View Full Version : Walk Right In, Sit Right Down.....

06-10-2010, 10:28 PM
Walk right in, sit right down
Daddy, let your mind roll on
Walk right in, sit right down
Daddy, let your mind roll on
Everybody's talkin' 'bout a new way of walkin'
Do you want to lose your mind?
Walk right in, sit right down
Daddy, let your mind roll on

Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down
Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down
Everybody's talkin' 'bout a new way of walkin'
Do you want to lose your mind?
Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down

Walk right in, sit right down
Daddy, let your mind roll on
Walk right in, sit right down
Daddy, let your mind roll on
Everybody's talkin' 'bout a new way of walkin'
Do you want to lose your mind?
Walk right in, sit right down
Daddy, let your mind roll on
Daddy, let your mind roll on


The other night I sat down and got ready for my TV time.

I looked for the Edster, who like some children, will disappear into the silent corners of the house....

I walked into the kitchen and saw the back door open and two of my little frens inside, tenatively looking around.

I laughed and shooed them out onto the porch.

I then looked for the Edster and found him, under a dining room chair......When I bent over to to compliment him for not fighting and/or running out?

The little turd hissed at me!

Here I was, protecting his turf and he's hissing at me!

My mom had a saying that translated to -

"You do not know who you are working for..."

I think I have an idea.;)

06-10-2010, 11:16 PM
Please help with my broken spanish....
No sabes quein...
That's as far as I can go. LOL. Good on you Edster for telling your pawpee what for for leaving the back door open!:p:D

06-10-2010, 11:44 PM
They'll do it. Edster IS a cat, after all.:rolleyes:

06-10-2010, 11:57 PM
He's just trying to let you know that you're supposed to be protecting him not letting in some wild cats that might want to move in and stay.:eek: Oh, the horror of it all.:eek:

06-11-2010, 07:05 AM

He's protecting his territory. I have a kitty hidey cube in a corner of my livning room. If there's a cat in it, it's off limits to me.

He's probably just pissed off.

Oh yeah, one more thing...

What the hell do the words to that song have to do with anything. Care to 'splain??

06-11-2010, 09:33 AM
Well your Little Friends think that you are leaving the door open , so to speak for them to come in and make themselvesat home.:cool:
If they were bigger Cats , then the Edster might be afraid of two Big Strange Cats , if they were the Kittens, then the Edster might not know wwhat to make of them:eek:
There are strangers IN MY HOUUSE!!!
Please remedy this situation NOW!!!!;)

06-11-2010, 11:21 AM
Please help with my broken spanish....
No sabes quein...
That's as far as I can go. LOL. Good on you Edster for telling your pawpee what for for leaving the back door open!:p:D

No sabe por quien trabajas!:)


The kittehs 'walked right in and sat right down...";)

06-11-2010, 11:55 AM
:love: How Funny.. Yup that Ed knows who is boss..

06-11-2010, 12:47 PM
Well, is some places an open door IS an invite in!!! Next time they'll probably bring their luggage and stay. :D Poor Ed, Chester feels your pain!!! He's been hissing at me since the kits moved into the kitchen. :D :love:

06-11-2010, 04:25 PM
Now what did you go and shoo them OUT for???? Let them get settled for goodness sakes! :D

06-12-2010, 08:29 AM

Oh, okay.