View Full Version : I'm Flabbergasted !!!!

05-21-2010, 03:34 AM
These people walk among us, and they vote. :confused:


05-21-2010, 07:00 AM
Wombat, Seeing as you now live in Korea, do you know all the answers to those questions? Something that really bothers me about our public school system is the politicans in this country send their kids all off to private schools. The Viet Nam War I remember that the soldiers came home & got spat on. :(

05-21-2010, 11:03 AM
Wombat, Seeing as you now live in Korea, do you know all the answers to those questions? Something that really bothers me about our public school system is the politicans in this country send their kids all off to private schools. The Viet Nam War I remember that the soldiers came home & got spat on. :(

They did. But they never spat on me....I can move really quick, and they missed every time. ;)
Funny tho....I don't know what happens in your country, but here, after all the junk they hurled at us when we returned....nowadays they are finding guys left right and centre wearing false medals and lieing to the public that they were in Vietnam.
It is just SO pathetic.

05-21-2010, 12:03 PM
I didn't know about the Coalition of the Willing...

This YouTube video reminded me of the "Jaywalking" feature on the Tonight Show, where Jay Leno asks questions of people on the street, and the audience laughs when the people on the street get it wrong.

I think my youngest nieces (who are graduating from high school in a few weeks) have learned a lot more about world history, geography and politics in school than I did 25+ years ago. They have also had more exposure to social/economic problems in the world, like the earthquake in Haiti, both in their classes and through school clubs and activities, and the high school programs they belong to at church. They also expect that people will respond ("think globally and act locally").