View Full Version : Next Question - satellite internet?

06-20-2010, 10:13 PM
Does anyone use satellite internet? if so, care to discuss the pros and cons?

We have satellite TV, which was a God-send during our power outage. We have a generator, and were able to watch TV as much as we wanted. Internet - not at all, as our cable company also lost power.

So I wondered about satellite internet. I know it's not good for playing games online, but neither of us do that.

Lady's Human
06-20-2010, 10:56 PM
SLow and expensive. I've looked into it at times, and the expenxse and slow speeds just aren't worth it.

One of my co-workers has it and is going back to dialup.

06-21-2010, 01:35 AM
My uncle "had" it at his cottages in PEI... it was very $$ & slower then Dial-up.... he was so mad!! He said it was so bad there was no point in using it.

06-21-2010, 05:23 AM
I've had dial-up for years. Got so slow that I looked into other options. I found out that there is a limit to what you can download on cable. If you go over, they charge through the nose.

We have satellite TV, but I decided to go with the cable internet.

06-21-2010, 04:19 PM
Have satellite TV & internet. Dial up was slow as molasses & the satellite to us is three times faster. If there is bad weather then things get upset & don't like to come in but that is very seldom. Being rural cable is out of the question for us.

06-21-2010, 06:32 PM
We're rural, but fortunately in an area where they have brought in cable, and that's what we have. We had satellite tv before we went back to cable, but didn't have internet by satellite - just dial up. I can't imagine ever going back to that mess! :mad:

06-21-2010, 08:58 PM
Im on Hughes Net satellite connection. have been for years.

the pros: its by far faster than dial-up ever thought of being an its pretty reliable. even in crappy weather. can play most MMO games online okay. not great but 'okay'. if it does happen to conk out the help support is awesome.

the cons: its not cheap. an this is the get you clause - "Your service provider implements a Fair Access Policy in order to guarantee a fair share of available bandwidth to all users."

meaning they instantly penalize you if you go over whatever your download limit is for your service plan. even if its just by one little inky dinky KB over an the connection speed slows down so much that dial-up is faster,, an itll be like that for 24hours unless you wanna feed them more money for tokens.

also the download limits are set so low that if youre one to watch movies or TV shows or a lot of YouTube videos it goes super fast. its really quite ridiculous.

:rolleyes: "broadband unbound" my a$$.

i only recommend satellite if you have no other options but are tired of slow dial-up speeds.

but ive only used Hughes Net. not sure if theres other satellite internet providers out there. but if there is any im assuming theyre much of the same type of FAP crap policy regardless anyway.

06-22-2010, 06:52 AM
I wasn't aware dial-up existed still, LOL!

I have cable TV and cable internet, no phone lines. I like the set up fine. Sure, on rare occasions, cable goes out. That just means I read, clean, go outside, etc.

I seem to read mixed reviews on satellit TV/Internet. Seems people either love it or hate it.