View Full Version : Deleted my thread

06-28-2010, 06:12 AM
I honestly don't know how posting pictures of my grandson and family went from being a lovely thing to share with friends to me being called very ugly and selfesh.
I don't want or need this meaness in my life.
Thanks to all who had a kind word to say.
I guess one can choose a lifestyle as long as it is ok'd by the mighty and powerful opinion makers here.:rolleyes:

06-28-2010, 06:45 AM
I honestly don't know how posting pictures of my grandson and family went from being a lovely thing to share with friends to me being called very ugly and selfesh.
I don't want or need this meaness in my life.
Thanks to all who had a kind word to say.
I guess one can choose a lifestyle as long as it is ok'd by the mighty and powerful opinion makers here.:rolleyes:

As I said in my last post (to you) in the thread that you deleted:

"Peace to you Marigold" - and I sincerely meant it. Maybe you didn't read that part. :confused:

Live your life to the fullest, and in whatever way you choose. I never tried to change your lifestyle - it is what it is.

A mighty and powerful opinion maker???? - I don't quite understand that or even know what your definition of this is, but no need to elaborate for me, as I seriously doubt that I will read any more of your writings. There is definitely a personality conflict here.

And as I also said at the end of my mentioned post:


06-28-2010, 07:26 AM
Monica, don't take any notice of them ((hugs))... I did really like seeing your photos and I am sorry the thread had to turn out the way it did :(

As for those who were being mean- as I said, they really need to learn that being nasty is not the way to get opinions across. I can't believe they managed to turn what should have been a happy thread into what it was by the end. :(

Pomtzu, I do sincerly hope you mean that when you say you won't read anymore of Monica's threads etc. It's about time all this ganging up on her stopped.

((Hugs)) Monica...

Lady's Human
06-28-2010, 07:31 AM
If you're going to start a thread of this nature, it should go in the DH.

I'm sure anyone wondering why you deleted your thread could find it there.

06-28-2010, 07:32 AM
Boy, did I miss something??? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Queen of Poop
06-28-2010, 07:46 AM
Guess I missed it too. I'm sorry Marigold.

06-28-2010, 07:46 AM
Pomtzu, I do sincerly hope you mean that when you say you won't read anymore of Monica's threads etc. It's about time all this ganging up on her stopped.

Not to worry - I've had my fill over the past couple of years of all that dialogue.

But you know what - I've gotten numerous PM's from different people, agreeing with my views, and thanking me for not sugar coating and pussy-footing around with what I post. They have said they wish more people would tell it like I do. I just tell it like I see it, whereas others see it and choose to be silent.

And a little added info for what it's worth - I have posted in a very small percentage of her threads.

06-28-2010, 07:48 AM
Boy, did I miss something??? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Go back to sleep,,,,,,,,,:D:D

06-28-2010, 08:02 AM
Not to worry - I've had my fill over the past couple of years of all that dialogue.

But you know what - I've gotten numerous PM's from different people, agreeing with my views, and thanking me for not sugar coating and pussy-footing around with what I post. They have said they wish more people would tell it like I do. I just tell it like I see it, whereas others see it and choose to be silent.

And a little added info for what it's worth - I have posted in a very small percentage of her threads.

Say what you like, but there is no need to be nasty or imply people are selfish. What does that achieve? I am not telling you to be silent, I am saying there is no need to be mean in the way that you say it. I thought the idea of stating your opinion was to get people to respect your views and if you are nasty, you don't gain any of that respect.

Well, all the threads I have seen recently have had a reply from you... but that's beside the point. The point is that Monica felt the need to delete one of her threads that was started with good intentions. It shouldn't work like that. I thought pet talk was meant to be a place where we were able to share happy memories and stories. That was all Monica was doing- sharing her family photos with us.

06-28-2010, 08:11 AM
Boy, did I miss something??? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I missed it too but I guess maybe it is better we didn't see it. :eek:

06-28-2010, 08:12 AM
In relation to this subject, I am:



The End


06-28-2010, 08:45 AM
Pomtzu, You said that last time. :D Marigold comes up with some interesting things to discuss & really does get a person to thinking. I don't always agree with everyone either. But I do not Hilary Dilary & was not referring to Marigold. It is a personal thing with Hilary & I. I love my grandboy but I do get woren out. I can give you all a hint. The greatest therapy in the world is to sit down with your kids or grandkids & play with them & have fun. They can teach you so much. ;) Although I don't always like the sand that gets thrown in my hair when we are in the sandpile. :eek: Peace to you all! Ok, someone start something. :p

06-28-2010, 09:13 AM

I actually got a very good night's sleep last night.

06-28-2010, 09:26 AM
Say what you like, but there is no need to be nasty or imply people are selfish. What does that achieve? I am not telling you to be silent, I am saying there is no need to be mean in the way that you say it. I thought the idea of stating your opinion was to get people to respect your views and if you are nasty, you don't gain any of that respect.

Well, all the threads I have seen recently have had a reply from you... but that's beside the point. The point is that Monica felt the need to delete one of her threads that was started with good intentions. It shouldn't work like that. I thought pet talk was meant to be a place where we were able to share happy memories and stories. That was all Monica was doing- sharing her family photos with us.

PT can mean whatever you like it to mean, and others might feel differently. The thing is, Marigold posts some really, really ugly, controversial things, as she waves the banner of "I am just being honest and truthful". Don't believe me? Go find the thread in which she called someone in a vegatative state, "veggie salad". Or, maybe the lovely discriminatory/bigoted stuff about the "illegals" in the [sic] Boarder problems thread. The overweight comments? The one about the lady giving up her kids? I could go on, but I won't.

If someone wants to post their self-grandizing, tasteless, often cruel, bigoted threads, all under the "the truth hurts" disclaimer, than stand back and recieve the responses. If her opinion is 'valid', then the contra ones are also.

Really, I am just being honest. I am calling a spade a spade (a fave quote of Marigold's).

06-28-2010, 09:30 AM
A general suggestion - when someone posts a positive and happy thread, there is no need to refer to other threads by the OP that were seen as more negative or controversial. There is no need to fling mud from other threads that are in the past.

If comments had been confined to that thread only, then I think it would still be visible...and perhaps encouraged other positive threads.


06-28-2010, 09:40 AM
A general suggestion - when someone posts a positive and happy thread, there is no need to refer to other threads by the OP that were seen as more negative or controversial. There is no need to fling mud from other threads that are in the past.

If comments had been confined to that thread only, then I think it would still be visible...and perhaps encouraged other positive threads.


Did you read the other thread? If so, did you miss the OP posting some of the comments first, the ones that drew other's comments? It wasn't as if she posted something and everyone just decided to 'jump in'.

If you didn't read it, then, you don't really have a basis on which to form your above opinion.

Just sayin'.

06-28-2010, 10:07 AM
I did read it...the first 6 - 8 posts or thereabouts. Saw the cute pics and stuff, read about the visit, and that was it for me.

I can't remember anything that jumped out at me as inappropriate. But my memory is not what it was.;)

ETA: Maybe I just paid attention to the good, and ignored the other words. What I was getting at in my previous post here is positive reinforcement...commenting on the good stuff, and if I must, simply saying I disagree with the other. It's only an opinion after all, and doesn't rule anyone else's world but the OP's. Ignoring it might have a better effect than bashing it. That's all.

It's only a theory, and only my opinion too. ;)

06-28-2010, 11:45 AM
:) Hey I cant go back to sleep due to I Am At Work.. But I will try & hope the boss dont catch me..:p
Go back to sleep,,,,,,,,,:D:D

06-28-2010, 11:53 AM
I have absolutely no clue what happened so I can't form an opinion of what was said - But I will say I'm totally in agreement with Jo, I've seen some extremely nasty things said by Marigold over the last couple years and I don't even post here much anymore. That's a big reason. I know, I know don't let one person ruin it for me but negativity and nastiness that she exudes, I just don't need in my life. Have enough of that from work thanks.

Pinot's Mom
06-28-2010, 12:30 PM
I'm clueless, but I always seem to come in a day late and a dollar short. :rolleyes:

06-28-2010, 12:36 PM
I'm clueless, but I always seem to come in a day late and a dollar short. :rolleyes:

Consider yourself lucky in this case....:p:D

06-28-2010, 01:13 PM
I just wonder if marigold's goal is to push our buttons so I quite reading or taking her completely derogatory remarks about overweight people, mexican people, and her own flesh and blood as anything even remotely serious. It is just too much to fathom that someone is that callous about other people.

06-28-2010, 01:29 PM
This can be a microcosm for the world at large...

If we deal with certain points of view at which we get angry (and rightly so), I think of various nations' point of view on how other nations act.

I don't know what the truthful reaction is - but how can we generate peace in the world without finding a way to engender peace amongst ourselves and the people and situations we deal with on an everyday basis?

It's a rhetorical question, really...it will have a number of answers, and perhaps a solution one day.

06-28-2010, 01:56 PM
I learned the answer to peace when I was in ninth grade. The teacher gave us a whole 30 minutes to figure it out. We all sat there & thought & thought. Someone did come up with an answer. There will never be peace as long as there are humans. It was a simple answer to a complex problem. I wonder what God thought about that one?

06-28-2010, 02:07 PM
That's a good one, Bonny. Yet humans have known peace, or there wouldn't be a word for it...

06-28-2010, 02:15 PM

You had a very wise teacher. I totally agree with her.

06-28-2010, 02:24 PM
There is another word in the English language that is just as powerful as "peace" (and can actually lead to it), maybe more empowering than "tolerance" (and can point the road to tolerance) and that word is:

Really, people, whatever! This has helped me in many times of strife, in dealing with situations that I cannot change (and should probably not waste my energy even TRYING to change) and that goes double for facing the opinions (and you know that saying about those!) of others. Whatever. . .

And now back to our regularly scheduled program! :love::)

06-28-2010, 02:41 PM
Whatever does have a way of rolling of ones shoulders & tumbling away. I've used that word before & it works. The word peace is very technical & takes a lot of effort. I guess it depends on your situation at the time. :)

06-28-2010, 02:59 PM
There is another word in the English language that is just as powerful as "peace" (and can actually lead to it), maybe more empowering than "tolerance" (and can point the road to tolerance) and that word is:

Really, people, whatever! This has helped me in many times of strife, in dealing with situations that I cannot change (and should probably not waste my energy even TRYING to change) and that goes double for facing the opinions (and you know that saying about those!) of others. Whatever. . .

And now back to our regularly scheduled program! :love::)

LOL - seriously.

"Whatever" -- normally I hate to hear people use this (especially younger people), since it conveys an "I don't give a sh1t" attitude. Just the old fashioned in me rearing it's head I suppose. We jokingly use it here at home and within the family, however, we all know it is said in a joking manner.

However, now I see where it could be used to a great advantage. See - I'm flexible and open to suggestions........:p:D I'm really not that mean old lady that some think I am. :eek::p

06-28-2010, 03:04 PM
p:D I'm really not that mean old lady that some think I am. :eek::p

Don't forget, essentially a recluse, a non-pursuer of dreams, living beyond your means, with nothing better to do but babysit! Really, a big "L"....:p:D

06-28-2010, 03:17 PM
Don't forget, essentially a recluse, a non-pursuer of dreams, living beyond your means, with nothing better to do but babysit! Really, a big "L"....:p:D

Oops - the memory is going. I forgot all of that! :(;)

06-28-2010, 03:17 PM
And now back to our regularly scheduled program! :love::)

I am so used to watching TV on my own, I have a problem with you holding on to the remote.:confused:

You'll have to drop it sometime soon.:D

06-28-2010, 03:51 PM

Richard I heard Orc was going to take over Thursdays. Is that true? :eek:

06-28-2010, 09:08 PM
Behold the all mighty IGNORE feature. :rolleyes: My list grows longer as I grow older. Some things are just too predictable.

06-28-2010, 09:29 PM

Richard I heard Orc was going to take over Thursdays. Is that true? :eek:


HE won't wash his hands before he comes in from outdoors.
Can we possibly put up with that?:eek::o;)

06-28-2010, 09:44 PM
Richard, ROFL! That does not sound good if Orc will not wash his hands. :eek: Heaven only knows what he has been into?:confused: Just makes me shiver to think about it.

Lady's Human
06-28-2010, 11:03 PM
He's been into the L+F, which is what REALLY scares us.

06-28-2010, 11:34 PM
Gollllyyyy Gee Whiz - what the heck was all of that about..........well,
turn yourself around in a circle three times and find yourself at Thursdays.

On that note - I will buy everyone a drink of their choice - even though it is only Monday night. (Richard will always take $$$:D)

06-29-2010, 12:43 AM
Back to the topic of the thread.

I did happen to read the thread and I decided not to comment this time like I did in one of her other threads. I've learned that many of her threads do become controversial for whatever the reason. It does seem like the same PT people have a problem with her views or threads. If I were them I'd just ignore them and they'd eventually go away. If no one posts anything then they'll go away. As said before, you can also just put people on your ignore list so you never need to hear anything from them again.

06-29-2010, 05:54 AM
Back to the topic of the thread.

I did happen to read the thread and I decided not to comment this time like I did in one of her other threads. I've learned that many of her threads do become controversial for whatever the reason. It does seem like the same PT people have a problem with her views or threads.

Yes - there are some that have the intestinal fortitude to speak up, and don't just sit and spin...........:p:D

06-29-2010, 07:43 AM
Isn't the Dog House suppose to be a place to bring controversy? I like to read everyones opinions on life. Not everyone is going to agree but a person can learn from others experiences. :) I get wound up on certain subjects too. :D Everyone has their good & bad days on here. Maybe if you have something controversial it should be put with your title. But then everything in the dog house is controversial most of the time.:)

06-29-2010, 11:34 AM
Because I didn't actually see the thread, I leave my opinion to myself. End of story.

06-29-2010, 12:01 PM
Isn't the Dog House suppose to be a place to bring controversy?

The Dog House is the pace to discuss controversial or upsetting topics, it does not need to be a place to generate controversy or argument.

We should always remember to be respectful of the other members opinions, after all, everyone is here because they love their pet or pets, and that gives us more in common than the differences we have between us.

06-29-2010, 01:34 PM
Karen----Would being respectful not includebeing careful of the lterms we use when discussing something controversial? Yes, we all love our pets, more than we realize sometimes, but does that make us shallow to the point of excluding friends, relatives, family, etc from that love?
The term "veggie salad" to me was one of the most offensive descriptions of a loved one afflicted to that state be it from birth, accident or whatever else?
Who is to say that no member of this forum did not have a child, relative, friend, neighbour, etc in such a state? Reading this offensive use of words would be heartbreaking not to mention disrespectful to anyone having to live through a horrible ordeal such as this.

I have to wonder at someone not being able to extend the same love they have for a pet to a human being.

06-29-2010, 08:07 PM
Pttttthhhhh .... :p I missed all the fun!

06-29-2010, 09:15 PM
Guess I missed it too. I'm sorry Marigold.

Me, too! I am sorry, Marigold.

06-29-2010, 10:12 PM

How can anyone say "I'm sorry Marigold", when they never read the thread?? :confused:

It was a 2-way street, afterall.

Edwina's Secretary
06-29-2010, 10:15 PM
The term "veggie salad" to me was one of the most offensive descriptions of a loved one afflicted to that state be it from birth, accident or whatever else?

getting her lady guts ripped out...

I would consider this one of the most offensive descriptions of spaying a pet I've ever heard...But I did not do the nasty....

I leave that to the specialist.:D

06-29-2010, 10:33 PM
I did not read the thread in question beyond the first posts. So know nothing about what went on further down the line.

What I don't understand are the farewell responses - then the poster keeps coming back and back and back some more?

06-29-2010, 10:39 PM
"What I don't understand are the farewell responses - then the poster keeps coming back and back and back some more? "

Grace, you of ALL people should know what "grace" means. :p Some people just don't have any.
"The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred. "

My niece's name is Grace and I hope she grows into her name.

06-30-2010, 05:39 AM
What I don't understand are the farewell responses - then the poster keeps coming back and back and back some more?

Grace, you of ALL people should know what "grace" means. :p Some people just don't have any.
"The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred. "

If this is directed at me, obviously I worded my "farewell" wrong. It was my intention to make it clear that I would never direct any comment, be it good, bad, or indifferent, to the party that felt I was mean and picking on her.

06-30-2010, 06:00 AM
Will you let it go already?? It's getting old FAST.:rolleyes:

06-30-2010, 07:32 AM
moosmom, I am aging right here on the spot. :D

Would you like Marigold to post another thread with the pictures of her grandson & son enjoying a fun time with the water squirting up out of the sidewalk? They are cute pictures. :)

Queen of Poop
06-30-2010, 12:31 PM
To clarify, I meant that I was sorry I missed her photos.

06-30-2010, 01:27 PM
HI Jack!


06-30-2010, 01:31 PM
I would consider this one of the most offensive descriptions of spaying a pet I've ever heard...But I did not do the nasty....

I leave that to the specialist.:D

I totally agree, I didn't quite know what tothink when I read that

and btw
HI Sara!

06-30-2010, 01:40 PM
I would consider this one of the most offensive descriptions of spaying a pet I've ever heard...But I did not do the nasty....

I leave that to the specialist.:D

Sheesh - you could have sent me a PM rather than post, and now that thread title gets dragged into this unrelated thread ... I have a PM in to Jess to reword her title, which I could have done days ago if I had known people were offended by it!

06-30-2010, 01:41 PM
getting her lady guts ripped out...

That was a wee bit tasteless but no matter how much we love our pets I find
a big difference in :
Cat versus human

06-30-2010, 01:44 PM
Sheesh - you could have sent me a PM rather than post, and now that thread title gets dragged into this unrelated thread ... I have a PM in to Jess to reword her title, which I could have done days ago if I had known people were offended by it!

HUH? In the thread itself, several people commented on it, and you defended it by saying something along the lines of "I would have said lady parts, not much different...". Whatever would give anyone the idea that you would have asked her to re-word it had the request been sent to you privately when you already supported it publically?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher that the thread title was offensive. Come on. Can't you EVER give ES a tiny break?

06-30-2010, 01:48 PM
HUH? In the thread itself, several people commented on it, and you defended it by saying something along the lines of "I would have said lady parts, not much different...". Whatever would give anyone the idea that you would have asked her to re-word it had the request been sent to you privately when you already supported it publically?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher that the thread title was offensive. Come on. Can't you EVER give ES a tiny break?

If the request had been made when the thread was first posted, Jess and I could have made the change before so many people decided to post about it. I have a PM into her now, and we can still make the change. I knew when I first saw the title what she meant, and also thought it was worded a bit harshly, but did not know people would take offense at it. Communication is the key! I cannot read minds.

I do have a request in with her to change the title, for the record, she's just not online at the moment.

06-30-2010, 01:49 PM
getting her lady guts ripped out...

That was a wee bit tasteless

What I found tasteless was that quote was unintentionally attributed to you.

06-30-2010, 01:51 PM
The first 'request' was made by someone last night, followed by another post early this am, and to that one you gave your public 'blessing' on it. ES had nothing to do with people thinking it off. Nothing at all. Why jump on her?

06-30-2010, 02:04 PM
:confused::confused::confused:I don't understand the hand slap to Sara but yet Marigold can commit virtual murder and nothing is said??:confused::confused::confused:

back to facebook

06-30-2010, 02:25 PM
:confused::confused::confused:I don't understand the hand slap to Sara but yet Marigold can commit virtual murder and nothing is said??:confused::confused::confused:

back to facebook

Staci, just because you don't see everything I do, doesn't mean I do nothing!

06-30-2010, 02:29 PM
The first 'request' was made by someone last night, followed by another post early this am, and to that one you gave your public 'blessing' on it. ES had nothing to do with people thinking it off. Nothing at all. Why jump on her?

I did not intend to imply my "blessing." Often what offends one person would not offend another - I could give about a bazillion examples of this in the art world, for example.

I responded to ES's post simply, pointing out that she brought something from an unrelated thread unto this thread. I did not mean it as an attack on ES, just a correction for the future.

I'm not trying to attack anyone, just trying to keep some order!

06-30-2010, 02:35 PM
I did not intend to imply my "blessing." Often what offends one person would not offend another - I could give about a bazillion examples of this in the art world, for example.

I responded to ES's post simply, pointing out that she brought something from an unrelated thread unto this thread. I did not mean it as an attack on ES, just a correction for the future.

I'm not trying to attack anyone, just trying to keep some order!

Whatever does that mean, a correction for the future??? There were other posts in here that came from an unrelated thread into this one. The veggie salad one comes to mind immediately. I think I posted that first, or maybe it was Asiel? I know I didn't receive an public reprimand. The fact was, ES was being supportive of the OP by pointing out that others have made offensive types of comments that didn't draw the ire of the crowd...and she had every technological ability to carry with the quoted piece the name of the author, something she did not do.

I just don't get the double standard'ish treatments at all, nothing that I haven't shared with you in the past, albeit privately. When I see it so blatently displayed here, I can't help but say something. Your board, your rules, but I can dislike the disparate treatment all the way to the bank.

06-30-2010, 02:44 PM
Whatever does that mean, a correction for the future?

It was just the most blatant example. And the "correction for the future" meant, "next time do it differently" - that's what I meant.

I felt the "veggie salad" comments were pertinent to this thread, as they were made by the original poster of this thread, Marigold.

The "lady guts" was a different thread from a different person, unrelated to Marigold.

06-30-2010, 02:52 PM

06-30-2010, 03:02 PM
Richard you have been around Orc to long.

Edwina's Secretary
06-30-2010, 03:06 PM
getting her lady guts ripped out...

That was a wee bit tasteless but no matter how much we love our pets I find
a big difference in :
Cat versus human

My sincere apologies if I left the impression that you, Asiel, were the author of that thread. You most certainly were not.

Although I believe "ripping guts out" - cat, dog, bird, cow, deer...whatever - is an ugly image. More than a wee bit.

06-30-2010, 03:15 PM
Richard you have been around Orc to long.

The ORC would not put up with my sense of humor.


I stopped being offended at being offended because someone was more offended than I was offended.

Or something like that.

My favorite line in the first Terminator movie was,

"Honey, Don't worry about it, In one hundred years no one will care...."

Being offended inspires me to look at the situation and laugh.

With all due respect to the people who have posted on the thread and about the thread?

In 99 years, 11 months , 28 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes no one will care or remember what I have posted or thought.

With that in mind, I don't think it really is worth getting my dander up.

What offends me now, will make me laugh tomorrow.

Did you know I have a giant pimple on my forehead today.


Who knows.:eek::confused:

Killearn Kitties
06-30-2010, 03:46 PM
I felt the "veggie salad" comments were pertinent to this thread, as they were made by the original poster of this thread, Marigold.

Really Karen, are you saying that if you are the originator of the thread, anything goes?

I cannot tell you how upset I would be if that were the case.

06-30-2010, 03:52 PM
:rolleyes: Oh come on people.. Are we not grown adults here.. Mistakes have been made & posted of needed correction.. I think its time Karen = Lock both Threads down.. Seems this is the only way to get closer to all of this.. Thank You All for the Inputs & Have A Very Nice Day && While You All Are At It = Go Look At Your Selves In The Mirror.. :o

06-30-2010, 04:08 PM
Now? I am getting offended....

Not saying anything curry favor from any one 'faction' or trying to suck up.

In all the time I have been here I have reminded myself that I am a 'guest' on this board. I have done and posted stupid things, been run thru the wringer for some, edited and reminded that my behavior wasn't up to snuff for the site.

That said?

It didn't keep me from having fun or thinking of ways to sneak in a double entendre, joke or resorting to the lowest common denominator to get a laugh.

I think that I have offended everyone on this site at least once, twice and have some people into the double digits. I look at that and really mesure that person by the way they react to me on other threads.

I have been offended by posts/threads in the past and somehow I have survived this long.

I think what people do not see is that there are ways to bring up a subject and by being smart, funny and tactful about it, it can survive the scrutiny of people that would be offended in the real world.

"My rule of "THUMB"?

When you want to put something up on the bulletin board?

Sometimes a push-pin is better than a sledgehammer and a brad.

Get it?

Pushpin? Hammer? Thumb?;)

With the pin/tack approach, the board stays up, people don't get pi$$ed off about you knocking it off the wall, and they get to read what you wrote and even answer.

The I HAVE BEEN "INDIGNICATED" act gets old after a while.

With that? I'll end with my mom's wisdom and POV.

Who cares what anybody does, as long as the do not use MY arse to do it.

Carry on, have a nice day and remember to be a DO BEE, not a DON'T Bee.

To be or not to be.
Be all you can be!
Do bee, Do bee, Do.......

You guys rock.:)

06-30-2010, 04:13 PM
Really Karen, are you saying that if you are the originator of the thread, anything goes?

I cannot tell you how upset I would be if that were the case.

No, I was saying that as the thread was about Marigold's posts being upsetting to people, mentioning other posts of hers that bothered you would be pertinent to the thread at hand.

Does that explain it better?

In any case the thread about Cam getting spayed has been deleted by the poster.

06-30-2010, 04:19 PM
:( I am so saddened by this.. Yes I will admitt her wording was all wrong = But she meant no harm.. She is just a Youngen with lack of wording knowledge.. Jessie just wanted everyone to have prayers about her baby too.. **Now I Wish For All To Read Post #73 that I wrote..**

In any case the thread about Cam getting spayed has been deleted by the poster.

06-30-2010, 04:23 PM
this kind of amuses me.. lol..

sorry if you feel your angst amuses me (not directed towards ANYONE in particular).. but every now and then someone will be offended by something.. we canīt go by deleting threads/posts etc or we will end with an empty forum... yeah we can disagree on topics, think some "wordings" are harsh, but we can still see the big picture... at least I know I can.. and Iīm one that has used some "attention getter" titles.. and some might be taken not so good...

another thing is calling someone names.. making disrespectful comments or adjectives.. THAT should not be tolerated.. well.. it could but only with a great sense of humor which sometimes it just canīt be done..

I do think, and itīs nothing wrong about it, to bring on topic other topics from same original poster (this or whichever other thread) as IMO they ALL relate to the same person and one could say "hey on this thread you said this, but on this other one.."... another topic from another person could be dragged in IF it was about same issue .. not in this case.. where some rude comments were reffered to then added someone elses harsh descriptions.. although quite similar they are still not the same..

if we relate every bad comment, harsh wording, bad spelling, etc.. then we would have brought in tons of the threads here...

ES was and is entitled to her opinions and made a good point, but as I saw it ,Karen just reminded her of not bringing another topic into this thread.. but that it would be addressed properly.. even if she seemed to "bless" the title.. which I more think tolerated.. as I did.. I didnīt felt offended, sure it was a bit odd.. maybe too much for some others.. which is why I understand ESīs concern..

the thing here is that the OP has several times made rude comments, denigrating people, etc.. and all those "topics" arose here

no one is or needs to be "attacked"...we all just need our reins pulled sometimes.. sometimes it goes in PMīs sometimes it slips and goes into threads.. maybe ESīs situation is more noticeable as many have been open to everyoneīs eyes.. but I bet Iīm sure more like that have been done in private (to other people I meant)...

Iīm sorry ES if you feel that no one has your back.. I for one consider myself a supporter, you certainly make some good points sometimes, sometimes you donīt, just like everyone else (not saying this was one.. was a good point but pertained or requiered either another thread or PMīs).. we canīt all think alike all the time... but donīt feel ganged up on.. I just thought clearing it up a bit in my words.. i donīt like seeing people taking sides..

06-30-2010, 04:29 PM
this kind of amuses me.. lol..

That's why we are related.....:D

06-30-2010, 04:36 PM
I have done and posted stupid things, been run thru the wringer for some, edited and reminded that my behavior wasn't up to snuff for the site.

That said?

It didn't keep me from having fun or thinking of ways to sneak in a double entendre, joke or resorting to the lowest common denominator to get a laugh.

I think that I have offended everyone on this site at least once, twice and have some people into the double digits. I look at that and really measure that person by the way they react to me on other threads.

I have been offended by posts/threads in the past and somehow I have survived this long.

That's why we are related.....:D

no doubt about it, mi hermano :D

06-30-2010, 04:42 PM
IVpets2002, I just looked in the mirror & it broke to pieces. Now I am going to have 7 years bad luck.:eek: I should of never read your post.:(

Now that is a decision I made to do read IVpets post & look what happened. If I would of ignored it like other posts on here I would not now end up having 7 years of bad luck.

06-30-2010, 04:47 PM
:) Bonny I am sorry the mirror broke.. But I see the point I was getting at was made..
IVpets2002, I just looked in the mirror & it broke to pieces. Now I am going to have 7 years bad luck.:eek: I should of never read your post.:(

Now that is a decision I made to do read IVpets post & look what happened. If I would of ignored it like other posts on here I would not now end up having 7 years of bad luck.

06-30-2010, 05:07 PM
Well, well, all this going on & I was outside cutting weeds all afternoon.:D

At least the air here got cleared a little bit & that's always helpful. Right?:)

06-30-2010, 05:55 PM
:( I am so saddened by this.. Yes I will admitt her wording was all wrong = But she meant no harm.. She is just a Youngen with lack of wording knowledge.. Jessie just wanted everyone to have prayers about her baby too.. **Now I Wish For All To Read Post #73 that I wrote..**

I believe you are mistaken. According to Jess, she didn't misuse a word. She posted it as she thought it was a humorous/funny way to describe it. She knew what she was posting. Frankly, from your description of Jess, you seem to think she is an imbecile with no command of the english language. She is far from either. She simply used a phrase many thought tasteless. Not a death sentance, not a punishable offense...simply a poor choice of words, that even you acknowledge.

I believe I mentioned this before to you, that YOU don't see something worth posting about is fine. Don't post. That doesn't mean others have the same opinion. This "hold hands and sing along" thing is nice, in theory, I suppose. But, not everyone feels like this.

I haven't seen anyone make a claim of perfection on here. I don't think any of this is about making genuine mistakes, or mispeaking. If you think that, then I don't think you did read the original thread (I am not referring to Jess's). I can never remember my quotes and the authors of them. Certainly, I do not claim this as mine. But, someone famous said something along the lines of, "he who stands for nothing, falls for everything". I think it is appropriate here.

No one needs to look in the mirror, no one needs to feel ganged up on, there are no secret societies (that I am aware of). This board is comprised of a group of people with vast and varied degree of experiences. There are many opinions, some people are comfortable expressing their's, and some are not. Some people avoid conflict, some are conflict driven. (I probably fall in the latter category, in case any one wonders.)

It is irksome to have anyone (not just the government) attempt to quiet those that dissent, or don't share the majority opinion. I feel irked when someone tells me I shouldn't have/share opinions on a public board.

06-30-2010, 06:21 PM
I'm all for sharing opinions. It's just the way they are delivered or how others receive them that appears to be the problem starter.
It will never be all sun shiney and perfect on here. I've learned to accept that fact. I'm one that tends to avoid conflict. :)

06-30-2010, 06:21 PM
This "hold hands and sing along" thing is nice, in theory, I suppose.

Let's give it a try.....wipe you hands on your pant legs, everyone hold hands and....

Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, the Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's laughing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's laughing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's laughing, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Hear me crying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Hear me crying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Hear me crying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's crying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's crying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's crying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Hear me singing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Hear me singing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Hear me singing, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's praying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Hear me praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Hear me praying, Lord, kum bay ya;
Hear me praying, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone's singing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's singing, Lord, kum bay ya;
Someone's singing, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Oh, I need you, Lord, kum bay ya;
Oh, I need you, Lord, kum bay ya;
Oh, I need you, Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

I feel better already, It didn't hurt and some you can't sing.;):D:)

06-30-2010, 06:24 PM
I never knew the words to that song. Thanks!

06-30-2010, 06:26 PM
See, ya feel better already!;)

All we need is a campfire, chocolate bars, marshmallows and graham crackers.:)

Rock on.

06-30-2010, 06:31 PM
What I found tasteless was that quote was unintentionally attributed to you.

I didn't understand how that had happened myself but thanks.

06-30-2010, 06:34 PM
My sincere apologies if I left the impression that you, Asiel, were the author of that thread. You most certainly were not.

Although I believe "ripping guts out" - cat, dog, bird, cow, deer...whatever - is an ugly image. More than a wee bit.

Thank you for having the courage to admit the mistake, I have no idea how my post got twisted up like that but I'm glad everyone realizes it wasn't my post.

06-30-2010, 06:35 PM
Those are the 4th of July plans this weekend, for sure! S'mores all around.

Here's the thing...I don't get mad or upset or angry or anything about stuff on here. If I get irked at all, it is momentary. I can post passionately without being emotionally vested in something. I do it day in and day out, professionally. I actually laughed out loud recently when someone accused me of being angry cause of what I posted.

I get mad, angry, upset over the injustices done to animals, the emails that flood my inbox, the dog that won't go potty in front of me cause he was apparently beat, the stray cats running around my sister's house, the dead animals, and of course, all the human attrocities, too. The 3 year old that was touched by the 14 year old, who then got slapped by an adult, who got charged with assualt. THAT stuff gets me.

06-30-2010, 06:42 PM
:confused::confused::confused:I don't understand the hand slap to Sara but yet Marigold can commit virtual murder and nothing is said??:confused::confused::confused:

back to facebook

Very well said , I've noticed a lot of back stabbing here myself lately and for no reason at all. This is supposed to be an open forum where one can dicuss but it seems nobody can disagree with certain tasteless posts without being attacked and the whole thing turns nasty.
I for one was highly hurt by that "veggie salad" term but ignored it for fear of "hurting" a drama queen.

06-30-2010, 07:31 PM
thanks Asiel.


06-30-2010, 07:43 PM
:( I am so saddened by this.. Yes I will admitt her wording was all wrong = But she meant no harm.. She is just a Youngen with lack of wording knowledge.. Jessie just wanted everyone to have prayers about her baby too.. **Now I Wish For All To Read Post #73 that I wrote..**

actually she isn't that young, she's on the closer side to 30 then 20. I don't think it has anything to do with her age, just her personality, and while there isn't anything wrong with that, it was kind of abrasive to read it that way. But admittedly I even said to myself "I never would have thought of it that way". Doesn't make it right or wrong - just different.
I suppose since I don't post here as much anymore I shouldn't have had an opinion but that hasn't stopped me or anyone else before so why start now.:confused: I understand giving people 2 or 4 or 999 chances, but when every post marigold posts is something nasty, negative, demeaning, making fun of someone's body shape, style, smell, or mental capacity. I don't understand why she isn't banned when people have been banned for less. I mean a lot of dogs won't bite the hand that beats it until its hit its breaking point either, but good grief. When the woman spreads discord like some people spread grass seed - something needs to change. She isn't banned and if she IS privately asked to shape or or ship out and doesn't and doesn't and doesn't then if she isn't removing herself, my natural instinct is to remove myself. So I did. I miss my friends yes, but I miss the way PT was without her in it.
This whole scenario reminds me of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Marigold and that crazy Danielle might as well be one and the same! Its like The Real Housewives(and househusbands?) of PET TALK! The NJ housewives are removing themselves from being filmed b/c they are scared of "D" and her friends and her repercussions. Sound familiar??

06-30-2010, 08:10 PM
This whole scenario reminds me of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Marigold and that crazy Danielle might as well be one and the same! Its like The Real Housewives(and househusbands?) of PET TALK! The NJ housewives are removing themselves from being filmed b/c they are scared of "D" and her friends and her repercussions. Sound familiar??

I like the NY women better,

That Kelly is a space cadet.

06-30-2010, 09:12 PM
I was going to refrain from posting but I feel that I have to speak up. Yes, Marigold has said some insensitive remarks, it's true. So have we all at one time or another, if not on PT, then at other times in other places. I'm not defending her remarks, just gently reminding us all, myself included, that she's part of the PT family.

A few years ago when I was oh so sad b/c I didn't know if my son would be able to come home for Christmas, I posted about it and she immediately PM'd me and invited me to spend Christmas w/her family. She gave me her phone number and directions to her home. She didn't really "know" me but she had enough compassion for me and trust in me to do that. As it turned out, I didn't go b/c the weather was horrible and I was afraid to drive that far in bad weather and perhaps drive back at night w/my lousy night vision. We spoke on the phone and again she comforted me and told me that I was welcome to join her family for the festivities. I will always remember her kindness when I needed it most. She just recently posted about rescuing a baby raccoon that, sadly, needed to be PTS. That was our opportunity to see a side of her that I wish we could see more of and to assure her that she did a good thing.

I hope that she's learned from all of this. I sure have.

Edwina's Secretary
06-30-2010, 10:58 PM
Thank you for having the courage to admit the mistake, I have no idea how my post got twisted up like that but I'm glad everyone realizes it wasn't my post.

It does not take courage to apologize. Just honesty.

I do not know how I should have posted so some people did not think it you who posted it. It never occurred to me that anyone would think that. For that I apologize.

And for causing you any grief I apologize.

06-30-2010, 11:02 PM
On a lighter note ES how is the queen doing?

Killearn Kitties
07-01-2010, 06:01 AM
No, I was saying that as the thread was about Marigold's posts being upsetting to people, mentioning other posts of hers that bothered you would be pertinent to the thread at hand.

Does that explain it better?

Thank you Karen. I thought you were losing your marbles last night, but here it was only me! Having read it again, I understand perfectly what you said.

07-01-2010, 07:01 AM

Did you know I have a giant pimple on my forehead today.


Who knows

A boil on your butt, perhaps??:D:D

smokey the elder
07-01-2010, 07:15 AM
Folks, please keep in mind the one-dimensionality (is that even a word?:p) of the written word without vocal or body language cues. If I see something dodgy, I just think about it first.

Hijack alert: There are some things said (I won't get specific to protect the guilty) that really rub me the wrong way, but then I realize that opinions are like...you know. Everyone has one and they all stink to someone!:D

07-01-2010, 08:45 AM
Smokey the Elder,

opinions are like...you know. Everyone has one and they all stink to someone!


07-01-2010, 03:09 PM
It does not take courage to apologize. Just honesty.

I do not know how I should have posted so some people did not think it you who posted it. It never occurred to me that anyone would think that. For that I apologize.

And for causing you any grief I apologize.

No need for an apology, no grief caused. Proves how hard it is to post something without it being seen the wrong way, a lot harder to respond in a post than when you're face to face. Honesty apprecaited.

07-06-2010, 09:10 AM
You know Mary you are always welcome here.
We might not always agree but I have such respect and love for you. Doesn't matter that we have never met, I love you just the same for your intelligence, wit and kindness. I am not always the most tactful person here but I am honest.
And yes I have learned a lot. Learned about people in a way that surprised me.
I have learned that if I make a general comment about something, some will take offense for they see themselves in that comment when it was never thought of or directed toward them. They take offense when none was meant, it's within themselves that the offense takes place.
I am not one to take offense easily so it is hard for me to understand when people are so sensitive to any random comment.
But as I have said I have learned.
I have also learned to use the ignore button, tis lovely.
Several of you asked me to repost the pictures and I have. It is in general under Mgrandson.

I was going to refrain from posting but I feel that I have to speak up. Yes, Marigold has said some insensitive remarks, it's true. So have we all at one time or another, if not on PT, then at other times in other places. I'm not defending her remarks, just gently reminding us all, myself included, that she's part of the PT family.

A few years ago when I was oh so sad b/c I didn't know if my son would be able to come home for Christmas, I posted about it and she immediately PM'd me and invited me to spend Christmas w/her family. She gave me her phone number and directions to her home. She didn't really "know" me but she had enough compassion for me and trust in me to do that. As it turned out, I didn't go b/c the weather was horrible and I was afraid to drive that far in bad weather and perhaps drive back at night w/my lousy night vision. We spoke on the phone and again she comforted me and told me that I was welcome to join her family for the festivities. I will always remember her kindness when I needed it most. She just recently posted about rescuing a baby raccoon that, sadly, needed to be PTS. That was our opportunity to see a side of her that I wish we could see more of and to assure her that she did a good thing.

I hope that she's learned from all of this. I sure have.

07-06-2010, 10:13 AM
Your incorrect in this, if I take offense often it is for the people you are offending not for myself. That is what makes some of us have empathy.

07-06-2010, 10:23 AM
I have learned that if I make a general comment about something, some will take offense for they see themselves in that comment when it was never thought of or directed toward them. They take offense when none was meant, it's within themselves that the offense takes place.

I am not one to take offense easily so it is hard for me to understand when people are so sensitive to any random comment

Let's see, I am neither uneducated, overweight, of Mexican heritage, poor, on public assistance, non-english speaking, in need of cosmetic surgery, nor in a vegatative state. THOSE were the "issues" that drew my ire (and others) in your postings. You just don't or can't get it.

Maybe the latter part of the quoted piece explains more than we know. And, for the ones that want to jump in for your defense, that last line in the quoted piece was but a thinly veiled insult. Again. From the person that has 'learned'.

Uh huh.

07-06-2010, 12:45 PM
Caseysmom & Cataholic, :rolleyes: WHATEVER:rolleyes: YOUR LIKE A PAIR OF OLD BROKEN RECORDS. :rolleyes:

07-06-2010, 01:24 PM

07-06-2010, 04:19 PM
AMEN Bonny!!!!

07-06-2010, 07:15 PM
I have not been in all of Marigolds threads for sure, but i was in the one about her grandson, to me it seemed she was being attacked for simply having a different view on how she felt towards her grandchildren, she wanted to have a life as well as be part of their lives, she admitted she was not really keen on being around them a lot, but that does not mean she does not love or care for them., I did not feel she should be attacked for that.

Just reading what Mary wrote, really shows the warmth and compassion this lady does indeed have.

I certainly don't agree with all the comments made by Marigold and I think we can agree to disagree, but i am not going to judge her simply because of her statements made regarding her grandchildren.

I cannot comment on the other comments made by her as i was not in those threads.,well at least i don't think i posted in many of them, maybe one or two perhaps.

It did seem to me whatever she posted the same people just kept coming back and attacking her, sure they have a right to their opinions too, but if she really bothers you that much, would it not be better just to stay out of her threads.

Anyhow seems a bit of a storm in a tea cup to me ,however i guess feelings have been hurt on both sides, perhaps someone can offer the olive branch and let bygones be bygones.

Love ,peace and harmony to all.:love:

07-06-2010, 08:20 PM
I am closing this thread. Everything that needs to be said has been said, over and over and over. Let it rest, folks, and remember, if you take issue with a specific person, you can discuss things via PM without upsetting the whole board, or put them on ignore and move on with life.

This is not directed at anyone in particular.