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06-27-2010, 04:59 PM
I was wondering if any one has been able to watch the new series "Last Chance Highway" on Animal Planet yet. I think it just started yesterday or maybe the last Saturday. I watched it and I think it''s wonderful to see that many dogs on Petfinder are being transported to their adoptive parents. I found it to be a very emotional show to watch and I kept getting LES but they were good tears. If you haven't seen it yet. I highley recommend it.:)

06-27-2010, 05:03 PM
I haven't seen it. Will have to try and watch it, thanks!;)

06-27-2010, 05:11 PM
I saw that it was on, but decided not to watch. I figured it might be cause for LES, and I've really had more than my share of that lately. :( Maybe I'll give it a shot next week. ;)

06-27-2010, 05:40 PM
I watched the first episode, and now have the next on the DVR. I thought the woman made a few big assumptions, but her heart's in the right place. It wasn't too bad for the LES, Pomtzu - and I cannot bring myself to watch the Animal Cops pieces for that reason, so you know I am pretty mushy-hearted.

06-27-2010, 06:50 PM
I watched the first episode, and now have the next on the DVR. I thought the woman made a few big assumptions, but her heart's in the right place. It wasn't too bad for the LES, Pomtzu - and I cannot bring myself to watch the Animal Cops pieces for that reason, so you know I am pretty mushy-hearted.

Nope - no Animal Cops for me either. There used to be a show on a few years ago - Emergency Vets - and I made the mistake of watching it one time. The one that I watched upset me so bad, and I have never forgotten one poor dog that was on. The cruelty of some people is so horrible........:mad:

06-27-2010, 06:52 PM
I have seen it but I don't like how she approves people over the phone without doing a thorough check. Maybe it's just because I am in rescue.

Don't get me wrong she is
saving dogs, but I'd rather meet the people in person and get a feel for them, not over the phone. JMO. :) If someone likes a dog from us far away, we have them come meet the dog and go from there. I like the show and think it's great people are adopting and finding dogs on petfinder (I am a big supporter of petfinder we use it) .. I just don't agree with approval over the phone without meeting them and it's the drivers that meet them not her and she runs the rescue. She should come along with them since she is the one that approves them or have the people come there.

With that said, I love the pit bull pups she rescued. Lee Lee (I think that's her name) is a doll. :love: I am not bashing her any way, I just think some things should be done differently just to clarify. :)

06-29-2010, 08:00 PM
I havent seen it yet; but maybe one of these days when my nerves arent so frayed i'll give it a go :)

06-29-2010, 08:31 PM
I have seen it but I don't like how she approves people over the phone without doing a thorough check. Maybe it's just because I am in rescue.

I have a feeling that she does a lot more checking than they show on the TV show, its just that wouldn't make very compelling TV.

I helped friends get a Mini Schnauzer from Louisiana, as they are here, and the rescue coordinator is in Maine, and was able to tell them a lot about the couple, their situation, yard and dog experience. They have given Fritz the best home imaginable, as I knew they would, and didn't meet him until he got off the truck here in Massachusetts.

06-29-2010, 08:51 PM
Well if she is doing more thorough checks they should play it on TV.

I'm not saying long-distance adoptions are bad; but I still think she should meet them in person on the out of state drives. :) Those drivers seem very trustworthy though and I am sure she asks them to make sure they are the right people for the dog.

Heck - we do long-distance adoptions but the people must come to our shelter as we don't have the resources for transport all of the time. I think it's great they do though. :)

06-29-2010, 08:52 PM
Well if she is doing more thorough checks they should play it on TV.

Maybe you should write to the producers of the show, so they can make that change for next season. As many of the shots are wintry, I am sure this was all filmed months ago, but there's always room for changes in a future show!

06-29-2010, 09:05 PM
I agree with loveofallhorses.

Week in and week out, I get emails about transports from the south all the way to Canada. Passenger cars, sometimes three to a leg, with maybe 4 dogs in a car. I do mean week in and week out. Same people doing the driving, every time.

Mugsy, of this site, does this week in and week out- arranging for transports, from a shelter she probably has never visited, as it is hours away from her, to shelters in NE and Canada.

I just finished a foster for two puppies whose days were, literally, numbered, in KY. The person that got it put together? A lady north of Ontario. These dogs went separately on to Canada, a few weeks apart, to homes that had been personally home visited. A practice I suggest is the best way to go.

So, yeah, shows like this are nice. But, they glorify one woman's efforts. The people in the trenches do this all the time, for no fame or glory, all for the love of dogs they have yet to meet, and will "know" for an hour or two.

I hope this show does encourage other people to do transport/foster. The need is so flipping great. Two weekends ago, I had 6 overnighters, and one foster, and my own newly adopted formerly foster dog, Jasper. The 8 cats and a kid were just gravy. I figure if I can do it, singlely, many others could, too. I wish they would.