View Full Version : Groucho misses Soncat

06-07-2010, 10:28 AM
Hi PT friends!
Soncat is away again with the International Scholar Laureate Program this time with the dipolmacy delegation in Beijing, Xi'An, Shanghai and Hong Kong. This is a trip of a lifetime.
Since he left, Groucho has spent a lot of time in Mike's room on his bed. One of his T shirts is on Groucho's favorite spot on the couch. Since Mike left, Groucho has been the ultimate velcro kitty. I get non stop headbumpies, kitty kisses, and he snuggles with me almost constantly. I'm giving Groucho a lot of extra attention and lovies along with a limited amount of chicken, his favorite treat.
Soncat will be home later this week. Is there anything else you think I can do for Groucho until his buddy gets home?

Cinder & Smoke
06-07-2010, 11:30 AM
Is there anything else you think I can do for Groucho until his buddy gets home?

Maybe try WEARING the T-shirt ??


06-07-2010, 04:45 PM
That is sad when the nest empties and the Cat's best friends start to go out to see what the World has to offer.
But that ceratinly disproves the theory that Ctas do not care for people like Dogs do:love:
Cats do , but they are more subtle about their feelings.
I would gine Groucho all the love you can and bond as one day Soncat will be off , and Groucho will have to wait for Holidays to see his best :love:Friend:love:

06-08-2010, 10:23 PM
Hang in there, dear Groucho. Your Buddy Soncat will be home in just a few days and I bet he will be just as happy to see you as you will to see him!

06-08-2010, 11:37 PM
This is such a sweet thread. :love: Makes me love PT all the more. :love::love:

06-13-2010, 02:52 PM
Dear Groucho,

Has Soncat returned from his trip to China and Hong Kong yet? I bet you are so happy that your buddy is home! Could you please have him give you some petting and hugs from us? We hope his trip was truly one of a life time!

Cassie and Elyse

06-13-2010, 06:13 PM
Dear Groucho,

Has Soncat returned from his trip to China and Hong Kong yet? I bet you are so happy that your buddy is home! Could you please have him give you some petting and hugs from us? We hope his trip was truly one of a life time!

Cassie and Elyse

Hi Cassie and Miss Elyse,
Soncat is home now safe and sound. I heard him on the porch and was right at the door when he came in. Before he even closed the door, he set his luggage down then petted me and gave me lovies like he'd never stop! I gave him so many headbumpies and kisses! While Meowmie and Soncat had coffee and talked about the trip, I snuggled up to him and he pet me even more.

Because of the time difference (China is 12 hours ahead of us) Soncat was pretty disoriented. Around 2:00 that afternoon he went in his room and fell sound asleep. Even though Meowmie said to leave him alone and let him sleep, I did get up on his bed and fell asleep right next to him. It felt so great to snuggle up with him for a great nap.

He has lots of interesting things to tell us but Meowmie is letting him go at his own pace. Meowmie and I are so happy to have Soncat home again! :love:

Your friend,

07-02-2010, 11:49 AM
Hi Cassie and Miss Elyse,
Soncat is home now safe and sound. I heard him on the porch and was right at the door when he came in. Before he even closed the door, he set his luggage down then petted me and gave me lovies like he'd never stop! I gave him so many headbumpies and kisses! While Meowmie and Soncat had coffee and talked about the trip, I snuggled up to him and he pet me even more.

Because of the time difference (China is 12 hours ahead of us) Soncat was pretty disoriented. Around 2:00 that afternoon he went in his room and fell sound asleep. Even though Meowmie said to leave him alone and let him sleep, I did get up on his bed and fell asleep right next to him. It felt so great to snuggle up with him for a great nap.

He has lots of interesting things to tell us but Meowmie is letting him go at his own pace. Meowmie and I are so happy to have Soncat home again! :love:

Your friend,

Dear Groucho,
Has Soncat caught up from the time difference? Does he still give you loads of snuggles and petting every day, please have him give you some for us!

We thought of you two again today. My grandmeowm has a friend at church who may be going to China in 2011. If she does go she has promised to tell my meowmie and grandmeowm all about it when she returns!

07-02-2010, 03:42 PM
Aw, how sweet. This reminds me of when my boy comes home; Boo will come running to meet him and he never leaves his side while he's here. I'm so glad that Groucho and Soncat are together again. :love: