View Full Version : I give up.

06-01-2010, 12:46 PM
Yesterday Ed got up from his nap and began the mewl.

He has this sound he makes before he throws up.

I ran over with a piece of newspaper to catch the puke.

As I was bent over, the station the TV was tuned to played this promotional clip that made me start to laugh.

I was laughing so hard, I started to black out. I managed to stand up and clear my head.......

Now, my real problem?

I lost my glasses....in all the commotion I set them down someplace and cannot find them.

That was yesterday about 5 p.m.

Pray for me.:mad::rolleyes:

06-01-2010, 12:49 PM
Prayers are being sent.

06-01-2010, 01:00 PM
Get nose to nose with Ed and see if he's wearing them! :love: Also check any chairs or sofas before you sit down.

06-01-2010, 01:03 PM
LOL! Have you looked under the newspaper you put over the puke? :D I hope you find your glasses.

I had a strange experience last night... Fister puked very late in the night and I couldn't be bothered to clean it up at that hour, but I went to the bathroom and also brought some kitchen-roll paper (what's that called in English?) to soak any fluid. He does only puke right after eating, so it's kind of partly chewed dry food. When I got out of bed this morning and wanted to clean it up properly, there was nothing. I cleaned that part of carpet anyway. ;)

You know what... people who doesn't have a cat or dog would think I was a complete loonie discussing something like this in a public forum! :D Who cares!

06-01-2010, 01:22 PM
Oh me!

I have a newspaper basket by the TV. I gather the papers there, so if I need to reference a story I can find it. The basket gets emptied the day before trash day.

Ed goes to the hallway to throwup and the basket is within arm's reach.

I had grabbed the newspaper from that basket and managed to get a section to catch the vomit.

I just threw out the paper, maybe the glasses fell in there?


I walked over to the fireplace where I threw the puked-on paper.

There, up against the little fireplace shovel tool, were my glasses.

In the commotion - and before I got to sit down and recover?

I bent over and because I was laughing so hard, they must have fallen off of my head!


Thanks for the prayers, they worked!:o

06-01-2010, 01:28 PM
Oh my. I am so blind that if I laid my glasses down and forgot where I put them I would be in real trouble! Glad you found them. I hate cat puke.

Randi...I know what you mean...non-pet owners/lovers have no interest in talking about such things. What is wrong with them?!? :D

06-01-2010, 01:50 PM
Mac is my pukemeister. I hate it when he pukes in the middle of the night and I step in cold, sticky, cat puke when I get up in the morning. Yep, Mac manages to puke somewhere between my bed and the bathroom everytime. I think he plans it.:rolleyes:

06-01-2010, 01:54 PM
He has this sound he makes before he throws up.

Does it go something like this?


I'm always too late with the newspaper or paper towel. That's when I get out the carpet stain remover.

06-01-2010, 01:58 PM
Isn't that true... they have to puke ON A CARPET - and definately right in the middle of the path from the bedroom to where they KNOW YOU'RE HEADING! But don't we just LOVE them! :love:

06-01-2010, 03:07 PM
yep, there's nothing like cold cat puke between your toes in the middle of the night!!! :D:love:

06-01-2010, 03:15 PM
yep, there's nothing like cold cat puke between your toes in the middle of the night!!! :D:love:

Oh yea. And if it is there somewhere on the floor, my bare feet will always find it! :D

06-01-2010, 03:20 PM
That happens to me all that time Richard as I mithings or lose keys, receipts and even a bag of Cat Food.
I had to take two buses back, but thankfully it was there at the bus stop.
And after all that My Found Cats wouldnt eat the stuff!!!
We are glad that you found your glasses!!:cool:

06-01-2010, 09:18 PM
Does it go something like this?


I'm always too late with the newspaper or paper towel. That's when I get out the carpet stain remover.

Oh my goodness, this thread has me laughing SO HARD! That's exactly the pre-barf sound I know so well!

Cassie does not like to have barf land on a newspaper, a rag, or whatever else I can slip under her. Must... make... Mom... get... Resolve... urka urka urka

06-01-2010, 09:44 PM
I had a strange experience last night... Fister puked very late in the night and I couldn't be bothered to clean it up at that hour, but I went to the bathroom and also brought some kitchen-roll paper (what's that called in English?) to soak any fluid.

We call them paper towels. :)

Feel free to continue with the original topic now...

Scooter's Mom
06-01-2010, 09:44 PM
yep, there's nothing like cold cat puke between your toes in the middle of the night!!! :D:love:

Yep, I can think of ONE thing.
WARM cat puke in between your toes.


06-01-2010, 11:06 PM
Yep, I can think of ONE thing.
WARM cat puke in between your toes.


Urka, Urka, Urka!:D

06-02-2010, 12:06 AM
Storm will actually let out a cry before he throws up so sometimes I have time to put something under him or to move him into the kitchen. Sky tends to be my scarf and barf kitty so if he eats too much too fast it'll come back up within minutes after eating. Ziggy just explodes when she barfs so there's no warning at all. Luckily Pearl rarely barfs because she usually doesn't even finish her food. I just blot it up with paper towels and then I use Simple Solution which contains enzymes in it. My new carpet is also very easy to clean.

06-02-2010, 05:50 AM
My new carpet is also very easy to clean.

The key word in that sentence is NEW!:(:eek:


Rosanne Barr used to do a standup routine about-I think it was drinking milk out of the carton...

It went something like this......

The first time she observed it happening?

DON'T Drink out of the carton.

Second time?

Don't drink out of the...


Don't drink out of.....


Don't drink....



Sixth time?



As time goes on your reaction to a puke-a-palooza will slow?:eek::o:);)

06-02-2010, 06:00 AM
Mine puke mostly when the gobble their food down quickly. If I give them a treat while making a sandwich for lunch, i.e. sliced turkey, ham, etc., they end up puking it up moments later. Now that I have a dog......no, I won't go there. The puppy doesn't hang out in the kitchen, so I don't see her furry face when preparing food.

Most of my cleaning is related to cats and now DOGS! They are quite messy.

cats=puke machines

06-02-2010, 06:56 AM
A most informative thread for someone who does not live with cats. Puking in my house is reserved for love relationships between one bird and another (we call it "regurgitating" :D ) and occasionally Djimo or nOOdles will try to regurge for mama because they love me so much. :love:

Richard, get your blood pressure checked. Your squatting/laughing/fainting routine sounds classic high blood pressure (and I have to admit it made me giggle even though I'm concerned).

06-02-2010, 08:00 AM
A most informative thread for someone who does not live with cats. Puking in my house is reserved for love relationships between one bird and another (we call it "regurgitating" :D ) and occasionally Djimo or nOOdles will try to regurge for mama because they love me so much. :love:

Richard, get your blood pressure checked. Your squatting/laughing/fainting routine sounds classic high blood pressure (and I have to admit it made me giggle even though I'm concerned).

I have a low bp. Long story.

I was laughing hysterically, was bent at the waist, talking to Ed and trying to get it cleaned up as fast as possible.

I do my walking at have no problems with even small sprints. I have bouts of hilarity where I laugh until I cry. Please do not worry.

And thanks for your concern!:D

06-02-2010, 11:44 AM
Sky did the scarf and barf this morning but it was my fault. I gave him too much food and he did eat it all too fast. He didn't even do the urping noise but made a strange face and I knew what was about to happen. I didn't make it in time and he threw up on my carpet.:( I did pick him up and take him into the kitchen and held him while he then threw up the more liquid part of his breakfast.

I forgot to mention that I have to clean things up quickly or Ziggy will do the cleaning for me. She likes to eat kitty barf.:eek: She'll make a growling noise to keep every one away from her but she doesn't scare me. I don't want her eating this so I just try to clean it up quickly before it ends up in her tummy. Yes,cats are barfing machines.

06-03-2010, 12:57 PM
Lets face it. We know where they are going to puke. Always along side the bed. Exactly where you foot lands when yo get up. OR in the middle of the stairs, this way no matter what foot you start with yo are guaranteed to nail the spot. If they do it in front of you it’s always just far enough that you can’t get there in times to get it all.
If you do pull off this super human feat. 2 sec. Later again just out of reach because you are still cleaning the first batch
We are at the point now, if we hear the”SOUND” it’s I’ll get it in the morning. W use micro flash lights to move around at night. This way we have a better chance of missing the booby traps and tails.