View Full Version : Trees, Cats and Canned Food!

05-13-2010, 09:09 PM
There is a wonderful tree growing inside the gate, next to the mailbox, in the front yard. It's begun to flll out, with spring leaves and two kinds of mammals.

I noticed Toonces the Cat climbing up the trunk from my seat indoors.

I went out to see exactly where he made it and was pleasantly surprised to see him camped out on a branch about 8 feet in the air, but still within the gate-property line.

I did laugh at the thought of the postman coming by and Toonces falling out of the tree and scaring the poop out of him?


The Postal service had it's canned food drive last Saturday. I packaged my cans and hung them on the front door knob as a reminder on Friday Night.

Saturday morning I went out for my newspaper and took the bag out to place it into the mailbox.

I stopped for my paper, then walked over to the tree and as I approached?


I jumped back about three steps and didn't see anything at first......then?

I saw a ticked off squirrel hanging upside down and saying something to me. Apparently I interrupted some adventure of his, forget about mine?

I moved to my right to put the cans into the mailbox. He moved around the back of the tree, to his LEFT and we met in the space between the tree and fence.

I move back to my left, he move to his right and we are back to square one.:eek:

O.k., I move to MY RIGHT and he's on the move again.

We look at each other and I wave the bag at him because I have a mission and no time to catch rabies.

I thought about being brave and just shoving toward the mailbox when the rabbit skit from the Monty Python/Holy Grail movielflashes thru my mind.


Ain't gonna chance it.

We chase each other around a few more laps and I prevail! Well, the squirrel ran away, So, I win by default.:D

But, right before Mr Squirrel leaves, he stops mid-fence and looks at me with that accusing stare that all squirrely mammals have.

It almost seems he was 'paying' me back for wanting my cat to fall on the postman's head.:o:(:eek:


So, for the last week I have been approaching the tree and mailbox with more fear of chirring squirrels than I am of the bills/mail itself.

From now on I won't wish any kind of ill will on the Postal Workers.

Thank god we don't have a milkman?:confused:

05-14-2010, 06:50 AM
I have an awful image of you lying prone before the mailbox, fending off the ravaging squirrels until the arrival of the postman :p

05-16-2010, 12:02 AM
I have an awful image of you lying prone before the mailbox, fending off the ravaging squirrels until the arrival of the postman :p

The Water and Power lady would have found me first. She showed up early.;)

05-16-2010, 09:47 AM
Richard, I just love reading your view on life, lol. ALWAYS good for a smile! What a great story, he hee.

05-16-2010, 11:09 AM
I have an awful image of you lying prone before the mailbox, fending off the ravaging squirrels until the arrival of the postman :p

I'd LOVE a photo of that :p

05-16-2010, 12:20 PM
I'd LOVE a photo of that :p

lol, and what would the text say?:eek:

Hmm, I just have to find a Holy Hand Grenade and I'll be safe?;)



Have you all seen the teeth on a squirrel?

05-17-2010, 04:31 AM
lol, and what would the text say?:eek:


Grandpa Squirrel wants Mexican Food :D

05-17-2010, 10:29 AM

Grandpa Squirrel wants Mexican Food :D

That's not taco sauce, it's blood!:eek:

05-17-2010, 10:53 AM
That's not taco sauce, it's blood!:eek:

Don't matter to him.....he's not fussy. :D

05-17-2010, 12:40 PM
:p Yup now Richard was this your Squirrel?? Mom was just trying to cross the street for the kid to get on the schoolbus.. :D
