View Full Version : massages

10-22-2002, 12:03 PM
I just had to mention what Baby has started doing recently at night. She used to fall asleep on top of my chest and "knead" my chin while purring.. that was cute. Now, she has chosen to suck on the back of my neck while kneading my shoulders and purring. It is hilarious. My husband is getting jealous though! ha ha ha :D

Edwina's Secretary
10-22-2002, 03:19 PM
Just tell your husband as soon as he learns to massage as well as Baby he'll have nothing about which to be jealous!

10-22-2002, 06:22 PM
OOO I get all ticklish just thinking about that. It must be so cute!

10-22-2002, 06:41 PM
ooh.. Nutmeg tries to lick my face/neck/ears and I am trying to get her to quit it... it's a cute thought but I REALLY don't like it!! :eek:

10-23-2002, 05:12 PM
When Dakota was a baby (he turned 2 on 8/23) he would lick and lick my lips all the time! I would wake up to him doing it! It hurt with his little rough tongue. As time went on, he did it less and less. I can now ask him to give me a kiss, and he does it..to tell you the truth, although it was annoying at times, I miss it now...so, remember the saying, "be careful what you ask for"...aren't I just full of sage advice? :rolleyes: