View Full Version : "Celebrity" dog advice?

05-18-2010, 09:03 PM
A woman named Beth Ostrosky 'wrote' a book called, 'Oh my Dog!' and has been all over the tube trying to sell it.


This is one link to a review.

I went looking for some links and there are some people that are BRUTAL in their critique about the book.

She makes no bones about taking the best info off the interweb, but it seems like her message about adopting and caring for the pets, does not translate to her life.

Yea, she's married to Howard Stern-that's what allows her to 'write' fantasy books about animals...But, I read somewhere that the shelter she shills for pays the head person a salary.

It's something like 340,000 dollars a year.


I was flabbergasted by that number, Can anyone imagine, especially the people on this site who donate time and money at shelter, how much 340 smackers could do for a shelter that's barely making it by?


And the rich wonder why we don't like them!:eek::rolleyes:

05-19-2010, 07:47 AM
I just read that NSAL has a poor rating as far as a shelter donations go.

Only 26% of the fund are spent on the animals there.

The rest go to 'admin costs'.

I say, FARCE!:eek:

smokey the elder
05-19-2010, 08:25 AM
North Shore comes up to the Petsmart in our area with their "imported" animals and take away local adoptions. My group had ZERO adoptions last Saturday.:mad: With the crisis our group had this spring we could use the 340K.

05-19-2010, 09:12 AM
Howard Stern. Ewwww. :rolleyes: