View Full Version : Divine Intervention or Perfect Coincidence?

M&M's Mommy
06-08-2010, 02:05 PM
Throughout my life, there was so many times God surprised me by how He uses the events in our lives to show us He's had a plan for us, one that is much better than we could ever come up with by ourselves. This time is no exception.

I've always planned to return to work on August 2nd after taking a total of 5 months maternity leave & we were looking into finding a babysitter for Katarina. Just like every decisions we make in our lives, we pray that God will lead us to the right person. So after talking to a few family members, my aunt had agreed to babysit her for us which we feel very good about, but.. surprised! God has another plan!

We found out last month that my husband's current company is going to move 60 miles away starting August 2nd! (call it a perfect coincidence if you don't believe in God & his divine intervention), and he has a choice to come with it, or quit. If he quits now, he'll receive unemployment benefits but if he goes, couldn't handle the commute & extra time consuming, and quits later, he won't. After much thoughts & prayers, we decided to accept what God has planned for us, and lets Bao-An reaps the benefits :) even though that will cut our incomes in half, and we know all too well how hard it is to find another job in this kind of economy. We trust in God's providence & we're excited to find out what He has in store for us. We just cannot be happier to think about how Katarina is going to be cared for by her daddy while mommy is at work!!

We're amazed, yet humbled to know that Katarina is being loved and cared for, not just by us, but also by someone much greater above!

Yay to God & His superb plan! :D