View Full Version : Kitty motion sickness medicine

06-28-2010, 10:15 AM
Is there a medicine I can give Jax for a long car ride to prevent him getting motion sickness?
I know I've given Dramamine to Zoee before, but I wasn't sure if that was okay to give cats. I am going to be taking Jax with me to Tahoe on Friday and the road up there is very curvy. When Paizly was a kitten we took a different route to my moms and she got a little sick. Her third eyelid was showing. :( This trip is longer than that trip with Paizly.

I take Jax to the vet tomorrow evening, so I can ask them too. But I thought I'd get opinions here first. Thanks! :D

06-28-2010, 11:19 AM
:) I am not really sure about what meds to give.. Yup I would just ask the Vet today & they will give you the right stuff.. How many hours are you all to be on the road??

06-28-2010, 11:25 AM
Well, it's a little over an hour to my parents house, where I will be dropping off Paizly, Zoee and Taggart. Then it's another couple hours (depending on traffic and this is a holiday weekend) up to the lake.
It's going to be fun driving all of this by myself. Sigh. But I don't want to leave him at my moms house yet. Not until he's bigger.

06-28-2010, 11:30 AM
:) Ussally Kittens wont get motion sickness.. Just dont let them look out any windows in the car.. That is ussally what makes them sick is watching stuff go by as you drive.. The 3 new babies that we drove in from MOFF was on the road for straight 6 hrs last Monday & did just fine.. They was tired & ready to play due to they slept most of the way.. However I would ask your Vet too..

06-28-2010, 11:35 AM
Ask your vet about Acevet. I've never heard of this before but in Slick's thread about Merlin with his stud tail it's mentioned there. I guess it's used to calm cats and is also good for motion sickness. I would also try not to feed him vey much before you leave. Good luck.:)

06-28-2010, 11:58 AM
Thanks guys. Ok, I will ask the vet and mention Acevet too. I'm not actually seeing the vet, just a tech. But I will ask them anyway and they can go ask the doc. :)

Thank you! :D

06-28-2010, 01:12 PM
I use ace for my cats on long car rides. Last time one kitty did get sick, but that was seven hours after the ace was given. :)

06-28-2010, 02:06 PM
I use ace for my cats on long car rides. Last time one kitty did get sick, but that was seven hours after the ace was given. :)

Well, I hope my vet has it then. I'd rather give it to him just in case so the poor little guy doesn't get sick.

06-28-2010, 03:41 PM
Juke Joint Joseph :love: gets car sick just going back and forth to our Vets which is a twenty minute drive
And he's always helpful , leaving a stool sample for Our Vet to test him on.:love:
I hate for him to go to the Vets , and have to send newspaper with him as I know that there will be an accident:eek:

06-29-2010, 12:09 AM
I wonder if since he's still a kitten if they'll even give you anything. When I flew Pearl and Ziggy home with me the vet in Arizona said not to give them anything. I think that we only fed them a little bit of food before we left for the airport but it was so long ago that can't really remember. They both did fine and actully fell asleep but I know that a car and an airplane are very different.

My Storm has been getting car sick lately and it's when we go to the vet which takes me about 20 minutes or so. Even if I feed him several hours before he gets in the car, it still doesn't seem to help. He's going to the groomers this Sat. so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. He takes pred in the morning and he needs to take it with food.

How does Jax react in the car when you take him to the vet? I hope that whatever happens that Jax will be fine on his trip to Tahoe. Good luck.:)

06-29-2010, 09:34 AM
The couple of short rides he's been on (home from ARF and back and forth to the vets once) he's been okay. He just smashes his face against the mesh of the carrier (I have a soft carrier). I honestly think he would do great snuggled in my lap. But since I'll be by myself on the trip I cannot let him out of the carrier.

If they won't give me something that's fine. I'm sure he'll be okay. I just thought if I could do something to help I would try it.

I will update after his appointment tonight (it's at 6:30). I'm curious to see how much he has grown, weight wise. :)

06-29-2010, 11:39 AM
Another thing that I just thought of if they won't give you anything is to try giving him some pepcid before the trip. I've been giving Storm half a pepcid pill at night to help his tummy so this might also work to help with tummy upset during traveling. I think I'll be giving one to Storm on Sat. morning before his trip to see if it'll help. Since he's so little you'd have to ask what his dose would be and you use the regular strength not the maximum strength. Good luck at the vets.:)

06-29-2010, 12:00 PM
Another thing that I just thought of if they won't give you anything is to try giving him some pepcid before the trip. I've been giving Storm half a pepcid pill at night to help his tummy so this might also work to help with tummy upset during traveling. I think I'll be giving one to Storm on Sat. morning before his trip to see if it'll help. Since he's so little you'd have to ask what his dose would be and you use the regular strength not the maximum strength. Good luck at the vets.:)

Another great idea! Thanks! :D

06-29-2010, 09:44 PM
Well, the vet said not to give him anything. He is too small. :( They just suggested not feeding him before we go. So I'll pick up his food early in the morning. He should be fine, I hope. On the way to the vet he did meow a couple of times. But he finally settled in the carrier as close to me as possible all smooshed up against the side of the carrier. I'm going to rig it up so his carrier can sit on the console in the truck for the trip. I think I can put the strap inside the console compartment and that will hold the carrier in place. If not he will be seatbelted in the seat next to me. And I'll probably drive the entire trip with one hand next to him. LOL

Going to update his picture thread with a couple pictures and his weight!! :D