View Full Version : Feisty furry foetuses

05-19-2010, 05:40 PM
Can anyone tell me at what stage of the pregnancy the unborn kittens start leaping around? Tilde was rather surprised the other day when something in her tummy decided to practice a karate move. Just sitting there, and suddenly, "bloop!", a little impromptu landcape gardening in the otherwise smooth fur. Tilde whipped her head round and stared at the spot. "Bloop!" it happens again, and again she turns and looks as if to say "What the hell is going on in there?" We think she got pregnant around the beginning or at the latest the second week of April.

05-20-2010, 01:10 AM
I don't know much about this but in a cat book that I have it says that although 65 days is often quoted as the average length of pregnancy in a cat, you should not be alarmed if labor starts as early as the 61st day after mating or as late as the 70th.

Development of the unborn kittens begins in earnest 16 days after fertilizaton. At 18 days the yolk sac is shrinking and an embryonic backbone is developing. Four days later the embryo is receiving life support from it's mother via the completed placenta, and it's limbs, head, and eyes are forming. Four weeks after fertilization a miniature kitten about 2.5cm(1in) long
with all it's organs has developed and from now on it's known as a foetus. The foetus grows rapidly and at 5 to 6 weeks it's about 6cm (2 1/2in) long. This doubles by 9 weeks just before the kitten is born.

The book doesn't say anything about the kittens being active or moving around. Maybe your cat is much further along than you think. If her nipples have become quite pink and the surrounding hair recedes slightly, it's a sign that the kittens should arrive in about 6 weeks. I hope that both mother and kittens will continue to do well. Will you spay her when the kittens are weaned? Do you have any prospective homes for the kittens? I hope so and good luck.:)

05-20-2010, 10:59 AM
Yes, Tilde must be a little confused about what's going on in her tummy, since it's the first time, but I'm sure she'll know how to care for them once they're born. :) Has she started looking for a place to give birth, yet? Is she eating more than usual?

Here's a link, take a look!


Please keep us updated!

05-21-2010, 03:37 AM
I have no idea, but keep us posted! We wait for baby pics of course :D

05-21-2010, 09:37 AM
I would buy her some Quality Kitten Food as she will need the extra protein for Her Cats of the Future to grow up big and strong!!!:cool::cool:
I guess Tilde must wonder what these Kitten Kicks are!!!:confused::confused::confused:
We are praying for a safe delivery:love::love:

05-22-2010, 12:01 PM
Randi - It is impossible for Tilde to eat more then usual. She always eats more than usual.
Found out on the net that foetal movement is day 45+. We have foetal movement. The local basketball team has chosen to use her uterus as a practice ground.
New behaviour - she is lying on the floor, stretched out, (always on furniture before). Start of nesting instinct?
The thing that worries me most is the Big Fella's reaction. I reckon we have about two weeks to queening. He is going to need some restrictions.

05-22-2010, 12:55 PM
It is impossible for Tilde to eat more then usual. She always eats more than usual.
LOL! She must have put on quite a bit of weight by now - can she still jump up? The poor girl is probably not able to jump on the kitchen counter for extra treats. :eek:

The thing that worries me most is the Big Fella's reaction. He is going to need some restrictions.
Oh poor Pjevs! What has he done to deserve this! :( ;)

I imagine someone here has had other cats while one gave birth, so hopefully they will share their experience.

Do you have a box Tilde may like to use and where she feels safe when she gives birth? When one of John's "old" cats gave birth, he had arranged a nice box for her, but she decided to give birth in a bottom drawer with his clothes in.

Two weeks to go!! :)