View Full Version : My first car accident

06-26-2010, 09:51 PM
So today was nothing short of eventful. I've had my license for 3 months and I get into a car wreck, with a sign. I am just so happy it was nothing more then that! As my mom said, it could've been a hell of alot worse. But I sure learned a lesson from this mistake. I'm fine, my arm is really sore but other than that nothing. I can't say the same for the yield sign. It came completely out of the ground. My car just got a flat tire, a bit of bumper damage, and a big scratch. $350 later...:rolleyes: it shall be fine. But I was so mad at myself, I pulled into the nearest parking lot (yes with a flat) and called my parents. It was by my house. They didn't flip out, they were just happy I was okay. I told my mom I never want to drive again, she said you have to move on and learn from this. That made me feel a bit better about the whole thing.

As for how I managed to crash, well no I WASN'T texting or calling someone. No I was not playing with the radio, I zoned out. I've never done that while driving and it will never happen again. So basically, I would love to erase this entire day but I'm just trying to move on from this.

Thanks for listening to my vent. :rolleyes: I'm gonna take this as a lesson indeed, maybe I needed it and that's why it happened. My dad said people who get in accidents become much better drivers, that's what happened to him.

06-26-2010, 09:57 PM
I'm sorry you had an accident Alyssa and glad you're ok. Yep, just move on from this with a lesson learned. ;)

06-26-2010, 10:22 PM
Thank goodness it was just a sign and you are okay. I'm sorry your car was a little damaged. But I'm also glad your parents were so understanding. My father probably wouldn't have let me drive for who knows how long after an accident. They probably figured you were already shaken up enough.

I remember when my friend was in an accident, much worse than yours, in her dads truck. She was so worried he was going to be so mad at her for wrecking his truck. He was just so happy she wasn't seriously injured!

06-26-2010, 11:20 PM
I'm so glad you're ok!! I learned a hard lesson about driving while exhausted recently. :( As you said, it has made me a better driver!

06-27-2010, 05:54 AM

Believe me, you're not the only teen that has had their first accident within 3 months of getting their license. It's a known fact that teens who get their license have their first accident within the first 6 months. I'm glad no one was hurt. It's not the worst thing that could happen, and I'm glad you are okay.;)

Your Mom is one wise woman. Move on honey. Don't let this "experience" phase you or make you doubt your driving ability. Don't even ASK me how many accidents I've had in my years of driving. I'm 57 and the stories would curl your hair!! Nuff said.

06-27-2010, 06:25 AM
Poor kid!! Glad you weren't seriously hurt tho. Be careful out there! ;)

I didn't have my license when in school. Dad was very old fashioned and believed that women didn't need to know how to drive, so wouldn't sign for me. My mother never learned to drive in all of her 79 years. How times have changed - thankfully. :) Finally got mine when I was 18. I've NEVER had an accident (one that I caused), and only have been involved in a couple of fender benders caused by the other driver. Guess I'm one of the rare and lucky ones.

A little story: My girlfriend had her license in school, and we had been out somewhere one night, don't remember where, but......
She was backing out of her parking space, and backed into another car. A police car of all things, with the cop in it! :eek: Luckily no damage to either vehicle, and he let her go on her way. :cool:

06-27-2010, 07:38 AM
Parking lot accidents are also common. I had one a few years ago. I and another car were both backing out of our parking spaces at the same time. There was no damage, no one was hurt, but police were called. The cop told us that because parking lots are considered "private property", all we could was exchange information, IF there was any damage, which there was NOT. The cop verified it. End of story.

I can't believe how people drive in parking lots. It's awful.

06-27-2010, 11:58 AM
I got in my first accident as a teen driver swerving to miss a cat. Slammed into a parked cadillac on the side of the street. Couldn't barely get my boyfriend out of the car and he was hurt fairly bad.

My dad made me drive again the next day, he did not want me to fear driving. My dad RIP was a great man and never got angry and of course he was a cat lover.

Hugs to you, don't sweat it, I am glad you weren't hurt.

06-27-2010, 12:50 PM
Sorry this happened but I am so glad to read about the responses of your mom and dad :)

06-27-2010, 01:45 PM
Glad only the car was damaged. I've never had an accident myself but was involved in one where I was stopped for a train and got hit from the rear...by a woman who was not paying attention, she was looking to see if there were blueberry bushes along the road....our trailer hitch went through her rad and I got a sore neck out of it,no damage to my car .

Suki Wingy
06-27-2010, 01:52 PM
I'm glad you're ok! I've been in a couple accidents, they are never fun.

06-27-2010, 02:36 PM
I'm so glad you are ok and unharmed (besides from a sore arm:() Alyssa! Don't beat yourself up over it, and take you mom's good advice, just take this as a learning experience, and move on! :) I'm glad you are not one of those teenagers that texts/talks on the phone, or fiddles with the radio while driving, that shows a great degree of responsibility on your part, so that's awesome!! Again, I'm so glad you are not hurt!! Take care!:love:

06-27-2010, 04:44 PM
As for how I managed to crash, well no I WASN'T texting or calling someone. No I was not playing with the radio, I zoned out. I've never done that while driving and it will never happen again.

Glad you weren't seriously hurt.:)

You are the first person I've heard tell of who just zoned out like that. I've
done it too.:eek: Isn't it scary? I sometimes do it on long highway drives &
sometimes it's just across town. I try to keep a soft drink with me to get
a sugar boost. It helps me to stay focused.

06-27-2010, 04:55 PM
Glad you're okay! Accidents are no fun. :(

06-27-2010, 05:08 PM
Alysser, cyber hugs! I am so glad you are alright!!!! Cars can be repaired, replaced, yield signs ditto.

Your folks sound like terrific people.

06-27-2010, 07:20 PM
As long as you are ok that is all that matters.

06-27-2010, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. I know I'm not the only one to get in a car wreck so early on. It is reassuring. Yes, zoning out is scary, it's only happened to me a few times though, it doesn't happen frequently luckily. It happened to my brother too and he got in a rear-end accident. I'm just glad it wasn't worse. This experiences also reinforces my belief in how great my parents are. I mean, they were not happy, but they're not angry. It has happened to them. It apparently happens to everyone. I am just glad I didn't hurt anyone else. :eek:

Although I need to pay for the repair (well most of it), I am not annoyed about it. It was my carelessness that got me into the mess and I need to own up to my mistakes. But I have moved on. I am driving it home from the repair shop tomorrow. My mom is pretty much making me lol.

06-28-2010, 06:59 AM

You my dear, are way mature beyond your years. Your parents should be proud!!;)

Suki Wingy
06-28-2010, 11:36 PM
Yes, zoning out is scary...

What's scary is that several times I have almost not registered "red means stop" and once I actually did and hit a car. It's like my brain goes, "Ooh, pretty red lights." DURR But now I'm pretty much a paranoid driver. I go really slow.

06-28-2010, 11:43 PM
I'm glad it was nothing more than a sign! I've had my car for a couple years now... other than scraping a pole as I backed out of a parking spot :rolleyes:, I have not crashed yet luckily!
Good thing it was only 350 dollars! I mean it's a lot of money but when it comes to vehicles, very little.
Lesson learned, and luckily no one was hurt!

06-29-2010, 05:36 PM

You my dear, are way mature beyond your years. Your parents should be proud!!;)


06-29-2010, 08:53 PM
I am confused by your two posts. You said this:

I zoned out. I've never done that while driving and it will never happen again.

Then this:

Yes, zoning out is scary, it's only happened to me a few times though, it doesn't happen frequently luckily. It happened to my brother too and he got in a rear-end accident. .

Which is it? You zone out sometimes or this was the first time? This happened to your brother, too? Is this hereditary? That just puts panic in my heart. I walk all the time with my child, he on a bike, me on foot. What if this would have been one of the times you "zoned out", as we were crossing in the cross walk in front of your car??? Is this a medical condition? Doesn't this freak you out? I couldn't imagine driving my car knowing I could "zone out". To me, this is as reckless as drunk driving.

Of course, I am glad you were not hurt. But, to continue driving while admittably having this problem seems pretty wrong, IMO.

06-29-2010, 09:48 PM
Let me clarify before everyone starts jumping on the band-wagon, what I meant by zoning out is not what you typically think of "zoning out". Perhaps I worded it wrong. I took my eyes off the road for a split second, I didn't mean to say "zoned-out" because honestly I meant my attention was not focused on the road. My attention span is pretty short, although it has gotten better and will be getting better because this is something that will not be happening again I assure you. And obviously it was a mistake. The road is not on one which people frequently cross on and there is no cross walk. No, that doesn't make it right, but I'm just bring a point up. I am beyond careful in residential areas, I go about 15 in those areas, especially my neighborhood since there are so many little kids.

As for my brother, from what he told me he said the same thing happened to him as in his case he was texting - "zoned in" on the phone. He's been driving for 13 years and has had 2 accidents and 1 fender bender, 1 with a deer and the rear-ended one. Some guy also backed into his car while he was at work one day and left a note with a fake address and all on his door.

As for how many times it's happened to me, where I had my eyes off the road for a short amount of time or was focused on something else. I'd say it has happened twice. I guess when I said it's happened to me once was that it actually effected my driving once (this accident). I presume you mean the "zoning out" where I am staring at nothing or not focusing on anything but that's not what I meant.

I honestly didn't mean what you thought I meant, and for one I am a pretty careful driver. I do not speed, text, drink and drive (I have never touched alcohol in my life), dis-obey the rules of the provisional license, or any of that. You don't have to believe it but I am telling the truth. Maybe you mis-interpreted my post but I did mis-word it and for that I apologize.

06-29-2010, 11:09 PM
I knew what you meant by zoned out. I totalled my 1st car a day after my last car payment! How's THAT for luck? I was careless in the rain and slick road. My lovely parents reacted same as yours. Good thing I called them before they saw the car. Nobody was hurt and a car is metal and glass and can be fixed or replaced. I also swore I'd never drive again too.

I agree with everyone, that you are mature and awesome. I'd ride with you any day. Glad you're OK.

06-29-2010, 11:47 PM
Eep! =/

im glad that youre okay an that it was just a sign as well. i also like your outlook on it. :)
many hugs to you *hugs*