View Full Version : Forgiveness

07-06-2010, 09:27 AM
My sweet long haired part Persian Mr. Kei-Kei had knots all over his fur. So I took a scissor and started to cut. He hated it, cried and tried so hard to run away. We were in the bathroom so there was no place for him to run. I cut and cut and cut. He doesn't look all that bad :eek: :rolleyes: a bit funny but not bad.
Ten minutes later he is sitting next to me purring. I am forgiven.
The sweetness and forgiving nature of animals is so pure.
And no he did not forget he just forgave.
Several months ago I came out of the bathroom with my fuzzy blue slippers and bumped right into him (Ouch) he is still afraid of those blue slippers when I walk around. Intelligent boy that he is.
I love this little guy so much. I look into his eyes and always wonder what he is thinking. Such an angel.

Queen of Poop
07-06-2010, 09:52 AM
Isn't cat love just wonderful. I bet he felt much better after the trim and truly didn't mind it one bit, once it was done.

I wash Diego's ears and then rub in the new prozac dose for the day. Then he comes and loves me with head bumpies and purrs.

07-06-2010, 01:15 PM
Awww poor little tortured soul :p I am sure he feels much better without all those matts I am sure! I would love some pictures :D