View Full Version : Losing ones home

06-12-2010, 11:06 PM
My coworker told me that someone on my street is losing their home. The street name is given but not the address. How incredibly sad!! To lose one's home..... Your feeling of safety and selfworth must take a huge hit. I don't know who it is but because I work and most women here don't. I don't spend a lot of time chit chatting with the neighbors since I don't have small children as most do.
Everyone I have met here in the last 15 years but one has been very very nice.
It is such a scary thought, there for the grace of God go you and I. All it really takes is a major illness or lay off and most people can only hang on to their homes for a year at best.
For all the paved gold roads in America many good people still fall in pot holes.

06-13-2010, 06:02 PM
Several homes in my area have had "bank auction" signs posted in this year.

06-13-2010, 09:09 PM
I'm SO glad my home is paid for! It's small and old, but it's mine and no one can take it away.

I heard a song on the radio the other day, and one line really caught my attention: "We are all just one phone call away from our knees." True. :(

06-13-2010, 09:57 PM
I'm so grateful I have a house with no mortgage. Although our taxes are outrageous and the utilities can slide up and down, it's mine. I don't know how long I can stay here, it's getting too much to handle, even with help, but, believe me, I say my prayers everyday.

Everytime I see a foreclosure, I want to cry. I just couldn't imagine the pain and heartache and emotional frustration. It's a nightmare.

06-14-2010, 11:31 AM
How incredibly sad that the coworker couldn't have spared the poor family and kept the information to her/himself.
Only a matter of time before somebody goes down that street and finds the house.
The sense of privacy that used to exist seems to have vanished.

06-14-2010, 11:39 AM
Such a sad and common reality today. Will pray for them...God knows who they are.

06-14-2010, 12:09 PM
well that´s sad..

I know this can and might start an argument off topic.. but it crossed my mind.. and it´s not my intention to flare things up.. just curious..

would you still be sad if the people losing their home were illegally in US?...

06-14-2010, 12:14 PM
:confused: Well Isabell now that you brought up the subject.. Here is my thoughts = for one Alot of people think of Color & Race to determine Illegal.. **Not me** = When I think of Illegal then I think of they Dont Pay US Taxss.. Then if that is the case then yes.. If they are legal then that means they pay US Taxss just like the rest of us..
well that´s sad..

I know this can and might start an argument off topic.. but it crossed my mind.. and it´s not my intention to flare things up.. just curious..

would you still be sad if the people losing their home were illegally in US?...

06-14-2010, 01:45 PM
I´m all for people being legal wherever if they want the benefits they should have also the obligations.. but it seems lately it has turned into a if-you-LOOK-or-TALK-like one.. then you probably are...and you´d most likely be hit, shot or even killed for that as some recent cases I´ve seen where not even illegals were dead.. but they looked like.... THAT is what gets me.. that some tend to generalize..

just asking that if she found out they were illegals she´d change her "sorry for them" and be like "awesome they got kicked"..

06-14-2010, 02:00 PM
well that´s sad..

I know this can and might start an argument off topic.. but it crossed my mind.. and it´s not my intention to flare things up.. just curious..

would you still be sad if the people losing their home were illegally in US?...

Food for thought Husky_mom ---very good point.

06-14-2010, 08:58 PM
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Number one she does not live on this street. I do. The address was not given just the street name.
Number two this is public knowledge.
Number three if they lose their house a "for sale" sign will be up soon.
I just felt it was so sad that people have to lose their home that they worked so hard to build, maintain. Their safe haven is now going to be taken away.

How incredibly sad that the coworker couldn't have spared the poor family and kept the information to her/himself.
Only a matter of time before somebody goes down that street and finds the house.
The sense of privacy that used to exist seems to have vanished.

06-14-2010, 09:09 PM
People should not be attacked for looking a certain way. But if you are sneaking across the border it is the same as if you were breaking into a person's home and that is not acceptable. If you came home or you were asleep and someone broke into your house because they wanted a job, or food, or money you would most likely shoot them or call 911 and have them arrested.
I doubt most people would welcome an intruder into their home, feed them, give them shelter, pay for their health care and education and any children they may have as well. The idea is laughable, yet when they cross the border that is what we do. Doesn't make any sense.

I´m all for people being legal wherever if they want the benefits they should have also the obligations.. but it seems lately it has turned into a if-you-LOOK-or-TALK-like one.. then you probably are...and you´d most likely be hit, shot or even killed for that as some recent cases I´ve seen where not even illegals were dead.. but they looked like.... THAT is what gets me.. that some tend to generalize..

just asking that if she found out they were illegals she´d change her "sorry for them" and be like "awesome they got kicked"..