View Full Version : Time for a new vet?

05-23-2010, 11:17 PM
The vet I go to is not only very expensive (according to people I talk to that go to other vets), but I can't help but notice how dirty the floors are every time I go in there. Not just the common waiting room, but the little private rooms, too. The baseboard areas are particularly dirty.. and I mean like black crud lines and the floor has hair balls floating around. I have always sort of dismissed the dirt since she seems to be a pretty good vet, but this last time I went in, I wasn't very happy with her lackadaisical attitude, high price and dirty floors to boot...

Sooooo... I have a new vet in mind. Is it very hard to change vets after 3 yrs? I have all of Lily's print outs. She is due for all her shots in a month. I thought I might take the post card stating what shots she needs I got from this old vet to the new vet... thought that might be the place to start??...

Thanks for any replies...:)

05-23-2010, 11:30 PM
I would say it's time for a new one. I wouldn't want to risk my dog or cat's health because of it being unsanitary. I would also place your concerns with the health department.

Public places no matter where should ALWAYS be clean especially in vet offices, animal shelters, hospiitals, resturaunts, etc. I can see it being gross because of the weather but if it's crusty now then they haven't been keeping up. Is it a big vet office?

05-23-2010, 11:50 PM
Your new vet can request her file from the old vet. You won't have to give an explanation (unless you want to, of course) to the old vet.
At least that's how it worked when I changed vets years ago. But I also had an excuse that the new vet was right around the corner from my house.

But yes, I would definitely change vets. Good luck! :)

05-24-2010, 12:13 AM
Since owning my first cat Storm in 1997, I've changed vets 3 times. I never gave a reason. I just stopped going to the current vet and if needed I gave the other vets office the previous ones info and they could fax over whatever information they needed. I've learned to change when I'm not happy with either the vet, the care, or even the customer service. Now I've finally found a wonderful that even specializes in cats and the hospital is also an ER hospital so they're always open. Good luck with your new vet.:)

05-24-2010, 11:28 AM
This present vet that I have is right around the corner from me, unfortunately. That is how I picked her in the first place. The new one is not that far, though... maybe 2 miles?

I looked this vet up on the internet and found a few reviews that mentioned the uncleanliness...
review 1:

First of all, the front desk girl is very rude and obnoxious.. The main waiting room is dirty, the ceilings are cracked, and the a/c vents are very dirty. There is a HORRIBLE ODOUR in all the rooms of the practice, and ALL the a/c vents and intakes need a good cleaning.

The vet herself does not have much of a personality, and she does not 'inform' you. You have to really DIG to get answers from her.

Not very impressed at all. I would only use her if I couldn't get anyone else.
one more review:
'm sorry, Dr. ____, She has a very snobby attitude and treats the animals very badly such as snatching them up and pulling there ears and such (my dogs are like my kids and I was not happy at all with how she handled them). She also did not like it, when I would ask any questions about what she was saying. Plus the clinic could use a good cleaning and bleaching, I understand that its gonna smell, but it is pretty stinky in there. And don't ever be in a hurry when you call there office, your going to be on hold for a while.

I am glad I am not the only one to notice the lack of cleanliness. I can't believe it has taken me 3 yrs. to REALLY notice it and realize that is not the way it should look...

another review complained about her Havanese dog being neutered in there and coming home loaded with fleas. I think she has seen the last of Lily and me.

Pinot's Mom
05-24-2010, 12:03 PM
I'd be out of there like a shot! It's not hard to change vets unless the one you're leaving is a good one! Two miles to the new one is no distance at all. Have you visited to check the place out first?

05-24-2010, 12:13 PM
I would not only find a new vet, but report that one to the Board of Health.

05-24-2010, 12:18 PM
I also used to pick my vets according to location but sometimes it's worth driving a bit to get a really good vet. My current vet is about 20-25 minutes away from me depending on traffic but I don't mind because it's a wonderful hospital.:) The previous ones were only about 5-10 minutes away. It also helps if you can get good referrals from friends or neighbors. Then you already know what to expect. Good luck.:)

05-24-2010, 01:00 PM
Leave that place and don't look back. I'm surprised that she has any patients at all, with those nasty reviews!!!

You wouldn't go to a doctor for yourself if the practice was such a dirty and unfriendly place - would you?? The same should go for your pets. They deserve better! :)

05-24-2010, 01:38 PM
Just switch. You don't owe them an explanation. I've switched several times and I'm always glad when I do.

Queen of Poop
05-24-2010, 04:56 PM
Leave that place and don't look back. I'm surprised that she has any patients at all, with those nasty reviews!!!

You wouldn't go to a doctor for yourself if the practice was such a dirty and unfriendly place - would you?? The same should go for your pets. They deserve better! :)

I couldn't agree more!

05-24-2010, 10:21 PM
Agreed. Get out of there fast. I, the hooman, changed docs a lot until I found my perfect match. I'd do the same for my pets. My vet service cleans the room after each pet visit. I've seen it. OK, they're a tad expensive, but I love them. If any of my vets pulled my dog's ears, they'd be sitting on the floor flat on their butt. Great that you got the medical records! Smart thinking!

05-26-2010, 11:54 AM
I would change... it's quite easy... not as hard as one would think. :) New vets love to hear about your animals and they get in the groove real fast. I also notice that new vets give different inputs on your dogs... so they can help you find a problem that your other vet may have dismissed if you are having a problem. (Like my new vet found out Honda had bone cancer when the other vet just dismissed it)