahead - chest out, chin up, or the front passenger side, staring straight ahead. He doesn't waste his energy entertaining any passing 101 Dalmatians fans with a glance. He thinks hes celebrity.))

I don't know about Jillie, usually she likes to just cruise with me, in the front seat. She'd definatly be out there trying to mimick me & Les - trying to race people, she enjoys that in my car and the duster.
she'd definatly be like her mommy - loves the horn a little too much, probably has the music loud but not banging {I canNOT stand people like that!}, speeding, and lookin' for people we know!

Ginger's Mom
10-07-2005, 10:35 AM
I am glad someone revived this very funny thread. :)
Ginger would definitely be hitting the brake every two minutes, eyes darting in every direction, unless or until she sees a squirrel, at which point she would definitely leave the car running in the middle of the roadway and enjoy the pursuit on foot.

10-07-2005, 12:46 PM
Oh, this is just too funny!

Tori would be a very bad driver. She would be completely unaware of where she was heading and would always be lost. She would be a speeder that slowed up occasionally to check things out.

I think Katie would be a much better driver. She would follow the speed limit as posted and be aware of her surroundings. She would not be able to tolerate other drivers and have major road rage though :p :) ;) :D


10-07-2005, 04:40 PM
What a cute thread to be bumped back up.

Buster would be a very cautious driver.
Bitsy wouldn't want to drive, she likes being the passenger so she can look out the window.
Nacey would be a crazy driver.
Nova wouldn't be as crazy as Nacey, but still a little crazy.
Charie would be a good driver.

10-07-2005, 10:40 PM
Grant would not pay attention whatsoever. He would swerve all over the place. Sadie would drive well, very cautious. Maggie, she would be my wild teen, music going and sticking her head out the window, heck she does that now. :D

10-08-2005, 12:07 AM
I can see Tikeya as a more vocal driver... She would have her music blaring, as she sings along at the top of her lungs. She's pretty emotional.. so if she broke the law at all by an accident, I'm sure she would be very paranoid about being caught.