View Full Version : Walter is at the white coats, good vibes please

My Peanuts
05-27-2010, 08:46 AM
Walter should be fine, but I'm a nervous momma. He was having some neck pain. Within 2 weeks we were at the ER vet and the regular vet. They have not found any problems, but they wanted to do X-rays. In the mean time, whatever was bothering him stopped and he's back to normal.

I still want the X-rays incase it comes back, so he's at the vet right now. They are going to put him under, do the x-rays, clean his teeth and remove any bad ones. Poor guy had 13 removed in March 09.

I know it's routine stuff, but anytime they go under there's a risk. Also, being that he's a puppy mill rescue and spend 6 years in a tiny cage, it's breaking my heart to know he's in a cage over there. He is terrified of confined spaces.

Please send some good vibes for my little man, Walter. I hope this day goes by quick for him.

His daddy is off work tomorrow to watch him.

05-27-2010, 09:47 AM
Poor guy. Prayers from Delta and her mommy. <3

05-27-2010, 10:02 AM
Sending good vibes Walter's way from the crew here in hot and humid Delaware. :love: