View Full Version : Calling All Catmobile Kitties.....

06-15-2010, 11:04 AM
.....and any other kitty looking for some fun on the road.

Hi fellow kitties,
Well, it's half past June already and summer will officially be here come Monday. I just got an e-mail from the local Jaguar dealer asking about our summer adventure plans. She said the eco-friendly hybrid Catmobile has been tuned up, oil changed, air conditioning checked, spare tire replaced, brand new soft pillows, nice warm blankets, water dishes that automatically fill up with cool water, and a few bottles of Dawn dish soap.

Pinot, do you need new maps? I hear that the local Jaguar dealer has a GPS with your name on it. Call me on my cell phone when you can, okay? You know how we depend on our ace co-pilot!

If anyone has someplace they would like to see or something they would like to do, please contact Pinot or me as soon as you can. We'll see what can be done to accomodate your suggestions.

Everyone is invited, there's always plenty of room in the Catmobile. Plus, we always have a good supply of tasty treats - something for everyone to enjoy.

Come one.....come all! :cool: ;) :)

Your friend,

06-15-2010, 03:54 PM
Hi dear Groucho,
Right now I'm pretty busy cheering up my favorite teams on the Soccer World Cup, but I'll be glad to join you in July, just let me know where you'll be!! Boy, it's gonna be so much fun!!!

Gorgeous as usual,

Pinot's Mom
06-15-2010, 05:03 PM
Hey Groucho!

OOOH - a GPS?! I get to play with a GPS?! My purrents don't have one of those! They don't even have anything like my Catberry Mobile...:rolleyes:

I think something was discussed about the third week in July, but I don't remember what it was. Anyone remember? We have to get the new lovebirds Sparkler and Merlin back in the Catmobile!

Let me take a look at the world calendar and we'll see what we can plan! See you soon, kitties! :D

Purrs, Pinot

06-15-2010, 05:20 PM
Our Old Dad doesnt have a car, never has as he is poor.:(
If you are near The King's Buffet:cool: on Centennial Parkway and Barton , please drop in, theres lots of food from 11Am to 10.30 Pm, and right beside the King's Buffet if the Food Basics with great Deli Meats and Chicken and a huge vegetarian section for Our Herbivore Angels Army:love::love:
And theres the Porch Angels Strip Mall in Burlington on Fairview Street with 8 Great Place to eat, Plus The Moose BBQ in Cayuga:love: , and Our Angels Diner in Waterdown.:love:
Come One Come All, Catmobiles are especially welcome:love::love::love:

06-15-2010, 06:44 PM
Sophie, I'm so happy to know you'll be joining us! Don't worry Catada kitties, after we fill our tummies with such great food you'll join us for the trip.

And my friend Pinot! Great to hear from you, it has been awhile. I had no idea about the GPS until the Jaguar dealer told me about it. Do you know how those things work? Meowmie went somewhere with her friend Bernie who has one in her car. Meowmie said those things actually talk to you! What will these hoomins come up with next?

Now that you mention it, I seem to remember something about going away in July. With Soncat away on a dynamite trip for two weeks, I was thinking about him coming home and sort of forgot about it. Not to worry, things will definitely work out.

Come on, fellow kitties...Cassie, Sparkler, Merlin, Killearn Lassies, Buddy, Luna, Lily, Chester, Grandma, Winnie, everyone. Check in, we can't wait to hear from you. We have plans to make!

Your friend,

06-15-2010, 07:15 PM
Aren't we all already making plans to join in the celebrations for the national holidays of both Catada (July 1) and the United States (July 4)?..

Merlin and I are SO looking forward to this!!!!! -- Sparkler

We others all have OUR sweeties on our minds too! -- Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Bob


How about a Beach Party to celebrate the arrival of Summer next Monday, too!!!!!

06-15-2010, 08:09 PM
I just called Merlin on his cell phone and he's all excited about the trip. :D He can hardly wait until he see his sweetie again. He mumbled something about fireworks - not sure if he meant Catada Day celebrations or the "Sparkler" in his heart. :love::love::love:

I'll bring up his suitcase from the locker tonight. I'm sure he will want to start packing right away. :rolleyes:

06-16-2010, 03:04 PM
Our Awesome Angels Army Companions are veterans of Beach Parties, they have had them all over the World on the finest Beaches!!:cool::cool::cool:
There are so fine beaches around Geoergian Bay and The Great Lakes, and The Found and Porch Cats would be glad to bring food from Poco Loco:love:The King's Buffet :love: The Harbor Diner :love: and Harry's Fish and Chips:love:
That is a Great Way to make New Friends , and have a Cool Meal Together:):):)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-17-2010, 08:55 AM
Tell my prince Groucho that I will come too!! I will bring my favorite snackies for us to share!! Yippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This me, my mom took this picture especially for my american prince Groucho!!!

06-17-2010, 09:41 AM
:love: Yup count us all in.. Taccoa with her Elmer & Pinot with her Roco.. It will be so much funnss.. We will be packing some treats.. Hey we will have the 3 New Babies from Connie in KS by then.. We will bring them for extra energy..

06-17-2010, 02:39 PM
Cassie here! I'm in! Meowmie will send Eli's cheesecake for us because it is one of Chicago's favorite desserts. I would love to do the Catada-US trip or anywhere else the Catmobile wants to go.

Purrs and headbumpies!! Welcome home, Soncat!

06-17-2010, 02:46 PM
My Found Hotel C:cool:ats always like visiting the USA as there are so many varities of Cat Food which are not carried in Canadain Stores.:love::love::love:
They love to try new flavors and new treats!!!:love::love::)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-17-2010, 03:09 PM
My Found Hotel C:cool:ats always like visiting the USA as there are so many varities of Cat Food which are not carried in Canadain Stores.:love::love::love:
They love to try new flavors and new treats!!!:love::love::)

Send them over to Belgium, Garry!! Our Belgian Cuisine is famous!!
I suppose the Cat-Cuisine too :):D

06-17-2010, 07:51 PM
Welcome home, Soncat!

Thank you very much, Cassie! We did a lot of work with the diplomats in China but we also had the opportunity to see and do some wonderful things. Among many other things, we saw the life size terra cotta statues guarding the tomb of the first Chinese emperor and we also hiked on the Great Wall of China. The trip was great but I'm so happy to be home with Mom and my dear buddy Groucho. How sweet of you to think of me!

Sending you scritchies and tummy rubs,

06-18-2010, 07:41 PM
[QUOTE=Maya & Inka's mommy;2273774]Tell my prince Groucho that I will come too!! I will bring my favorite snackies for us to share!! Yippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [QUOTE]

Oh, my beautiful Inka!!! Since I saw your message that you'll be joining us on the Catmobile trip I haven't been able to stop doing the happy dance. With you and snacks from Belgium this will be a wonderful trip! I'll call you on your cell phone so we can arrange to get you to Trenton. Your picture is so beautiful! :love: :love: :love:

Hi Taccoa! How are you today? We're all looking forward to seeing you again. Wow, three new babies! That is really going to be fun. Do the babies need anything special like baby food or baby beds? Let us know as soon as you can so proper accomodations can be arranged.

Come on and check in, fellow kitties.....there's still time to sign on and there's plenty of room in the Catmobile.

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
06-18-2010, 09:25 PM
The three new babies are on the way to Roco's place and will definitely be there by the trip. Check in kitties!

06-23-2010, 03:28 PM
Okay fellow kitties,
We have just about a week to finish planning our trip and let the friendly neighborhood Jaguar dealer know when we'll need the eco friendly hybrid Catmobile.

Pinot, have you heard from any of the others yet? Do you need any help with the maps? I talked to our very careful Catmobile driver last night. He's looking forward to getting away for a bit and you're his favorite co-pilot because you never get us lost.

Cassie, that cheesecake sounds way too yummy! We'll have to make sure it's securely stowed away so our Meowmies won't try to steal it.

So many tasty snacks for the trip! Meowmie has already ordered fried chicken, crab legs, shrimp, and scallops for us. I tried but couldn't talk her into adding lobster to the menu. Sorry.

Let us know if you want to come as soon as you can. There's still plenty of room in the air conditioned Catmobile and I'm going through Meowmie's CD's to find some good music for dancing.

Let's hear from those of you we haven't heard from yet! Time is running short.

Your friend,

06-25-2010, 12:31 AM
I eagerly await the arrival of the catmobile....

...when I can be in the loving paws of my Sparkler....

Waiting patiently

Pinot's Mom
06-25-2010, 07:44 AM
Oh kitties, we are definitely running out of time here!! The Catada celebration is on July 1st and we should be back in the States on July 4th. There are some important soccer matches we have to keep an eye on, The US will play on Saturday; Germany and Mexico have separate matches on Sunday, so Sophie will be busy. We have to hit the road on Tuesday to get everyone in time for the Catada festivities. I will be busy tomorrow helping Meowmie play hostess for the PT party, but I'll check this thread on Sunday to see who has checked in.


Destinations: Since it's Summer, we should concentrate on being near beaches. To be different, we're going to Happy Valley-Goose Bay in Labrador, Catada for some sun and world class fishing. We'll be there from the evening of June 30 until the morning of July 2. From there we'll be going on to Boston, one of the more historical places in the US, to celebrate the US Independence Day. We'll be there from the evening of July 2 through July 4. We will then spend July 5th on the Cape (Cape Cod) for our last day of the beach tour and speed home on July 6th.


Purrs, Pinot

06-25-2010, 09:24 AM
:love: Yup the 3 new babies are all ready for their first catmobile July 1-4 Party to start.. All packed with treats too..
The three new babies are on the way to Roco's place and will definitely be there by the trip. Check in kitties!

06-25-2010, 09:53 AM
There are some important soccer matches we have to keep an eye on, The US will play on Saturday; Germany and Mexico have separate matches on Sunday

For those of us who want to follow the soccer games, the Catmobile is equipped with high definition tv! Don't worry, you'll catch every play.

The Catmobile will be at my place sometime on Monday. Those of you coming in by train, get the Amtrack to Trenton. Call me on my cell phone when you get in and you'll be picked up.

Your friend,

06-25-2010, 01:17 PM
For those of us who want to follow the soccer games, the Catmobile is equipped with high definition tv! Don't worry, you'll catch every play.

That's ALL I needed to know!!!! We can watch the games together!!!!

Ok, fellas I'm ready, let's go....

06-25-2010, 01:42 PM
My boys just saw this and want to go! They had such a good time in Vancouver that they begged me to let them see the east coast of Canada! So, they are packing their bags as we speak. Mac and Ming just LOVE Canada!:love:

06-25-2010, 03:02 PM
My boys just saw this and want to go! They had such a good time in Vancouver that they begged me to let them see the east coast of Canada! So, they are packing their bags as we speak. Mac and Ming just LOVE Canada!:love:

Hi Mac and Ming!
Of course you both are coming! It will be great to see you again. Your reservations are in place, be sure to let us know if you'll be coming in by plane or train. If that doesn't work for you, call Pinot or me and we'll work it out.

Your friend,

06-25-2010, 03:53 PM
If the Cat Mobile passes Poco Loco:love::love: on their way to the East Coast , there are more than welcome to come on in for a lunch , una comida deliciosa of tacos, tostados, nachos , quesadillas or fajitas with a frappe' and an ice cream.:cool::cool::cool
Poco Loco is one of the Most Delightful Restaurants we have ever been to , and every meal is a pleasure.:):):)

06-28-2010, 07:54 AM
Okay, fellow kitties! Charge your cell phones up and be sure they're turned on tomorrow. The Catmobile is on its way to my place and Soncat said he'll help me load it up. My lovely Inka will help Meowmie pick up our treats after work today.

We plan on an early start tomorrow morning so be sure to get a good night's sleep. You don't want to miss a moment of the fun.

Hi Pinot! Have you figured out how to work the GPS? Between you and the very careful Catmobile driver we have no cause for concern.

Oh yeah, do the three babies need anything special like baby food, baby toys, or baby beds? Please let us know so we can properly care for them.

Okay friends, we are good to go!

Your friend,

Killearn Kitties
06-28-2010, 09:48 AM
Groucho, I am hoping you have heard from Samantha and Jessica. I came back from holiday to an empty house and a scribbled note from Samantha about deserving a treat after being abandoned. :confused: Please tell me they are making their way straight to your house where they will be among friends, and are not off wandering in the big wide world! :eek:

06-28-2010, 10:10 AM
I've given Merlin strict instructions to make sure his bag is packed by the time I get home tonight. His cell phone and purr machine are all charged up and I'll be taking him to the plane tonight. He should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Will someone be picking him up at the airport?

I hope you all don't mind that he now has a skinny little rat tail - all shaved off. I'll give him a tail treatment before he leaves and send the medication with him. Maybe his dearest Sparkler can make sure his tail is cleaned off with Hydroxen Peroxide every night.

Gee, I'm sure gonna miss that boy but I know he will have lots of fun after the stressful day he had yesterday.

06-28-2010, 11:30 AM
Hi Groucho,
I'll be arriving to LaGuardia airport tomorrow at noon, don't forget to pick me up!


06-28-2010, 01:46 PM
We will all be arriving at LaGuardia tomorrow, to meet all our friends and board the Catmobile for another adventure!

Nurse Sparkler will be looking after Merlin and giving him lots of TLC along with his medications.

06-28-2010, 03:08 PM
:love: The 3 New Kittens are sure ready.. They are bouncing (or shall I say climbing the curtains) off the walls.. Get ready for lots of energy.. Taccoa & Roco are ready to love with their Darlings Elmer & Pinot.. All packed with treats & toys..

06-28-2010, 03:26 PM
Hi Miss Killearn Kitties, Don't worry about a thing. Samantha and Jessica arrived in Trenton early this morning and both are fine. I'll tell them to call you tonight. Meowmie always insists visiting PT kitties call their Meowmies when they come to my place.

Sophie, We'll be there to pick you up right along with the other kitties coming in to LaGuardia. From there our next scheduled stop is CATADA!

Hey there Merlin, how's that tail? I'm sure it won't hold you back with Nurse Sparkler there to help you with your medication and anything else that will make you feel better..

On his way home from work, Soncat will be picking up some scratching posts and kitty condos for the babies. They need something to climb on since the Catmobile doesn't have any curtains. I'll have to look into that for next time.

If you want to come but haven't checked in, there's still room and time. Call Pinot or me right away so you won't miss your ride.

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
06-28-2010, 06:13 PM
OK kitties, the time is here! I'll be at the airport early in the morning to make sure to meet all your flights so we're ready for the Catmobile pick up. Then we'll swing up to Canada to get the kitties from Uncle Gary en route to the East Coast. Labrador coast here we come! Ready for some fishing??

Make sure you have sent me your flight information-I don't want to miss anyone. Groucho has all the earlier arrivals set up in Trenton; they'll be in the Catmobile and ready to go! Roco, sweetheart, can't wait to see you! Make sure you keep an eye on the three new little ones until all their aunties and uncles can take care of them! :love:

See you soon!!

Purrs, Pinot:)

06-28-2010, 10:14 PM
My boys will be at the airport on the early flight in from L.A. Mac will be the orangey wearing his Lakers cap, so you won't have any trouble picking him out. Ming will be the Siamese next to him, rolling his eyes:rolleyes:

06-29-2010, 07:53 AM
Well fellow purrents, our travellers are on their way. Groucho said they have to go by the Trenton train station to pick up a few of the kitties. All went well last night. As Soncat helped Groucho load up the Catmobile Inka, Samantha, Jessica and I picked up the fried chicken, shrimp, scallops, and crab legs. We did have a taste of everything but don't tell Groucho.

While Groucho and Pinot were on their cell phones working out some last minute details Inka, Samantha, and Jessica seemed to be making plans of their own. Inka is dying to see Edinburgh Castle, visit a tartan shop and taste some haggis. Samantha and Jessica said they'd love to join Inka, Maya, Zazou, and Snoopy for some playtime in their beautiful garden.

Hopefully our crew won't run into any stormy weather along the way. Uh oh, I just noticed that several of my favorite CD's are missing!

Please let us know if you hear from your adventurer?

06-29-2010, 09:57 AM
I'm dropping off Merlin at the airport on my way to work. He's promised to call me when he lands, but with his heart leaping at the thought of reuniting with Sparkler, who knows when I'll hear from him.:rolleyes: Unfortunately he couldn't get a direct flight then a train ride so he won't be at the Trenton train station until about 4pm. Is that OK? Oh dear, that might be too late.

Pinot's Mom
06-29-2010, 10:21 AM
Not to worry, Merlin, you'll be on board! I'll call your cell with the logistics! :)

Purrs, Pinot

06-29-2010, 08:19 PM
Worried Mom here. I have not heard from Merlin. Has anyone received any messages yet? :o

Pinot's Mom
06-30-2010, 07:43 AM
I had a strange message with a bunch of kitties singing the "Meow Mix" theme into my phone. You know, "meow-meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow-meow...." - what are they drinking in the Catmobile?:confused:

06-30-2010, 09:58 AM
:p Well I sent along some CatNip Tea for all of the babies.. However I told them not to drink it all at once.. Hick Upppp :D
I had a strange message with a bunch of kitties singing the "Meow Mix" theme into my phone. You know, "meow-meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow-meow...." - what are they drinking in the Catmobile?:confused:

Pinot's Mom
06-30-2010, 11:36 AM

Having a great time, Mom, slept a little late after last night's adventures...TTYL...Pinot

Only problem is - I don't know who that kitty is!!

06-30-2010, 12:56 PM
;) Pinot are you still having after affects from the CatNip Tea??

06-30-2010, 01:34 PM
I just called home and there is a quick message from Merlin:

Hi Mom. Can't talk long but we are drugged and happy.


06-30-2010, 03:08 PM
I had a strange message with a bunch of kitties singing the "Meow Mix" theme into my phone. You know, "meow-meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow-meow...." - what are they drinking in the Catmobile?:confused:

No kidding? I have a similar message! I figured it must be some sort of a hint, or perhaps a demand. :confused:

Killearn Kitties
06-30-2010, 03:23 PM
Thank you so much Groucho, you are such a sweet boy making everyone phone home. I wonder what my girls are cooking up with the Gabriel Girls?? Time will tell!

I have heard that Sparkler is a born nurse! I will pass on any more news that I hear.

06-30-2010, 03:39 PM
:eek: Drugged?? Wait a minute it was just CatNip Tea.. :p
I just called home and there is a quick message from Merlin:

Hi Mom. Can't talk long but we are drugged and happy.


06-30-2010, 03:47 PM
That is such a great shot of a Black Cat in the wild, the Furry King of all that he surveys!!
I would like to think that that picture represents all Black Cat Angels serene and happy as they sit in Paradise , I know that My Tubby 2:cool: , Ebony Beau Tubster:) , Ebonite Tubbette:love: and The Earl of Ebony Angels would love that
part of the country , at least until the dinner bell rings:love::love::love:

07-01-2010, 07:51 AM
As I was having my morning coffee before leaving for work I got a call from Groucho and Inka. Both of them sounded like they just woke up and I'm sure that there was snoring in the background.

All is going well, everyone is fine and on their best behavior (or so they say!). I did question them about this drug issue mentioned previously but Groucho and Inka denied any wrong doing by anyone!

The babies are doing great and having a wonderful time. They have become especially attached to Cassie and Sophie, Groucho says the babies follow them everywhere and insist that their pillows are right next to Cassie and Sophie at nap time.

Mac and Ming have everyone laughing with their jokes, especially the one about raining cats and dogs. Hmm, guess you had to be there.

A special pillow has been set aside for Merlin to rest his tail. Sparkler is applying the medication as ordered and his fellow kitties are making sure nothing comes near his tail.

Before signing off, Inka said something about a special event for the "kitty couples" tonight.

That's it for now. Purrents, please let us know if you hear from your travellers? We all know how secretive they can be on these trips!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-01-2010, 09:21 AM
Message from Maya:

Dearest mom, we arrived here safely, but then we lost Inka somewhere in the airport!! The security men found her after searching during several hours... . She was hidden behind a curtain in the customs zone, where she was kissing non-stop with Groucho :eek::D;)
After this incident we all went to the cat-mobile and drove to Groucho's house.
I am having a great time mommy, but I miss dad's warm lap in the evenings...! Inka is having a ball here, she hasn't even been in her cat room for one second...! Hmmm, do you have any idea where she is spending her time mommy???
Zazou says there are several good looking tomcats, but she cannot make up her mind yet :rolleyes:
Finally little Snoopy is exercising curtain-climbing every morning and evening, because she wants to get high up in the curtains, from where she has a purrfect view in Inka & Groucho hidey-hide......
Love you mom!!

OK, time to get our daily bubbles :):p

Your Maya

07-01-2010, 01:05 PM
Well, I FINALLY got a text from my boys. It reads: "We're okay. Owr hedz hert. Havin funn!!!"

Killearn Kitties
07-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Hmmm, at least it is some consolation that Jessica doesn't seem to be hogging all the catnip.

Pinot's Mom
07-01-2010, 06:57 PM
Post from the Catberry Mobile:

Wonderful time in Happy Valley, lots of fish, couples night with :love: Roco, off tomorrow for Boston! Miss you!

Love, Pinot

07-01-2010, 07:33 PM
Message from Maya:

Dearest mom, we arrived here safely, but then we lost Inka somewhere in the airport!! The security men found her after searching during several hours... . She was hidden behind a curtain in the customs zone, where she was kissing non-stop with Groucho :eek::D;)
Your Maya

Wait until Soncat hears about this!!!!! Before each Catmobile trip and his trips to Belgium to visit his lovely Inka, Soncat has a stern man-to-man talk with Groucho about the importance of being the ultimate gentleman at all times when he's with his lady love. Going poof in the airport like that is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Lut, I apologize for his ungentlemanly behavior. You and Bernard can be assured Soncat will deal with this!

07-01-2010, 10:34 PM
Message from Merlin:
Having lots of phun and enjoying my time with Sparkler. She is taking good care of my tail and it seems to be getting better. Had a lot of phun this Catada Day and I've spruced myself up for my very special evening with Sparkler. Oh how I love her Mom. :love::love::love: Can she come and visit someday? Oh, someone's calling. Gotta go. Don't worry about me.
Love Merlin

Well, it's good to know that he, at least, is staying out of trouble. ;)

07-02-2010, 11:36 AM
We're having lots of fun and great food! The babies are so cute, they love to play with me! I'm teaching them how to play soccer with the little rubber balls Groucho bought. I have to go now cause it's nap time and the babies don't fall asleep unless Cassie and me are with them.

07-02-2010, 11:44 AM
Text from Cassie!

Hi Meowm
Sophie and I are watching the kittens -- they move so fast!
While they were napping yesterday we took a walk with Michael and Madilene. Michael has low vision and Madilene does not hear well, so we went very slow and carefully but it was lovely.
Later Groucho is going to tell us all about Soncat's visit to China and all the neat things he saw!!
Have to go because the babies keep us busy!


Pinot's Mom
07-03-2010, 07:54 AM
From Pinot...

Hi Mom! In Boston, shopping at Faneuil Hall Market today, then on to the USS Constitution (hope nobody falls overboard), couples night was great - we danced and danced! Gotta go-Catmobile on the move-TTYS-Pinot

07-04-2010, 12:44 AM
Got another text today: "We luv Boston! It's reely neat. Dey gots boats an everthin'! Nobodee fell off da boat." I guess I feel relieved:rolleyes:. Maybe we need a chaperone next time...hmmm?

07-04-2010, 08:41 AM
Yes, Sparkler phoned to tell me she and Merlin enjoyed a romantic Swan Boat ride together in the Public Garden, and so did all the other kittycat couples. And no one fell in the water!

Elmer and Taccoa, Bob and Amy, Poppy and Poppy, and Sydney and Scrappy2 all are having a ball too!


Pinot's Mom
07-04-2010, 10:45 AM
Pinot's post:

Hi Mom! Having a great time-boats are fun, especially with my sweetheart Roco! Today we're going to Harborfest, Fenway Park for a Red Sox game, then to see Boston Pops with fireworks tonight! We'll have a special place so the kitties won't get scared of the noise; they're being very good to us! Gotta go! Love, Pinot

07-04-2010, 12:32 PM
An update from Groucho and Inka.....

All is well, everyone is fine, the babies are so taken with everything they don't know where to look first! So much to see and do!

This morning the kitties who wanted to all went to church together. Pinot sounded wonderful singing the hymns. A picnic lunch is planned before we all go off for a little while. While the ladies go shopping we guys have chartered a boat to go whale watching. The Catada kitties made dinner reservations for all of us at a seafood restaurant but we don't remember which one. They sure know the best places to eat!

It's getting pretty hot here so folks from the local no-kill shelter brought us a case of water. In return, we packed up some of our tasty treats and shared them with the shelter pets. Tomorrow the shelter pets will be joining us for a breakfast picnic and a soccer game.

Time for us to go. The air conditioned Catmobile is ready to take us guys to the charter boat then take the ladies shopping.

Groucho and Inka

07-05-2010, 03:01 PM
Text from Cassie today...

Hi Meowm
I haz seen Keith Lockhart in person
And you hazn't, ha haa haaa
We are all fine - having loads of fun doing all sorts of neat things


Pinot's Mom
07-05-2010, 03:29 PM
The kitties are enjoying the beach on the Cape today; the Catmobile will whisk them home tomorrow. According to Pinot it's rather warm today, so they have umbrellas for the sun and lots of fresh water. Dinner tonight is at the Mattakeese Wharf on the waterfront. They'll watch the sunset and have a fine seafood meal to celebrate the Catmobile Beach tour!:)

07-05-2010, 07:19 PM
While Groucho and Pinot were on their cell phones working out some last minute details Inka, Samantha, and Jessica seemed to be making plans of their own. Inka is dying to see Edinburgh Castle, visit a tartan shop and taste some haggis. Samantha and Jessica said they'd love to join Inka, Maya, Zazou, and Snoopy for some playtime in their beautiful garden.

As another fabulous Catmobile adventure winds down... are we seeing here plans for the next trip?????

Scotland... Belgium.... Get ready for some kitties!

07-05-2010, 07:33 PM
Phone message from Merlin:
I'll be home tomorrow sometime Mom. I have so many stories to tell you about - places I've seen and other kitties I've met. This trip was so grand especially because I got to spend time with Sparkler. :love: See you tomorrow Mom.

07-05-2010, 11:59 PM
Text from Ming: Hi Mom! We will be home tomorrow. Had a great time! Saw so many things!

Text from Mac: Ignore the pictures Ming took. I wuz a gud boy, reely I was!

07-06-2010, 04:55 PM
I have one tired, hot, crabby kitty at home! I think she'd rather be with her Catmobile friends than home with me!

07-07-2010, 08:09 AM
Groucho arrived home yesterday with the Gabriels Girls, Samantha, and Jessica. They were laughing, talking, and very happy to hit the air conditioning because the temp hit 106 in Trenton around the time they got in.

Sounds like a great time was had by all. I hear that Taccoa, Roco, Bob, and Elmer tried surfing and did quite well. Mac and Ming really wowed the crowd at a "Stand-Up Comedy In The Park" event. Everyone loved having the three babies along, even though they were partial to Cassie and Sophie all the kitties spent quality time with them. I hear that Groucho, Sydney, Amy, Zazou, Merlin, and Pinot clued the babies in on how to properly train their hoomins. Sparkler, Maya, Inka, and Amy opted to join the guys for whale watching while Ming, Elmer, and Bob tried to figure out how they could water ski off the back of the charter boat.

Our kitty guests are on their way to Newark Airport now to catch their flights home. The Gabriels Girls and the Killearn Lassies plan to sleep all the way.

Until next trip.........

PS: Pinot, how did you make out with the GPS?

07-07-2010, 09:44 AM
Yes, Merlin also arrived home late last night. He walked in, had a nibble then promptly fell asleep. No word from him yet this morning, mind you I did wake him up and he had that glazed look in his eyes...... :eek:

Killearn Kitties
07-07-2010, 12:41 PM
Groucho is such a good host to deliver the girls back to the airport. I'm sure I will hear all about their trip when I pick them up. In the meantime I have had a text to say that Groucho will be making enquiries of the Jaguar dealership about the availability of an eco-friendly catmobile in Scotland. It seems plans are hatching.

07-07-2010, 03:30 PM
I have had a text to say that Groucho will be making enquiries of the Jaguar dealership about the availability of an eco-friendly catmobile in Scotland.

Oooo. Thanks for the heads up on this. I did not know that! I was in Scotland a number of years ago and fell in love with your beautiful country. I can still see Edinburgh Castle on the bluff as you get near the city and would love nothing more than to taste haggis again. Then there was Dundee and Fish & Chips, the very best I ever tasted!


Maya & Inka's mommy
07-09-2010, 04:02 AM
My 4 girls arrived this morning!!
Are you sure they said they would sleep during the flight???
They entered the house, crawled slowly towards their beds, and fell asleep right away :rolleyes::eek:................

Tell me Groucho dear, what have my girls been doing to be so tired????:confused::confused::confused:

Killearn Kitties
07-09-2010, 05:50 AM
Oooo. Thanks for the heads up on this. I did not know that! I was in Scotland a number of years ago and fell in love with your beautiful country. I can still see Edinburgh Castle on the bluff as you get near the city and would love nothing more than to taste haggis again. Then there was Dundee and Fish & Chips, the very best I ever tasted!


Come back! :D How great would that be? I quite fancy going on one of these catmobile trips myself! The food and entertainment are the very best!

Samantha and Jessica had such a great time in Catada. I think the Found Cats taking them to all the best places to eat had a lot do do with that. They have talked a lot about food since they came back. They were dazzled by the fireworks in Boston, didn't spend too much in the shops, and as for the beach day and the seafood! They were just enchanted.

Apparently the kitties were all quite keen on a trip to Scotland for the Edinburgh Festival in August. I told them it might be a bit soon, but we would see what the Jaguar dealership said to Groucho about transport.

Pinot's Mom
07-09-2010, 10:11 AM
Text from Ming: Hi Mom! We will be home tomorrow. Had a great time! Saw so many things!

Text from Mac: Ignore the pictures Ming took. I wuz a gud boy, reely I was!

Hmmm...I didn't know about pictures...Ming, don't let those get anywhere! Remember our motto: 'What happens in the Catmobile - stays in the Catmobile'! :cool:

PS: Pinot, how did you make out with the GPS?

I LOVED the GPS!! I can't wait to find out how it works in the UK! It TALKS to you - the driver and I had a great time with it!! :)

Groucho-keep me updated on the communication about the Catmobile in the UK! :D

Purrs, Pinot

07-09-2010, 12:18 PM
Groucho-keep me updated on the communication about the Catmobile in the UK! :D
Purrs, Pinot

Hi Pinot!
I did talk to the friendly neighborhood Jaguar dealer very briefly about hooking up with another Jaguar dealer in Scotland for a Catmobile. We'll be meeting about it in a few weeks. Being our ace co-pilot your thoughts would be helpful. If you'd like to come to the meeting let me know and we'll arrange to get you here.

Your friend,

07-09-2010, 05:52 PM
Dear Groucho and Pinot,

I am ready for the next Catmobile Adventure! Being at home is so boring. Nothing exciting is happening around here. I can't wait to find out where we will go next!


07-09-2010, 06:32 PM
My 4 girls arrived this morning!!
Are you sure they said they would sleep during the flight???
They entered the house, crawled slowly towards their beds, and fell asleep right away :rolleyes::eek:................

Tell me Groucho dear, what have my girls been doing to be so tired????:confused::confused::confused:

Hi Ms. Maya & Inka's mommy,
My lovely Inka and her sisters enjoyed taking part in all of our activities. There was sight seeing, they went shopping with the other lady kitties, there were parties we all attended - dancing and having fun. Maya, Inka, Snoopy, and Zazou helped to care for the babies and boy were they active! We also were up very late a few nights, we had a lot to talk about and catching up to do.

When Soncat went to Europe and China, he said sleeping on a plane isn't easy to do. But please don't worry, your girls were on their very best behavior all the time. I'm happy to know they arrived home safely. Meowmie is too because she is terrified of planes! I hope you will let them come with us on our future Catmobile trips.

Your friend,

07-13-2010, 04:58 PM
Dear Groucho and Pinot,

Cassie is lonely at home without her Catmobile friends! She wants to know what the next adventure might be. What should I tell her?


Pinot's Mom
07-13-2010, 05:05 PM
Elyse, tell dearest Cassie there is a bit of planning to do on this one, as it's such an exciting destination. She'll have to be a little patient! :)