View Full Version : Jax Pictures - update #41 (8/21/10)

06-25-2010, 03:46 PM
I thought I'd start a new thread for pictures of Jax. My goal is to post pictures monthly in this thread so I (or we) can all see the growth of the little man. I wish I had done this with Paizly.

I'm only going to attach these for now since I'm at work. Bruce sent these to me today. The pics are fuzzy because he took them with his cell phone.
This is how Bruce captioned them:
1. Too much work.........nap time.
2. Hanging out with sis......

06-25-2010, 03:59 PM
:love: Awee just look at how so Cute & Sweet you are Jax.. Yes Paizly your a Sweetheart too.. I see they are getting along ok now.?

06-25-2010, 04:02 PM
so cute!!.. love seeing them together :D

one thought though... you might wanna do the pics weekly or every two weeks.. kitties grow up so fast to do monthly pics only.. then when he ´s bigger you can go as you planned with monthly ones as he won´t be growing that much... :).. but anyway you choose.. keep us posted

06-25-2010, 04:26 PM
They are getting along well enough. Paizly won't let him get too close for too long. What you see in the picture is an improvement. But last night we were all on the bed (except Taggart) and Jax would reach out toward Paizly and then she'd smack the bed right in front of him. LOL She's coming around. I'm afraid my vacation might cause a set back, but I think Jax is too small to leave at my moms. They'd have to be upstairs together with no separation. Plus I have no clue how my moms dogs would react toward him since he is not afraid of anything. Paizly would hide under the bed, but Jax will approach anything if its not making loud noise. LOL We'd put up a divider so the cats couldn't come downstairs, but I'm sure he'd somehow make it down there. :rolleyes:

Ok, I will TRY to do them weekly or bi-weekly. I thought I was doing good with monthly. HA HA!! I do have some pix of him sleeping that I'll get on here this weekend. :D

06-25-2010, 05:33 PM
It will take some time for Dynamic Duo Cuddle Photos, but time does make the heart grow fonder , and soon they will be an item, as Winchell used to say in the newspapers years ago:cool:
Love we pray will bloom and Your Cat Companions will be Friends as soon as Paizly lays down the law:love::love:

06-25-2010, 09:18 PM
Tonight Jax was playing with Paizly and he would run up to her and grab on to her neck. Well, she wasn't having it. She didn't hiss at him and she did bat at his head, but obviously without claws because Jax wasn't fazed by it. She'd bat him until he backed up then she'd lay down and stretch out. She's definitely feeling comfortable, huh? :D
Then Paizly came to lay on my legs and Jax jumped up there. They sniffed noses for a few seconds then Paizly hissed at him. :rolleyes: Goodness. Silly girl!

Ok, I'm going to upload the couple photos I have of him sleeping. Stay tuned.....

06-25-2010, 10:36 PM
Here are the sleeping pictures as promised.

Just falling asleep...


Enough with the flashes of light already, Lady!!!

Sorry, I don't know why the first two are so HUGE! Sometimes it fixes itself. Oh well.

06-25-2010, 10:52 PM
Aww, Jax is adorable!:love:

06-26-2010, 12:12 AM
Jax sure is a cutie pie.:) I'm glad that Paizly is coming around. She sounds like she may be a bit of a drama queen like my Pearl.;)

06-26-2010, 01:22 AM
Okay, where was the cuteness warning? I am pulling myself off the floor as I type this! He is just adorable!!! Give him some kissies from me.:love:

06-26-2010, 01:35 AM
Awww, he's so TINY! *tickles kitten feet*

06-26-2010, 06:45 AM
Aw, look how little he looks in the cat condo. Love his little paws. :love:

06-26-2010, 06:38 PM
Snuggled next to the keyboard, oh that is ADORABLE!!

The one with Paisley on the upper level of the cat tree, her startled face says, "what IS that down there?" or "is he STAYING?" He heee.

I am glad to read she is slowly coming around. He sounds intent on winning her over; he wants to PLAY!

Very sweet pics of him sleeping.

06-26-2010, 09:56 PM
What an adorable little kitty he is!

And those sweet little pink toesies.. please give each of them some kissies from me and my kitties!


06-27-2010, 03:45 AM
Big awwwww! I just feel comforted when looking at these pawsies and that nosie:)
Jax is a doll:)

06-29-2010, 09:54 PM
Jax went to the vet tonight for one of his shots. Two weeks ago he weighed in at a whopping 1.9lbs. Tonight he weighs 2.5!!:eek: My little boy is growing up! :D
So I thought I'd attach a couple photos I took over the weekend. Actually, these were all taken on Sunday. He was being a super lazy kitty that day. As you can see. :D

06-29-2010, 10:16 PM
Seems like that first stretch was VERY tiring, he hee. And one of his fave spots is the keyboard? He grew almost 30% in 2 weeks, wow!

06-29-2010, 10:22 PM
Maybe cause it was so frigin HOT on Sun? LOL! He's a cutie and I want to schmoovel his tummy. Does he let you?

Scooter's Mom
06-29-2010, 10:47 PM
He is so cute!

06-29-2010, 11:56 PM
Awww!!! What a cutie pie.:) Your baby boy is growing up before our eyes.:)

06-30-2010, 12:29 AM
Thank you all. :D Bruce keeps telling me I picked a good one. He said the same thing about Paizly and Taggart when I brought them home too. LOL

Maybe cause it was so frigin HOT on Sun? LOL! He's a cutie and I want to schmoovel his tummy. Does he let you?

As a matter of fact, I just did that to him tonight. I was out in the garage changing the laundry and he was crying at the door. When I came back in I picked him up and held him like a baby on his back. He just laid back so I "schmooveled" his tummy. I hope we have the same definition of that word. LOL Either way, he loves to have his tummy touched, tickled or whatever.
He also lets me kiss him all the time. Paizly still shies away from me when I go to kiss her. Not Jax! Love it!! LOL (Paizly just likes attention on her own terms, typical tortie:p)

06-30-2010, 12:37 AM
From my own experience, I've found that male cats are more loving and enjoy extra loving much more than female cats do. It sounds like Jax is going to be a big love bug when he grows up.:)

06-30-2010, 12:55 AM
awww. so cute. Calvin is my love bug and does flippa flips for me to shmoozle his tummy. I have to get him on film. Hobbes was very much his own kitty other than sleeping He'd be in bed in a flash to cuddle. I think multi cat families find their places. Jax is a cutie patootie. I think it's true that boys are the luvkins and girls just do as they wish. LOL Sorta the same for hoomans sometimes. LOL.

06-30-2010, 09:34 AM
Taz was a lovebug and liked his belly rubbed too (for a minute until he attacked your hand:)). But I was pleasantly surprised this morning when my Paizly Poo wanted some loves. So I sat in the bathroom with her for over 5 minutes just petting and loving on her. Before Jax came into the house Paizly was SUPER lovey. She'd rub her face all over mine. I think that will be happening again soon, as she's getting MUCH more comfortable with Jax around. :D

Pinot's Mom
06-30-2010, 09:40 AM
What a cutie Jax is - I love that picture of him climbing up the pillow! Such determination! Thanks for the update and pics! :D

06-30-2010, 11:21 AM
What a cutie Jax is - I love that picture of him climbing up the pillow! Such determination! Thanks for the update and pics! :D

LOL, he was hanging on the pillow! He's such a funny guy. He will sleep where ever he wants. Last night he was sleeping on my keyboard (piano keyboard). It has the cover on it so no damage. :)
But he loves being near his people (or any people), that's for sure!

07-01-2010, 12:54 PM
Really cute! I am partial to tabbies.

07-01-2010, 02:30 PM
I don't know about lady kitties not being as affectionate. Of my boyfriend's two kitties, his little girl, Mau Mau, is all about the love! She is a lap cat extraordinairre and just loves tummy rubs and kisses. His big boy, Buddy, likes affection on his terms only. Sometimes belly rubs are allowed and other times, don't go there. He never sits on anyone's lap, but he loves petting and being brushed. He will also follow you around the house, which the little girl never does.

Of my two, Mac is the lap cat and love machine. He will follow you and loves kisses and pets. He sleeps on me every night without fail. Ming loves my son and lets him kiss and hold him all he wants. He just wants brushing and occasional pets from me. I think a cat's level of affection towards you is a personal thing. It varies from cat to cat. The only thing that is for sure is that we sure do love them!:love:

07-01-2010, 03:31 PM
:love: Awee just look at you Jax & how you have grown.. Yous going to be a bigg handsome gent.. Wait did I say going to be.. Your are a Bigg Handsome Gent now.. Huggss & Whisker Kissess..

07-01-2010, 05:06 PM
Oh, Jax, you are just ADORABLE! More so every day!

07-11-2010, 05:50 PM
Jax got to go with us on vacation last week. We went to our condo in Tahoe. He was loving life being the only animal in the house. He had rude awakening when we got home.
Here are some pictures from the past week.

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010059.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010052.jpg

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010057.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010058.jpg

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010055.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010067.jpg

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010074.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010077.jpg

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010013.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Taz_Zoee/2010/July4th2010062.jpg

The pictures are supposed to all be the same size. Two of them seem to be larger (at least in the preview). Sorry.

As you can tell he does sleep a lot. Or at least that's when I get pictures of him. I do have a couple action shots. I do need to get some action shots and video of him and Paizly playing. He is relentless. She will smack him HARD! We hear the loud pop and he doesn't run away. He just goes back for more. I guess he is going to force her to like him. LOL

07-11-2010, 07:29 PM
He sure is adorable and still looks so tiny.:) So I guess he did well on his car trip to and from Tahoe. Did Paizly remember him or is she acting like he's another new cat? It sounds like he has the right kind of personality for Paizly.:) I look forward to many more pictures and videos too.:)

07-11-2010, 10:20 PM
Thanks for the response Tracey! :D
He did good on the trip. He'd meow his head off for a minute and then zonk out for a while. Off and on like that the whole way up and back. But after we picked up the other animals on the way home he was out cold until we got home. Paizly was the one meowing constantly (not as loud) then.
Yes, we sort of started out all over again. But she is doing good. She hisses at him a lot and sometimes when they play she really gets hissy and growly. Sometimes she sounds like she's going to hurt him, but I know she's not. And we still don't leave them together when we aren't home. So it's all good. :)
I'm still patiently waiting for my cuddling kitties. HA HA!!

07-11-2010, 10:25 PM
I wanted to post these two pictures in the same thread. And I'll try to get more in the same pose as he grows. The first pic is when he first came home and the second is from the last week. Can you tell he is growing out of his kitten-ness already? :( He's becoming a big boy!



07-12-2010, 04:21 AM
Aaaaww love the pictures of Jax in Tahoe:)
When you first got him I had no idea I would have a kitten (even if he is slightly older) the same time as you- now I think I know quite well how Jax behaves:)

07-12-2010, 05:45 AM
Aaaww thanks for the new pictures :love: He sleeps in such funny positions, and places :D

07-12-2010, 09:30 AM
Aaaaww love the pictures of Jax in Tahoe:)
When you first got him I had no idea I would have a kitten (even if he is slightly older) the same time as you- now I think I know quite well how Jax behaves:)

Hee hee, kittens are a handful but so much fun, aren't they? :D

Aaaww thanks for the new pictures :love: He sleeps in such funny positions, and places :D

He sleeps anywhere! I picked him up last night and he flopped over and almost fell asleep in my arms flat on his back. He's so silly. :)

07-12-2010, 10:16 AM
:love: Oh my your sure a growing Jax.. I see your a daddy's boy.. You are so Cute in your comfy zones..

07-12-2010, 03:24 PM
How sweet! Such nice pictures, thank you!

07-12-2010, 07:05 PM
Awww, Jax! You might not be as tiny but you have not lost an ounce of your kitten sweetness! Mmmmwah! And mmmmwah! mmmmwah! Paizly and Taggart too!

08-21-2010, 02:22 PM
Wow, so sorry I haven't updated this for so long. I am typing with one hand, while the other holds Jax against my chest. This is not easy.

Ok, I have some recent pictures to share. I know, finally!!!

I seem to keep getting a picture of him in this pose. Which is good to compare how he is growing!

He's so darn cute!!

This was just too funny. I had to include it.

Another good comparison picture.

I love this one. He's watching a bird, I think.

And ANOTHER good comparison picture. I think I'll put these together in another thread to show how he has grown.

Comparison post coming up!

08-21-2010, 02:32 PM







That's all! Thanks for looking! :D

08-21-2010, 07:02 PM
Wow! He's growing up so quickly. He sure is a cutie pie and will become a very handsome adult.:) My boys are also growing quickly but Alani is still a bit bigger than Blaze. I need to take some new pictures of my boys too.

08-21-2010, 07:23 PM
Such a sweet kitten. Cutie pie :):D;)

08-21-2010, 07:29 PM
How utterly gorgeous!!!!! Thank you.

08-21-2010, 07:32 PM
Taz_Zoee such a sweet and cute looking kitty. WHERE DID YOU GET IT FROM? What a sweet little creature. :D:love::);)

08-21-2010, 08:11 PM
Adorable as always :love: He's lost that wild baby fuzz.
You gave me a minor heart palpitation....it COULDN'T be the 28th already!!
My bday is the 30th and I've got some planning to do! Possibly another addition to the family ;)
Claudia & Calvin

08-21-2010, 09:13 PM
Taz_Zoee such a sweet and cute looking kitty. WHERE DID YOU GET IT FROM? What a sweet little creature. :D:love::);)
I got him at the shelter where I am a volunteer. :)

Adorable as always :love: He's lost that wild baby fuzz.
You gave me a minor heart palpitation....it COULDN'T be the 28th already!!
My bday is the 30th and I've got some planning to do! Possibly another addition to the family ;)
Claudia & Calvin

Oops! It took me a minute to even find where I put the wrong date.:o I changed it. Thank you. Sorry to scare you. LOL

08-22-2010, 09:13 PM
Hi, Jax, you are such a cutie-pie!

Pinot's Mom
08-23-2010, 07:45 AM
Hi Jax! Full of Tabby cuteness! I love it! :love:

08-23-2010, 10:40 AM
he surely has grown.. look at that face.. not a baby.. more teenager.. but still very very cute!!

and he sure is filling that tree space.. hehe

08-23-2010, 11:44 AM
Wow Cindy!! Jax is getting so big!!! I see he loves sleeping on the laptop just like my Sebastian does, lol. What is it with cats and laptops?? Maybe the warmth?? Or maybe just because they know we want to use them and then they'll get all the attention, lol.

Can't wait to see more pics of Jax!!

08-23-2010, 11:51 AM
Wow Cindy!! Jax is getting so big!!! I see he loves sleeping on the laptop just like my Sebastian does, lol. What is it with cats and laptops?? Maybe the warmth?? Or maybe just because they know we want to use them and then they'll get all the attention, lol.

Can't wait to see more pics of Jax!!

Yes, I believe it's the warmth. Yesterday Bruce had his laptop on but wasn't using it ATM. We both happened to be walking through the kitchen and there was Jax sitting perfectly right on the keys. LOL
Then later Bruce was downloading something and he's all "don't let him get on here now". Luckily he was snoozing on the cat tree so I didn't have to worry about it. Silly boy! :D

10-22-2010, 11:47 PM
I promised pictures back when I asked for advice on Jax's counter surfing problem. I tried to upload them last week but had issues. So instead of getting frustrated again, I got the idea from Catty1 to just make an album.
So if you'd like to see some recent pictures of Jax, please take a look at my profile. It is the only album uploaded......so far. :)

10-23-2010, 12:32 AM
Those are great pictures of Jax. I see he's another sink kitty.:) I think that you should submit the first picture of him sitting in the sink for the 2011 PT Cat Calendar.:) He sure is a very handsome boy. How's he doing with the counter surfing these days?

10-23-2010, 01:45 PM
Those are great pictures of Jax. I see he's another sink kitty.:) I think that you should submit the first picture of him sitting in the sink for the 2011 PT Cat Calendar.:) He sure is a very handsome boy. How's he doing with the counter surfing these days?

LOL, that's the exact picture I have set on my desktop of my computer right now. :) I do need to get my pix submitted here soon. Maybe I'll do that this afternoon.
He still gets on the counter, but he is not doing it as much. Or I don't hear Bruce yelling at him as much anyway. And he is doing MUCH better at not getting on the table while we are eating. He used to jump up and stick his nose right in our plates. Now he'll try to sneak up and will stop when we tell him to. So he is definitely learning the house rules, slowly but surely.
Oh, and yes, he is a sink kitty. I've never had a cat play in the water like he does. And anytime I am in the bathroom he runs in and does the little chirp meow to let me know he wants me to turn on the water. But he only gets to play in it while I am in the bathroom. Mean meowmie!! LOL :D

Prairie Purrs
10-23-2010, 02:32 PM
He's a cutie, that's for sure! :love:

10-24-2010, 07:15 PM
Jax, you are so handsome and precious! *kiss* to you