View Full Version : For our beloved Billy...

06-14-2010, 12:56 PM
We lost our beloved Billy 2 years ago today...Even though it has been 2 years, some days it seems longer and other days it seems like yesterday. He was so sick at the end (CRF) that it was really a blessing when he went to the Rainbow Bridge, but we miss him so very much every single day. I still believe he is here with us from time to time though...Every now and then I'll see a black streak run around a corner or dash into a room, just as he used to do...In memory of our beloved sweet Billy...We miss you so and will love you always.:love:

06-14-2010, 01:04 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Billy. :( I'm sure he is with you in spirit and sends purrs to you and tells you he is having a great time at the RB. :love:

06-14-2010, 01:14 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Billy. :( I'm sure he is with you in spirit and sends purrs to you and tells you he is having a great time at the RB. :love:

Thanks Randi...I know he's still with us, and if I close my eyes and listen, I can still hear his purr...As you said, I know he's having a great time at the RB with all his other companions there, bless their hearts:love:...Thanks again:)

06-14-2010, 02:05 PM
Time has no meaning when it comes to a loss. Billy was much loved.

06-14-2010, 05:19 PM
They never lose their place in our hearts.:love:

06-14-2010, 06:44 PM
My deepest sympathy on this sad anniversary for you. Love is eternal, and Billy and you are together always.

I'm sure he is visiting you and giving you little signs he's there when he does!

06-14-2010, 09:21 PM
Thanks everyone for your words of support and comfort...They really do help and are very much appreciated...What kind people you all are!:) We've all been through this at some point:(, and though it's never easy, it is heartening to know that others understand how hard it is to lose such a beloved member of the family, which these wonderful animals truly have been.

Thanks again everyone...:love:

06-16-2010, 09:40 AM
Billy:love::love: is in Oure Awesome Angels Army and he is in the Buffet Location Squad which searches for only the best buffets, where the meat :love::) is good and there is plenty for the herbivore Angels to have too so noone goes hungry!!:love::love:
Billy does a wonderful job, and has a Real Feast lined up for His Family:):)
One Fine Day:love::love:

06-16-2010, 06:23 PM
Judy, I was so sad to read about your Billy. It is never easy to lose a beloved member of the family. Sleep softly, sweet Billy....