View Full Version : Liar!!!!!

05-27-2010, 01:26 PM
I ran out Temptations yesterday.

Boy, am I in trouble!!!!!

Ed will sit in front of his treat dish and stare. He'll look at me, at the bowl, look back at me........for 15-20 minutes at a time.

It bothers me and breaks my heart that he does this.


I buy cat food in the huge bags - I buy the store brand and Meow Mix. I alternate scoops with the gang so everyone gets something different.

I hadn't given any of the store brand to the Edster for a while. SO I got the bright idea of giving the Edster a handful of regular in place of his treats.

I put the palmful of food out in the bowl in front of him...

He looked in the bowl, took a sniff, looked at me and thought-I know what he was thinking because I can do that- sometimes.....


It was written all over his face. So, I had to hang my head, walk out of the room and think about what I had done.

I know what I need to do....go to the store!

Ed's asleep on the recliner at the moment. He'll be there until later this afternoon. That will give me time to get into his good graces again.

With the right kind of treats.

If I cannot keep my cat happy, what kind of real father would I have been?

I shudder to think.:o;)

05-27-2010, 01:49 PM
That is cute. I can just picture him sitting there looking at you too, from bowl and back. He is definitely too much of a connoisseur to fall for that trick. :D

This is going to horrify you and I shudder to even think of people doing this, but I have a couple friends who put cat food into the treat containers and their cats fall for it! :eek:

My cats seem to like the Temptations the best.

Laura's Babies
05-27-2010, 02:22 PM
BOY! RICHARD! You are in deep do-do now! You better buy one in each flavor... the LARGE packs too!

LOL! I know that look too.. It's the "THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!!" look.

I got a picture for you... Boo comes up the hall every night to me and taps on my leg. I back the chair up so she can hop in my lap and she slowly walks into the kitchen glancing at me ever few steps... The other see this and they all run to the kitchen and sit and wait... This is a nightly ritual at my house.. There is no need of me explaining what it is they all want that Boo kicks off, that little reminder of what time it is....:rolleyes:

smokey the elder
05-27-2010, 03:17 PM
Diamond must have kibble out of the bag; the kibble already in the bowl isn't "fresh" enough. Leela and Spike only eat the kibble out of the bowl in the living room. It's the exact same stuff, you stoopid catz!:D

05-27-2010, 03:48 PM
Helene and Her Texas Cats sent the Found Cats three one poung bags of MewMix Dry and My Cats like it better than Fancy Feast:confused: and its much less per pound that Fancy Feast which is getting to be about 8 dollars a pound.:eek:
Thats just too much:eek:
And Fancy Feast Gold Dry I believe is better for them :cool:

05-27-2010, 03:54 PM
:love: Boy Howdy Richard you did it good this time.. Now you know there is No tricking a Cat when it comes to Treat Time.. Ed has got you pegged out for sure.. Too Funny:D

05-27-2010, 04:28 PM
My big kits love Temptations. I keep them in a locked plastic container because Chester rolls it around trying to get my attention to open it for him. :D

Today I bought the baby kits some baby treats. I'm sort of debating whether I want to start them down THAT road or not. I mean, what they don't know, they won't miss. Right? :D:love:

05-27-2010, 04:37 PM
Ed caught you in a lie, Richard. It is gonna cost you, BIG TIME to work your way back into his good graces!

05-27-2010, 05:22 PM
I know THAT look very well!:D

What is it about Temptations that cats love? Mine go crazy for them..........:confused:

05-27-2010, 08:12 PM
My big kits love Temptations. I keep them in a locked plastic container because Chester rolls it around trying to get my attention to open it for him. :D

That made me laugh visualizing him rolling the container around. :)

05-27-2010, 09:47 PM
I'm going to try a major trick tomorrow. I'll be cat-sitting a dandruff-laden little shedmonster who has been known to refuse fish oil. With her human's permission, I'm going to try squirting a bit of the magic Huile de Poisson on a bit of the kibble that Smudge seems to think is Kitty Krack (Indigo Moon by Solid Gold - it's supposed to be health food, but he's nuts over it) and see if she goes for it. She has no problem with Cosequin if it's in Fancy Feast (which is good, as she's so arthritic she walks with her back arched like a ferret) but so far she's refused fish oil! We'll see what she thinks of it drizzled over grain-free nuggets of chickeny goodness.

Love, Columbine

05-30-2010, 05:19 PM
To make up for my sins, I went to the store and bought a box of Friskies for the Edster. It's a way yo make up for the treats I do not have.

I began to vacuum the house and put the treat bowl up in a little table.

Ed walks over, hooks a claw on the bowl, then pulls it down onto the floor.

I signed up for this?


05-30-2010, 05:28 PM
My cats used to be hooked on Temptations too but when I decided to go grain free they had to go. Luckily as long as I have something else to use as a treat they're happy.:)

Ed's trying to let you know that he wants Temptations and nothing else you give him will replace it.;) Good luck trying to keep Ed happy.:)

05-30-2010, 06:05 PM
To make up for my sins, I went to the store and bought a box of Friskies for the Edster. It's a way yo make up for the treats I do not have.

I began to vacuum the house and put the treat bowl up in a little table.

Ed walks over, hooks a claw on the bowl, then pulls it down onto the floor.

I signed up for this?


You went to the store and still didn't buy the treats? You are in big trouble.:D

05-30-2010, 06:20 PM

Sounds like the Edster and my Maya Linn would make a great pair.

It's like an alarm goes off in her head, because at exactly 5 o'clock, she'll sit in front of me "meow" and then stare at me for 15-20 minutes. She KNOWS that I watch Judge Judy everyday from 4-5. She doesn't dare beg before 5 but come 5 o'clock, she's obnoxious.

Cats. Ya gotta love 'em.

05-30-2010, 06:37 PM
She KNOWS that I watch Judge Judy everyday from 4-5. She doesn't dare beg before 5 but come 5 o'clock, she's obnoxious.

Cats. Ya gotta love 'em.

Judge Judy can't get off her arse and feed the cats? What a Beeyotch!



They don't sell them at the closest store and I try to mix it up.

He eats Meow Mix most of the time, that's what I buy in bulk-he really won't eat wet food- so I have a treat bowl that's filled with MM and I toss some Temptations on top. To keep him from just wanting treats.

I tossed the Friskies on top of the MM and he goes for that. It's a matter of TRYING to trick him.

shhhh, it works.;)


I have tried to stay one step ahead.:rolleyes:

I'll toss out 'pure Temptations' every once in a while.
But, having a bowl with regular food and tossing treats on top make him less picky. At least, that is what I want to believe.

He walked over to the box and pawed at it, so I don't think I am in THAT much trouble.:o

05-30-2010, 10:00 PM

My vet recommended Cosequin for Mini's joints and her front paw with the old fracture. She said it should help lubricate her joins and possibly ease her pain.

I'm also going to try putting some fish oil in her wet food. Is the Cosequin expensive??? Just curious.