View Full Version : Pet Sitting Insurance?

06-17-2010, 03:02 PM
I posted an ad up saying that I could watch peoples pets while they are away as a way to earn extra $$.

I've had 4 people contact me. Tonight I'm going to meet 2 dogs and a cat. They need someone for this weekend to watch their pups and kitty.

I'm just wondering how many of you if you pet sit have pet sitting insurance?

I found this part online and I've never heard of getting insurance if I want to pet sit.

"Make Sure the Pet Sitter Is Insured & Bonded

Make sure your pet sitter is insured. You may ask for proof of insurance if they do not offer it up front. Pet sitter insurance is fairly inexpensive and not hard to get, so professional pet sitters should always have this safety, no excuses. If you are interviewing a pet sitter that does not have insurance, keep looking!"

Let me know what you think.


06-17-2010, 10:00 PM
My daughter did pet sitting for several years and did very well. She was never bonded but I would think most home owners policy would take care of something major like a fire or break in.

06-17-2010, 11:36 PM
I would "think" that if you were going to their place to care for the pets, its all covered under their INS... Still might be something to look into, just encase this INS is to cover your butt if something goes wrong!