View Full Version : Kitty moments - when your heart swells...

05-25-2010, 11:10 AM
There are a few - this morning Oscar was dozing on my pillow, his head against the headboard...I creaked my eyes open, and he's looking right at my eyes with his half-closed loving look, purring.

Sometimes I just look at my two and my heart swells with love. Cats - what is it about them? I don't bother trying to answer that, and I smile as I gaze at them.:love::love::love:

Do you have a favourite heart-swelling moment?

There's a great Yiddish word for it - kvell. :)

05-25-2010, 11:22 AM
Mine is when Sherpa has his rare days that he decides he wants to be a lap cat. If I lay down on my back he'll lay on my chest and gaze into my eyes. What a love. :love:

Pinot's Mom
05-25-2010, 11:50 AM
...when she curls up with me at night...:love:

...when we're outside in the garden, and I look at her from a bit of a distance and say "where's my kitten?", she stops what she's doing, wriggles that little butt, comes bolting up to me as fast as she can and stops dead at my legs to rub up against them, "here I am, Mom!"...:love:

...when we come in the front door, she's there to greet us, and her Dad picks her up, cradles her just right, she tucks her little face under his beard and purrs up a storm!...:love:

05-25-2010, 12:42 PM
Mine is when Mac wakes me up in the morning by licking my face. He then purrs and snuggles up against me until the alarm goes off. He's a real lover and lap cat, but then again, he's an orangie!:love:

05-25-2010, 01:19 PM
I know just what you mean :) The moment when all you can do is have a big smile for your kitty :D

05-25-2010, 02:11 PM
I know exactly what you mean.

Last week one morning I just felt miserable and I wanted to call off sick from work so badly. I sat in my recliner in my living room and Buddy jumped up on the arm. He just sat there very quiet and I petted and petted him. I think he was there to comfort me. He has the most beautiful coat, soft, fluffy and always so clean. I just thought to myself how fortunate I am to have him. You are right. It cannot be explained to non-cat people either. They have no idea what they are missing out on.

05-25-2010, 02:34 PM
Creamsicle reaches up and touches my face w/her paw. Melts my heart every time. There's not a person yet who has seen it and hasn't said "Aaaw!" Coco Puff likes to headbutt me when I'm opening the cat food cans. It's become a routine now. I get headbutts at other times but, for some reason, this one always makes me smile. All Boo has to do is look up at me w/those wise old eyes and my heart melts then, too.

05-25-2010, 02:46 PM
Marbles crawls up on my shoulder when I'm in bed and starts kneading my arm and purring in my ear .... it's SO sweet!

Also this morning when she was doing her gymnastics on my headboard - I wish I'd had a camera handy - she was SO cute!

Laura's Babies
05-25-2010, 05:38 PM
My heart sweels so that it could bust when they reach to my face with a paw to touch me. I just think that is without a doubt the sweetest thing they do. That light, gentle touch that says "I love you Mommie!"

05-25-2010, 07:28 PM
I'm with Pinot's Mom!

When she snuggles up near me for sleep ...
When I see her sleeping on the cushion she received from lvpets2002 ...
When she greets me at the door after work: "Meow! Meow! Murp! Murp!"

05-25-2010, 07:55 PM
When My Dear Heart Cat :love: Juke Joint Joseph gobbles up the King;s Buffet Chicken that I snuck home for him.
Its so gratifying to see JJJ3 eating again.:cool::cool::love::love::)

05-25-2010, 08:09 PM
If I had to pick one, it would be on a cool morning, when I have just my face and one hand outside the blanket, and Smudge crawls up on me and puts his little paw on my hand. But I also think it's adorable when he sits by my feet and poofs my ankles with his tail while I wash the dishes.

Love, Columbine

smokey the elder
05-26-2010, 07:47 AM
My two old man cats (Bubba, 14 and Pink Nose, 12) will climb on my chest and purr up a storm while I'm watching TV. Such a comfort after an aggravating day at work!

05-26-2010, 08:23 AM

THIS is what makes my heart swell!! I miss him terribly.

05-26-2010, 09:19 AM
1. When Demetri lays on my chest wtih his arms around my neck, purring and giving head bumps.

2. When Mits snuggles and purrs before we go too sleep.
3. When Lucky escourts me to and from the bathroom and waits giving head bumps or a reaching out with a paw to get picked up for a hug.
4. When Precious climbs up me, in my chair, to give head bumps and kisses.
5. When Lucky, Mits, Demetri, Roz, and Lenny greet me when I come home.
6. AND MOST OF ALL ANY GREEN EYED CAT LIKE MY PATCHES. Even after almost 10 years I still cry for her.

05-26-2010, 09:26 AM
Donna - HUGS HUGS HUGS :love:

6. AND MOST OF ALL ANY GREEN EYED CAT LIKE MY PATCHES. Even after almost 10 years I still cry for her. {{{{hugs}}}}:love::love::love:

05-26-2010, 09:51 AM
when Havoc finally "kills" whatever toy he's been chasing all over the house and jumps up to proudly drop it in my lap. "look what I did, mommy!"

Toby? Just about any time I catch him purring. He doesn't purr very often...or very loudly.

05-26-2010, 10:06 AM
1. When Luna's lying next to me on the bed, purring.
2. When she's meowing with her sweet little voice
3. When she's sitting next to the computer monitor, watching with pure excitement all over her sweet little face
4. When Lily crawls under the blanket with me, curling up and purring
5. When Lily's carrying her toy in her mouth, telling me she wants to play
6. When they're eating happily - I just love to watch them eating!! :love: :love: :love:

05-26-2010, 10:27 AM
when Zingo looks at me upside down and tries to meow at that moment...upside down meows just don't work!

every morning when I have my Oatmeal time. He will snuggle in with me and lay against me and just purr and purr...

when I pick Hunter up and he gives me a headbump to the face that I swear is almost hard enough to break my nose! or my glasses!

when Turbo meows at me to tell me the toaster oven just dinged...seriously, she has to make sure I know stuff is done, I love it!

05-26-2010, 10:53 AM
Kitty things that make my heart swell:
That perky, wide-eyed look Chelsea gets on her face when she hears the button click on her laser pointer. (She just loves chasing that dot!)
Franklin coming into the kitchen to talk to me as soon as I get home. (He has such a whiny voice for such a big kitty!)
Settling into bed, both of them "fighting" over the best and closest spot to "Mom".
Seeing Franklin basking in the sun out in the kitty kabana.
Knowing they are both healthy and happy.....