View Full Version : meet my new fur neighbour...

06-01-2010, 09:54 PM
Last night there was a knock on the door, a lady asking if i had lost a kitten, about six months old, anyhow we got talking and she lives in the unit where Ellie and Nikki's bad owner used to live, all the people in those units know my kitties well, and seem to love them, said they were lovely kitties, and Ellie had been nicknamed Motley lol, anyhow it was nice to get to know some of my neighbours, two ladies about my own age and an elderly man which i did not get to meet, people come and go so much in the units, i just never get to know anyone.

Anyhow she told me she had only lost her own kitty about a month ago, he was 17 yrs old,(apparently him and Ellie were kinda friends, they used to sit quite close together without any fights, Ellie is very territorial and thinks she owns the neighbourhood, so i was quite surprised to hear that, not sure how they will take to Lil Molly though,) and this kitten has turned up, seemed to be stuck up the tree for a couple of days, well she has landed on all four paws, this lady is a real cat lover and one who will take care of her so well, she will see if she has any owners, but after two weeks, she is going to have her spayed and she will become her's officially, for now she is named Molly, but that could change, anyhow I know you are all just dying to see this wee tortie girl, as i was, i got some lovely pats today, she is one little high wired kitten full of energy,but ever so cute, introducing Molly.

06-01-2010, 09:59 PM
Awwww... what a lovely kitty! I hope, hope, hope your neighbor gets to keep Molly. She seems like the perfect cat owner!

06-01-2010, 10:10 PM
Oh yes i agree, she is indeed a responsible good pet owner,i have a good feeling about this one, and i think Molly is here to stay, i hope so , she is so cute, even more so when you see her, she was looking up at the birds in the first pic i took of her, i was lucky to even get a pic as she is so full of beans would not sit still for her photo shoot, little did she know she will become famous on PT lol.:D

Laura's Babies
06-01-2010, 10:21 PM
Look at all that orange on her! She is SO lovely! I loved that first picture of her!

06-01-2010, 10:26 PM
What a beautiful girl Molly is! She seems to have almost the half-face look with her colouring.


06-01-2010, 11:49 PM
What an adorable little Tortie.:) At first I thought that you were going to adopt her.;)

06-02-2010, 06:47 AM
She's a cutie alright! :)

Pinot's Mom
06-02-2010, 07:27 AM
Beautiful girl! Thanks for sharing, and keep us up to date! :)

06-02-2010, 08:12 AM
Awww she's beautiful.

06-02-2010, 08:15 AM
Lovely little lady, and so lucky to have "landed!" He heee. hello Molly!

Will the new owner keep her indoors?

06-02-2010, 08:22 AM
gorgeous kitty!!... awww.. hope to keep seeing more of her ;)

smokey the elder
06-02-2010, 09:33 AM
Aw, tortietude!;)

06-02-2010, 12:16 PM
Oh wow, definitely a gorgeous cat! The tortis have such a beautiful and unique coat.

06-02-2010, 04:28 PM
What a darling little tort-let! I do hope she moves in permanently with your neighbor!

06-02-2010, 09:22 PM
If no owner is found, she will be keeping her, so far she has asked around the neighbourhood, and i am keeping an eye out in the papers, as she was a kitten in lovely condition, but still that does not stop people dumping kitties, especially in my area, i hate to say it, but with the university so close, a lot of students get kittens and then take off leaving them behind.

I am pretty certain she will be staying where she is,she will have indoor and supervised outdoor time until she is bigger, it is the norm here to have indoor/outdoor kitties, indoor only exist rarely in breeding pedigrees.

No sadly i won't be adopting any more kitties, or replacing any when they depart for the RB,i am committed to the ones I have and to giving them the best i can possibly offer in life.

I can see she is in very good hands, with someone who is in love with her already, but can you blame her, i am in love with her myself, she is so adorable .