View Full Version : Cataholic's herd

10-21-2002, 12:23 PM
Here's kitties:


10-21-2002, 01:56 PM
There is only one thing that I like better than a tux kitty and that is bunches of tux kitties!:D I love that photo!

10-21-2002, 02:40 PM
WOW! Thanks JLB!!!! She transferred my kitties from another site to PT! The only thing my cats like better than food is freshly grown food in the form of grass! They go totally nuts over that, and I have to supervise the activity less I come out to a porch covered in dirt, and cats covered in dirt. The picture doesn't represent the noise that accompanied that feast! So much 'chompin'....

Thanks so much Jen!

10-21-2002, 05:02 PM
OMG they are so cute!!

10-21-2002, 05:08 PM
What a great picture!! They are so cute!!

10-21-2002, 05:40 PM
That's such a cute pic. I don't think I've ever seen so many tuxes at once. It's like a prom picture or something.

Miss Meow
10-21-2002, 06:14 PM
Definitely a black tie affair - great pic!

10-21-2002, 10:25 PM
Great picture. Thanks for sharing. :)

10-22-2002, 12:11 PM
TF!!! A prom picture? A black tie affair? Those are such great descriptions! Just think, when Minnie gets on board, I will have 3 pairs of prom dates!!! I wonder who will choose whom?

10-22-2002, 12:24 PM
Oh my goodness! That picture is amazing! I thought it was staged!!

Too, too cute!! Thanks for showing it to us! :)

Love those tuxies!! There is one downstairs that LOVES to sit on the fence and top of the garages and just greet passer bys from his perch...they are such fun cats! :D

10-22-2002, 02:58 PM
Awwww! Cute pic! Cataholic- I'm sure you've said it before, but i must have missed it. How did you come to have all tux kitties?

10-23-2002, 04:10 PM
What a great shot! I love it. Your kitties are so beautiful. I've a weakness for black kitties and tuxedos... as evidenced by my pair. Here's a pic of them, or you can view their website by clicking on my www button.

10-23-2002, 04:21 PM
That picture is sooo cute!! It's a kaleidoscope (sp?) of kitties!! :D

10-23-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Chinadoll
Awwww! Cute pic! Cataholic- I'm sure you've said it before, but i must have missed it. How did you come to have all tux kitties?

Wow, how did I miss your question? What a purrfect opportunity to gush about my cats!

Well, Tex was soooo accidental. In 1991, I went to Neady Cats (a no kill shelter in Massachusetts), and wanted a non-kitten. There he was seven months old, and ready to come home with me. I took one look at his face, and his perfect markings, and I was done. His 'real' first name was Tux...but I wanted to rename him, but not confuse him..so it became Tex (and you all thought the state thing was planned).

Then, fast forward to Ohio...I moved in Feb 1995, and happened to tell the vet I wanted a friend for Tex, since I was going back to school- I thought he would need some company. I mentioned a b/w..and sure enough, days later, one was dropped off to the vet. That was Georgia (and yes, the state thing was started).

Fast forward 7 months, maybe 1996, maybe, then came Tennessee...dropped off at my mom's school. I had told her "no more cats"...and she called, and I remained firm, up until she said, "and he is b and w".

Then, fast forward four years (2002)...I was stupid enough to tell my girlfriend, who rescued a pregnant stray, "I will take a b/w kitten if she has any"..this was a solid white mother. Guess what? She had 4 kittens- one black, one white, and TWO tuxedos. That is Alabama and Dakota.

Then, just this July, same friend told me she (actually her boyfriend), found the perfect addition to my herd...a cross between Dakky and Tenny...and that is Minnesota- the semi feral one.

So, at some point, it became a purposeful acquisition, but not entirely intentional...if that makes any sense...I did have to laugh when the first stray to show up at my house in two years was a Tuxedo...I thought I had become a dumping ground for dominoes.

Thanks for giving me the perfect opportunity to tell all about the herd!!!!!

10-23-2002, 05:16 PM
Cataholic sounds like you are running your own Tuxedo rescue! There are rescues for specific breeds like Siamese rescue so why not Tuxedo rescue! I love the stories of how you acquired all of your kitties quite by accident never on purpose.:)

10-23-2002, 05:25 PM
It is kinda funny to know that I have six tuxedo cats. The look on strangers faces when they hear 1) I have cats; 2) I have six cats; 3) they all look alike!

Maybe I should just tell people I have a couple of cats..they would never know, but I would feel like I was slighting someone....you know?

Miss Meow
10-23-2002, 06:05 PM
Be proud, Cataholic! They may all look similar to the untrained eye, but their life stories and purrsonalities are different. Plus, you've got a lot more states to name! I'm waiting for you to rescue a fat cat and call him Mass ...

10-23-2002, 06:10 PM
Funny, Miss Meow, since I lived in Worcester, Mass for four years...quite truthfully, Tennessee could use that name! My mom (Lillycat) has Indiana, Nevada and Washington. So, together we have nine down, 41 to go! I think (Ver)Mont is the next name....

10-23-2002, 06:35 PM
and don't forget Penny and Arizona, I was getting a little used to having an Arizona around.( For those of you that don't know, these were possible names for the stray she mentioned)

10-23-2002, 07:42 PM
Cataholic, I hope you feed that herd on fine china and they drink from the best crystal, they're are certainly dressed for a formal affair.
:p Such a good looking group!!
So I'm curious. Do you feel that tuxedo kitties have similar personality traits? Or do you believe that sort of thing only runs in breeds?

10-24-2002, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Cataholic, So I'm curious. Do you feel that tuxedo kitties have similar personality traits? Or do you believe that sort of thing only runs in breeds?

Yes, what is your feeling on this. I have been noticing that certain colors seem to have similar personality traits. Early findings are that All white cats are lap cats, love bugs. And Brown tabby an white long hairs tend to "have their own agenda". There are more, But that's a different thred (to be).

10-24-2002, 09:57 AM
2Kitties- my babies do eat on 'fine china'...I commented in another thred that I buy little porcelain dishes from antique stores cause I think they look so pretty. As to drinking dishes- they have a cheap little glass bowl- it was the only thing large enough to water the herd- short of a trough...:D

As to the question re: personalities..although the thred on b/w's seems to hold otherwise...my tuxes all are pretty docile, laid back babies. But, I must admit they are VERY socialized, too. I am really an 'in your face' type mom...I hold them all the time, brush them..etc. So, I think mine are all the same because of their environment. I haven't known any aggressive tuxes...mine are all really docile at the white coats office...all really good with children...all have horrible table manners, and are literally up on every single thing in my house. But, again, that is more nuture, than nature, in my opinion.

10-24-2002, 10:12 AM
I feel like I'm in tuxedo cat heaven! the original picture is wonderful.

From other threads, I mentioned a long-time vet (would that be a veteran veterinarian?)...indicated that his experience with tuxedo marked kitties indicated they were "tightly wound" and didn't like change....but that the males tended to be more laid back..

I have to say that while Ritz is a terror at the place of white coats, that she is the sweetest kitty I've ever had at home.

Like cataholic, she was kind of an accident. A friend of mine at work kept bugging me about his cat that was going to have kittens and I told him, 'only if you have a black and white tuxedo cat". Given the female was a pastel-calico and the male was a yellow tabby,I thought...not much chance.

When they were born, he brought me pictures....there was this black inky blob in a mass of pastel yellow, grey and calico kittens....at the time she almost looked a little grey-tiger, but all I saw was the back.....a few weeks later came this picture of the most perfect little tuxedo miss in the world! Who could resist?

10-24-2002, 10:43 AM

.....come to think of it, this DOES look like a "herd of cats" bellying up to the hay trough!!! :)

10-24-2002, 08:15 PM
My memory's going, so forgive me if I'm repeating myself, but the 'herd' photo is delightful and almost mesmerizing. Your furbabies are wonderful, Cataholic!

[And TuxLuvr -- although there are MANY wonderful photos of delightful kittens that I've seen here, one of the more memorable ones for me is Ritzy nestled among her pastel siblings. I'd love to see it again. Can you remind me where it's posted? Thanks!]

10-24-2002, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
My memory's going, so forgive me if I'm repeating myself, but the 'herd' photo is delightful and almost mesmerizing. Your furbabies are wonderful, Cataholic!

[And TuxLuvr -- although there are MANY wonderful photos of delightful kittens that I've seen here, one of the more memorable ones for me is Ritzy nestled among her pastel siblings. I'd love to see it again. Can you remind me where it's posted? Thanks!]

Funny you should mention that - there is a newer thread ( I think either under Cat General or Cat Behavior) that is "Then and Now" I just reposted the pic from my Imagestation there...and thanks for the compliment :)

10-24-2002, 08:22 PM
I'm not sure about the personality trait issue. I only have the one Tux and one Tux wannabe, so I've no frame of reference. I can tell you that my wanna be is very mellow and docile, while my tux is very playful and loud. Sometimes I think Rocky the tux is singing, other times, I think he's talking. So, I don't know. Hmmmmm. I can tell you that both my kitties know they are very handsome and they are NOT modest at all. :rolleyes:

10-24-2002, 08:23 PM

Actually it's in "before and after"...but here's the picture again...lil Miz Ritz has been a "standout" from day one :)

10-24-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
I'm not sure about the personality trait issue. I only have the one Tux and one Tux wannabe, so I've no frame of reference. I can tell you that my wanna be is very mellow and docile, while my tux is very playful and loud. Sometimes I think Rocky the tux is singing, other times, I think he's talking. So, I don't know. Hmmmmm. I can tell you that both my kitties know they are very handsome and they are NOT modest at all. :rolleyes:

According to Ritzy's original human mum & dad, Ritz was a "pickle" compared to the other kittens in the brood...she was LOUD (her original name was "Squeaker" because she apparently gave them no peace) and tended to get into more trouble.

She isn't loud, and actually doesn't meow unless she really wants something, or is just in a "chatty" mood (usually the mornings)..but has a neat vocabulary of trills, and murrrowwllrs and chirrups...Rocky sounds like a very active tuxy boy...I don't know sometimes whether it is that they DO have unique personalities, or just that with their markings they just look so neat doing anything they do!