View Full Version : my pups

05-14-2010, 11:09 PM
harley enjoying the weather

pouting because I told him to sit and stay so I could get a pic of him posing... it didn't work out

"I want a cookie!"
This is Remmy. (aka Remmington) I'm not sure if I told you all about him. He showed up about a month or so ago. I tried to find his owers but noone claimed him so I started looking for a home for him. Everyone wants him, but everytime I think I've found a home for him the people decide against it.

I think he's around 5 months old now


05-14-2010, 11:12 PM
crazy ears

this was sooo hard to get this pic. They kept trying to pick on eachother

where there's water, there's harley

"hey, you seem to have dropped this stick in the river.. but don't worry, I'll get it for you!"


05-14-2010, 11:13 PM

that's all

05-14-2010, 11:56 PM
I love Harley, such a pretty boy. :) And Remmy, well, I love the name. Lol And he's adorable too! ^.^

05-15-2010, 12:16 AM
I love Harley, such a pretty boy. :) And Remmy, well, I love the name. Lol And he's adorable too! ^.^

oh my gosh! I just realized, hahaha! How funny!:D

05-15-2010, 11:26 AM
but everytime I think I've found a home for him the people decide against it

you really need to rephrase that.. as I think he ALREADY has a home.. lol

what a cutie!!.. in his second pic his muzzle looks so big and square and made me wanna pinch it... lol..

the pic of both was awesome!!!.. and I bet it was worth the trouble.. they both look so happy

05-15-2010, 12:41 PM
you really need to rephrase that.. as I think he ALREADY has a home.. lol

what a cutie!!.. in his second pic his muzzle looks so big and square and made me wanna pinch it... lol..

the pic of both was awesome!!!.. and I bet it was worth the trouble.. they both look so happy

He is a good little puppy. If he would stop chasing my cats. He has pritty much taken up residence here as the guard dog. Nobody comes in the house without first passing his inspection. :rolleyes: He is alot more protective and couragous then Harley is. Harley never barks and is a big wuss (we went camping last weekend and he was terrified when the sun went down... that was the only time he did bark... at EVERYTHING! Even a blade of grass on his belly made him jump) But Remmy is fearless, lol. I think he would take on a bear if he could.

05-15-2010, 12:45 PM
Adorable!! I also agree that Remmy has found his home. :D

Didn't (or don't) you have another small dog that you aquired from someone? Sorry if that's a sore subject for you, but I was just wondering.

05-15-2010, 03:13 PM
Adorable!! I also agree that Remmy has found his home. :D

Didn't (or don't) you have another small dog that you aquired from someone? Sorry if that's a sore subject for you, but I was just wondering.

Yes, Meme, it turned out that she had too many issues that I didn't have to time to work with. She turned out to be both dog and people aggressive. She nipped at a few men the came to the house and she bit my daughter 3 times. Every time being while I was out of the room and I just couldn't take the chance of another bite. I hated to give her up, but I found a MinPin rescue that was willing to take her in and give her the training and love she needed. I'm usually not one to just give a dog away because of a few issues, but in this case, I felt like I was putting my daughter at risk and I just couldn't do that. It wasn't fair to her or Meme. But I talk to the lady who runs the rescue on occasion and she says that Meme (now Casey) is doing great. She is loving her new minpin foster brothers and sisters and her fav. person in the house is a man (which is shocking since she was always afraid of men when I had her) She had a bad past when she came to my house but I think the place she is in now is going to really help her. I do miss the little booger though. :)

sorry if that was kind of long, lol

05-15-2010, 03:28 PM
Oh yeah, Meme. Well, its sounds like it worked out good for everyone. :)

05-15-2010, 03:38 PM
Such adorable dogs!