View Full Version : Cat needs a new home

06-30-2010, 08:52 PM
I just got a call from the wife of one of our bus drivers. Her daughter has a cat who is female, about 2 years old, sort of Siamese looks but not sure if it's a Siamese or not, has had it's shots, and spayed and been declawed.

The daughter's husband is alergic to it. They wanted me to take it in because 'they knew if I took it, it would have a good home". While I'm flattered at their trust in my abilities as a cat mom, I just can't take any more.

Does any one know of anyone who would like this cat?

I am going to email Carmen who helped us with out kitty transfer to see if she knows anyone through the feline rescue who may help.

I am still recovering from bronchitis so have to take it easy for a while and not get all upset about any more kitties for a while. But still, I want to help if I can.

Prayers and positive thoughts will be welcome.

I should add that the bus driver and his wife could transport the kit to a shelter I would think but all the shelters near here are kill shelters.

Thanks :love:

06-30-2010, 10:13 PM
I hope Carmen can help you!

Rest up and I hope you feel better soon...bronchitis is NO fun at all. :love::love::love:

07-01-2010, 10:40 AM
I still can't believe these people want me to take the cat in. They know I have lots of cats.
They all have access to more resourses than I do. Everyone of them knows more people here plus they can all drive. If nothing else, they can drive the cat to a no-kill shelter in Kansas City or something. I am just befuddled more than anything. :( :love:

07-01-2010, 05:05 PM
They are probably just going through their mental list of all peope they
know that love cats & would be likely to help or know someone who could.
Kind of a scattergun approach to finding a likely home. I wish them well, but
you shouldn't feel bad because you can't take her. You already have plenty
of stars in your crown.:) Hope you feeling better soon yourself.:)

07-01-2010, 05:34 PM
I swear that people sometimes think that b/c you have cats, you're ready and willing to take more. It's happened to me more times than I can count. Saying 'no' is difficult b/c, like most people on PT, I want to take it but just can't. Did you mention to them that they could drive the kitty to a no kill shelter and that you're still battling bronchitis? Hope you feel better soon. :)

07-01-2010, 07:01 PM
I swear that people sometimes think that b/c you have cats, you're ready and willing to take more. It's happened to me more times than I can count. Saying 'no' is difficult b/c, like most people on PT, I want to take it but just can't. Did you mention to them that they could drive the kitty to a no kill shelter and that you're still battling bronchitis? Hope you feel better soon. :)

I did tell them about the Humane society just 30 miles from us. They do adopt cats out. Maybe for a monthly fee, they would keep the cat until she was adopted.

I never mentioned I've been sick. I didn't feel up to it. I haven't been out of the house in over a week. I do need to venture out to Walmart tomorrow. I have to get my blood pressure meds and some kitty supplies for the weekend. Maybe I'll get her or her husband as a driver and they will tell me they found a home for the cat. fingers crossed here. :love:

07-02-2010, 10:00 AM
I am sorry, MOFF, that you are feeling the stress of this. Even a well reasoned 'no' is hard, isn't it?

I had a very similar situation present two weeks ago. Someone approached me with questions about neighbor's cat. It was obvious to me within two minutes this was nothing but a fishing expedition on could I or someone I know take their cat. It kind of peeved me. I am totally willing to help/answer anyone's legitimate questions about their cat. Don't pretend to seek answers to these questions just as a way to unload it on me. As if the 8 I have isn't enough.