View Full Version : String attachment

06-27-2010, 08:58 PM
I just had to ask some of you cat people if you have ever seen cats get attached to strings...Both of our Siamese girls have crazy addictions to "thier" Strings...And they both know which string is which... They don't play with each others. Paris's is green and Nikki's is white and they both carry them around the house like the string is a security blanket. Paris only allows me and my husband touch hers she even sleeps with it. Or she tucks it into bed with me. Nikki hasn't gotten to that point yet she just carries hers around. When Paris was sick with Pancreatitis that string was tucked into bed with her everyday. Is this a strange thing or have the rest of you seen this sort of behavior? And we have found that its only our meezers that have done that?

06-28-2010, 12:47 AM
Well I've never seen any of my cats attached to anything to this extent but I do remember that when I adopted Sky the Humane Society gave me a big brown catnip mouse to take home with him. He used to sleep with it every night for a while. I guess you could say in the beginning that it was his security blanket.:)

Pearl loves straws and she'll carry them around in her mouth but she won't sleep with them. She likes to leave them in my bedroom sometimes. I think it's her way of giving me a little present. Ziggy used to also do this with her pipecleaner spiders but she hasn't done this in a long time.

06-28-2010, 06:57 AM
Just please BE CAREFUL!!! String, especially dental floss, can be dangerous if ingested. It can get wrapped around the intestines and do alot of internal damage.

Case in point: Shortie (my rescue Munchkin) has a fascination with dental floss. I made the mistake of leaving a piece of dental floss on my end table. I meant to throw it out. Next thing you know, Shortie was meowing and rolling her butt on the carpet. I always check their butts first when I see this. Sure enough, there was a piece of dental floss coming out her butt. I GENTLY tugged at it (DO NOT try to do this!) and a little came out. Up to the vet I ran. They gave her Laxatone and an enema until it finally came out. One very expensive vet bill later...she's fine. What an expensive lesson to be learned.

smokey the elder
06-28-2010, 10:45 AM
Many years ago I had a black and gold shoestring that Smokey the Elder was totally enthralled with. It was known as The One True Shoestring. It disappeared after she went to the Rainbow Bridge (who says you can't take it with you?):love:;)

06-28-2010, 03:59 PM
My Found Cats only like strings only if I am dragging them in front of them.:cool:
I try and keep the strings away as moosmom says Cats have to bet careful that they don't swallow string as it can be harmful:eek:
The same thing goes with rubber bands:eek:

06-28-2010, 04:17 PM
I should have phrased that better...Its not a string...its more like a rope. Paris doesn't show any interest in eating the string she just carries it around with her. She certainly doesn't want to eat the string cause I am pretty sure she loves it! I worried about her eating it but I am certain she won't do that now...Or she would have. She treats it more like a security blanket. Its the strangest thing and I would have thought she would have grown out of it by now. But she loves the thing.... I just can't take it away from her...Or she looks all over for it. Only she knows where she puts it. Its will disappear for a couple of days and then all of sudden it will be in bed with me...I don't know its pretty strange but she likes it and that is all that matters :) Its like a kid with a security blanket its really hard to take it away....

06-28-2010, 05:34 PM
Just please BE CAREFUL!!! String, especially dental floss, can be dangerous if ingested. It can get wrapped around the intestines and do alot of internal damage.

Case in point: Shortie (my rescue Munchkin) has a fascination with dental floss. I made the mistake of leaving a piece of dental floss on my end table. I meant to throw it out. Next thing you know, Shortie was meowing and rolling her butt on the carpet. I always check their butts first when I see this. Sure enough, there was a piece of dental floss coming out her butt. I GENTLY tugged at it (DO NOT try to do this!) and a little came out. Up to the vet I ran. They gave her Laxatone and an enema until it finally came out. One very expensive vet bill later...she's fine. What an expensive lesson to be learned.

YES, INDEED! This can be SUCH a critical, life-threatening emergency. Thank God that Shortie survived her episode.