View Full Version : Lexi hurt her paw...

06-29-2010, 03:47 PM
I swear, this cat will be the death of me. :rolleyes:

Lexi's hurt. Again. No idea how it happened, but I noticed she was...not exactly limping, but not walking normally. Pointed it out to my family, but no one else thought she looked off. Then I began to realize that she always sits with one paw up and resting.

I finally captured her last night and snuck a look at her paw. It's all crusty and swollen and it's really warm. I dunno how it happened but it looks painful :(

I tried to take pictures to show you guys...but it was an incredibly awkward angle and Lexi was all squirmy.



This is how she sits all of the time:

I showed my mom and she said to just keep an eye on it. I feel so bad though...she's limping around and looking slightly miserable. Is there anything I can put on it to make it hurt less? My mom doesn't wanna call the vet unless it's absolutely necessary.

Oh, and does anyone have a guess as to how it happened? I'm quite baffled.

06-29-2010, 04:00 PM
Ouch! That does look sore.

Remind me, is she indoor only? Or does she go outside, even if it is just in the back yard with you?

06-29-2010, 04:05 PM
:( Ouchy Ouchy = Please take Lexi to the Vet.. That looks to be inflamed with fever in the paw.. Poor baby.. Lexi stay indoors & get that wittle paw well ok.. Gentle whisker kissess..

06-29-2010, 04:10 PM
Ouch! That does look sore.

Remind me, is she indoor only? Or does she go outside, even if it is just in the back yard with you?

Yeah she's indoor only, all our cats are.

:( Ouchy Ouchy = Please take Lexi to the Vet.. That looks to be inflamed with fever in the paw.. Poor baby.. Lexi stay indoors & get that wittle paw well ok.. Gentle whisker kissess..

I've actually been just carrying her around with me cause I feel bad about her having to walk :(

I think I'll talk to my mom about taking her to the vet tomorrow morning if it's not any better.

06-29-2010, 04:17 PM
:love: Well good & I hope your mom will aggree that Lexi needs to see a Vet.. Looking at the pic of her paw tells me Lexi has chewed on it & got the pad raw.. Now have you checked her nails good to see if there is a prob there?? I would say maybe try some Neosporine & do a wrap.. But then hate to do that in case Lexi is chewing & or the paw does need air around it.. Best to take her to your Vet.. I just wish I could kiss her poor wittle paw.. Good Luck & keep us posted ok..

Yeah she's indoor only, all our cats are.

I've actually been just carrying her around with me cause I feel bad about her having to walk :(

I think I'll talk to my mom about taking her to the vet tomorrow morning if it's not any better.

06-29-2010, 05:07 PM
:love: Well good & I hope your mom will aggree that Lexi needs to see a Vet.. Looking at the pic of her paw tells me Lexi has chewed on it & got the pad raw.. Now have you checked her nails good to see if there is a prob there?? I would say maybe try some Neosporine & do a wrap.. But then hate to do that in case Lexi is chewing & or the paw does need air around it.. Best to take her to your Vet.. I just wish I could kiss her poor wittle paw.. Good Luck & keep us posted ok..

She's actually declawed in her front paws, so no nail issues there.

I feel like if we wrap it [which my mom wants to do instead of going to the vet] then it'll annoy Lexi and she'll only irritate it more.

I think I'm just gonna try and force my mom to take her to the vet tomorrow. It should be interesting.

06-29-2010, 08:28 PM
If Lexi's in pain, then it's absolutely necessary. I do hope that it's nothing serious. Please keep us updated. :)

06-29-2010, 08:43 PM
that almost looks like a burn. Might Lexi have jumped up on the stove or stepped in something caustic? I would advise against trying to bandage it yourself. Too loose and she'll probably just pull it off. Too tight is even worse- I've seen a cat lose toes from a bandage being too tight.

Keep nagging for a vet visit!

06-29-2010, 09:54 PM
If Lexie will allow it, warm salt water can help...1/2 tsp to a pint. Put the water in a deep bowl and see if Lexie will allow you to soak her owie in it for a few minutes...salt water is a good basic antiseptic and it might give her some comfort until she can see the vet.

Get-well hugs and kissies to Lexie!:love::love:

06-30-2010, 12:17 AM
Poor Lexi.:( I hope that your mom will take your advice and take her to the vet tomorrow. Good luck.:)

Pinot's Mom
06-30-2010, 07:25 AM
Vet - now!

Sorry, just wanted to make that clear. That paw needs to see a vet as soon as possible, please! Keep us updated on the outcome, we're concerned.:(