View Full Version : Paperless charts

06-24-2010, 11:31 PM
I am pleased and a bit overwelmed because our office is going paperless with medical charts starting on Monday we will go live with the new system.
I was in class today, there is so much to learn, so much. Hundreds literally of new icons and buttons to document everything about a human being. It's scary because once you write something in, it's in and I tend to think faster then I type so I have to learn to slow down and make it perfect.
All the private info your dr has is on in the computer and your dr can just pull it all up with a click of several buttons. Right now it is my job to type that info in, such as any meds you might be taking, any surgery you might have had, family history, etc
Any one who has ever been a patient at a certain hospital or hospital system is included.
Right now we are documenting tons of info into the e-chart to get it updated. Tedious work but it must be done. I consider myself very luckly indeed to be learning this on the job and not having to spend thousands of dollars in school to learn this.
I know my vet office already has this system in place and they have computers in the exam rooms. The vet charts everything right then and there without any paper chart. It is really amazing.
I am just a bit overwelmed and hope I don't forget any of the hundred and one things that need to be done. I will be putting in lots of extra hours at work getting all this done. I am so glad I am given this great oppertunity however.

06-24-2010, 11:56 PM
Yes, my vets office also does this and I like it because my vet puts in all of the charges. She can charge accordingly and has given me many discounts in the past. One time Sky's annual exam was free.

I'm pretty sure that my doctor's office,which is Kaiser, is also like this. I can make appointments online, send my doctor's e-mails with any questions or concerns,order prescriptions, and view any lab test results. I can also order my pets medications online through my vet's website.

I'm sure that at first you will feel overwhelmed but eventually it won't be as difficult as you think. Things will be more efficient in the long run and medical records should also be easier to share with other doctors if needed. Good luck.:)

06-27-2010, 07:21 PM
Thank you for the encouragment. I do think I will like it once I get the hang of it. It will definitly change the face of medicine once most providers go paperless.

06-27-2010, 08:58 PM
I can see good and bad in this, as paperless records will save trees, keep some errors cause by simple lost papers from happening, and make data easier for doctors to share when necessary.

I just worry that once the records are all on the computer, it would lead to a severe lack of privacy once the inevitable hacker gets in, and posts medical records on the Internet.

06-27-2010, 08:59 PM
My worry as well but that is progress and it is not stopping for anyone.