View Full Version : Beautiful Bella!

06-15-2010, 09:31 AM
Good morning beautiful Bella! Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweet baby girl! Your proud Mommy can rest assured that oh yes, we most certainly enjoyed reading all about you, of your happy, love filled life!:love:

I was sickened reading of your awful start at life; the lack of love and commitment, the neglect and abuse.:( It's heartbreaking to think of you nothing more than skin and bones.:( How any sentient being could treat a defenseless animal so cruelly is beyond me. But happily your forever family found you in the nick of time, and the rest as they say is history; a case of love at first sight with one nose kiss sealing the deal!:love: As your Mommy says, it's amazing how far a little love, trust and patience (and home cooked, yummy meals:D) can go in helping to heal the body and the soul! The sort of life a doggie could get accustomed to!:cool: And isn't it fitting that in rescuing you, you helped to rescue her, healing her heart after the loss of her beloved kitty, your predecessor Bilbo! You were truly meant to be as one, soul mates for life!

Enjoy your much deserved day of honor, sweetheart! I hope you're treated to a very special, fun filled day romping on the beach, catching waves, making new friends, and enjoying a delicious home-cooked dinner...followed up with tons of cuddle time!:D Love and hugs and kisses to you, precious Bella girl! Here's to many, many more wonderful, carefree, happy years with your fab family!:love::love::love:

06-15-2010, 09:52 AM
Good morning Miss Bella. Aren't you the lucky girl to wind up with such a great mom and dad. Your story sounds all too familiar, much like that of my own beloved Bella (a lab/shepherd mix) who came from the pound with ribs showing and frightened attitude. But isn't it wonderful the difference that love can make? And how terrific is your life now! I wish I could see you running along the seaside, how you must be loving every moment. Health, long life and happiness wished to you and your family dear Bella. Congratulations on being our DOTD.

06-15-2010, 01:02 PM
Bella you are indeed one beautiful girl!!! :love:

What a treat to see your sweet pictures. Are you helping with the yard work in the one with you carrying the branch? ;) Your pictures sure made me smile and made my gloomy day brighter. I love the markings on your coat too!
I hope you are being properly spoiled today. You certainly deserve to be.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Dog of the Day!!! :D :love:

Daisy and Delilah
06-15-2010, 01:50 PM
Like others before us, we are saddened to hear of your horrid beginning. What a terrible start for a sweet girl like you, Bella. We're in love with your gorgeous striped coat and precious facie. We loved reading your story. We also love the fact that you have found the mother lode of doggie homes. Everyone can tell how much you are loved at your house, sweetie!! Whats not to love? You are a living doll. We send big congrats to you today from Florida on you receiving our highly esteemed honor of being chosen DOTD!! Please tell the family to give yu a million kisses for being so adorable and making our day. Thanks to your wonderful forever family for giving you a good life!! Happiness always!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

06-15-2010, 03:49 PM
From a bad start to a wonderful home - cheers to you, Bella!
Have a great DOTD status! :)

06-15-2010, 04:13 PM
Hello pretty Bella,:love:

I love happy endings and your story sure has a wonderful one. I am so
glad to know that you were rescued from neglect and now have a great
home. Your life sure turned around and we see the pictures of a happy
pup.:) I am so glad your family takes you for walks to burn off all that
puppy energy. Congratulations on being honored as DOG OF THE DAY.
Sending you tons of hugs & kisses just for you sweetheart.:)