View Full Version : OMG there is a 2nd cat on the bed!

06-18-2010, 01:43 AM
Shedding... ;)

Ok so Cam is shedding like a mad woman & hair is EVERYWHERE!
I just got Digi's shedding under control as she now allows me to brush her, HURRAY!

But Digi's brushes are terrible on Cam. They either get nothing, or it takes me a yr to do 1 tiny spot as the brush fills the second it touches Cam.

Cam is a med hair Persian/Tabby. Her fur is very light, soft & semi course.. if that makes any sense.

You can see the fur falling off her as she walks around. yes its that bad hahaha
My face is always covered in hair when I go near her, so my eyes puff up pretty quick as I'm allergic to her (don't care)... My allergies are fine until her floating twins attacks my face :D


Pinot's Mom
06-18-2010, 07:16 AM
I recently found this glove with rubber bristles on it. I could never brush Pinot with a regular brush and tried EVERYTHING! I bought this on a whim. I'm so glad - I can just pet her and the hair comes off onto it like a magnet. It is also REALLY good for getting the hair off furniture. I can't remember what it's called but I got it in the pet section of the grocery store. If you can't find one, let me know, and I'll send you one! :)

06-18-2010, 08:30 AM
I recently found this glove with rubber bristles on it. I could never brush Pinot with a regular brush and tried EVERYTHING! I bought this on a whim. I'm so glad - I can just pet her and the hair comes off onto it like a magnet. It is also REALLY good for getting the hair off furniture. I can't remember what it's called but I got it in the pet section of the grocery store. If you can't find one, let me know, and I'll send you one! :)

I have one of those too. They are great! I don't remember now where I got it though.

06-18-2010, 09:56 AM
I used to have this issue with Mr Fluffy :cool:and Mr Scrappy:) and My Moose the MagnfiCat :love: as they were all very plush Furry Purries;)
I have a Furminator sent by Our Friend Pat:cool: , and that does a great job on Tubster Panther:) and Michael :love:and Juke Joint Joseph!:love:

06-18-2010, 10:00 AM
I recently found this glove with rubber bristles on it. I could never brush Pinot with a regular brush and tried EVERYTHING! I bought this on a whim. I'm so glad - I can just pet her and the hair comes off onto it like a magnet. It is also REALLY good for getting the hair off furniture. I can't remember what it's called but I got it in the pet section of the grocery store. If you can't find one, let me know, and I'll send you one! :)

We have something like this at the shelter. I don't remember the exact name and it is in the dog section. But I'm sure it works on cats too. I suggest this to families with small children that way the kids can be involved with grooming without hurting the pet.
Well I just searched it and came up with a bunch of them. If this is what is being referred to above. Here is the link. (http://www.google.com/images?q=pet%20brush%20glove&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi)

Pinot's Mom
06-18-2010, 10:55 AM

This is exactly the type of glove I'm talking about, but mine has more bristles.:)

06-18-2010, 11:22 AM
You could also try a Furminator or something similar. I've had mine for several years now and it really helps to get the dead undercoat. Just a few strokes and you get a lot of fur off of your cat.:)

06-18-2010, 01:33 PM

This is exactly the type of glove I'm talking about, but mine has more bristles.:)

I've seen similar gloves but they had far less bristles then that. It didn't work at all on Digi when I was at Petsmart playing with it... But yours has 10x the bristles & are much smaller too. I haven't noticed that kind of glove before but I'll check out petsmart & No-Frills the next time I'm there (often enough).

I think Trevor will like that kind of a brush as he wont be able to "accidentally" hurt her. He loves Digi & Cam very much but he has little to no experience with caring for them, only petting & playing with them on a rare bases...so hes not comfortable doing a lot of things yet. He has SHOCKED me (in a good way) by taking Digi out to potty when I'm asleep, & picking up her poop with the doggie bags. :D:love:

06-18-2010, 01:37 PM
Good job Trevor! You will turn him into an animal lover in no time. :)

Yes, that is the glove we have at ARF. And I think the one we have also has more bristles and it's red.

If you can't find one (which you probably will) let me know and I'll get one for you and send it to you. :)

06-18-2010, 01:46 PM
Thanks everyone :D:love:

Good job Trevor! You will turn him into an animal lover in no time. :)

I wish he would like my other pets, but hes scared of them :(
Even Austin the Bearded Dragon. He wont go anywhere near them sadly.. He likes the fish & loves that the dinning room table is infront of it :)

He has looked at Lilly in her tank, but the second 1 leg moved & was GONE hehe... But he respects them & understands that they mean a lot to me, so as long as I keep them out of his face & he doesn't have to go near them, he's fine with them being in the house.

I haven't told him yet about most of my Super Worm Beatles getting loose. I think I caught most if not all of them. I know if Digi sees one she'll eat it right a way.. so I'm hoping she'll get to any stray Beatles before they get to him LOL :D

06-18-2010, 03:33 PM
When Smudge was a high-volume shedder, I'd use a Shed'N Blade and follow behind with a slicker brush. Shed'N Blade is just a loop with one edge zigzagged - I don't know how it lifts all the loose fur out, but it does! And a slicker brush looks like a wool card, a flat rectangle with fine wire bristles; it catches all the fluff before it flies up in the air and sticks to your clothes. Smudge reports that both are also very pleasant to rub an itchy chin on. But now that he's getting a skin & coat supplement and allergy meds, he doesn't really shed that much any more, and prefers a plain human comb.

Love, Columbine