View Full Version : My latest artwork

05-15-2010, 06:44 PM
I've finally been good about updating my deviantArt account [link to that's in my siggy], and now I forget to post all my art stuffs on here!

I dunno what the last drawing I showed you guys was...so here are my latest in general. In order from oldest to newest. Comments underneath.

George Harrison. Not done at all, haha.


Unfortunately, in the reference pic the nostrils and ears were cut off. I had to improvise, bahahaha

hah Elvis...I drew him for a friend, didn't spend a very long time on it (obviously...he's got kind of a Big Boy face)


This isn't the finished drawing [I redid the mouth], but I didn't think to take a picture of it. Drawing of my grandpa, who passed away 4/19/10. Gave it to my grandma for mother's day. She cried.

Johnny Lennon! Drew this last night. haha, unfortunately my purple marker kept trying to die on me. I swear, I'm not THAT bad at coloring. :rolleyes:

so....yeah! I can't draw with pencil right now cause I lost my pencil sharpener and all of my pencils are either broken or super dull. BUT...I shall soon, because I just got one of those nifty kneaded erasers AND...I'm officially taking government this summer. No backing out of Drawing & Painting now! ^-^ My first real art class...I'm so excited!

Critique if you want cause I looove getting critiqued (completely serious here), but keep in mind Elvis and Grandpa are no longer in my possession. And, clearly, people are not my forte. I like drawing horses much better. :)


05-15-2010, 08:02 PM
On the drawing of your grandpa, one thing to remember in drawing a person is that the eyes are typically halfway down the head. So make sure there's about as much space above as there is from eyes to chin. It sounds weird, but once you start looking at some picture and measuring, you'll see it's pretty much true.

People aren't too too hard, once you get basic proportions down, and get used to doing so.

Laura's Babies
05-16-2010, 07:57 AM
WOW! If only I could draw like that! I have a nephew that can...

05-16-2010, 11:04 AM
I'm very impressed! I was an art major in college and drawing was my absolute favorite class! Just keep practicing, practicing, practicing!

05-16-2010, 06:08 PM
Karen - haha yeah...I definitely need to work on my proportions with people. I *try* not to draw them, so I don't practice...but this was a special occasion.

Thanks everyone :)

05-18-2010, 08:47 PM
I drew this...two nights ago? Yeah. Spent like, a half hour on it. Not the best, as my pencils are STILL ridiculously dull...but I like it :)


05-18-2010, 11:10 PM
Much better, well proportioned, too. Get the a sharpener, girl! I carry one with me in my pocketbook, have one on my desk, and other places in the house!

05-19-2010, 02:57 PM
Much better, well proportioned, too. Get the a sharpener, girl! I carry one with me in my pocketbook, have one on my desk, and other places in the house!

i had one, and then my mom got a new desk for the office so everything got moved around (I also lost an eraser and a few pencils). I just found one that kinda works...it's a pain to deal with though. But I'm sharpening all my pencils now :)