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10-19-2002, 05:56 PM
Ok, several months ago I came reaaaaaaalllllllly close to getting a cockatiel and then decided not to. Well I was just at the pet store saying hi to the birdies like I usually do and this one cockatiel (who looked a lot like Roger) was sOOOOOO interested in me. Usually they don't care too much. This little guy was just trying to get as close to me as he could. I kept talking to him and he'd look so proud and happy. Then I made some clucking sounds and he kept turning his head upside down looking at me, hehehehee. I practically had to tear myself away from him.

I have several cockatiel books and have read them all so I pretty much know a lot about them but I've never had the hands on experience with birds of any kind. So my question is, if my heart pulls me back to go get that little guy, could you guys help me with any stupid questions that I'm sure will come up? Also, is it better to get 2 so he has a friend? The woman there said that if you just have one, they are more loving. But this little guy already seems loving. And it might be fun to get him a girlfriend. Oh wait, I don't want any babies. Stupid question #1: How do you prevent them from mating? :o :o

Oh yeah, and I'm also scared because of Shiloh. I would HATE for her to somehow get the bird out of the cage when I wasn't around, ack... horrible thoughts.

10-19-2002, 06:07 PM
Aly, Roger had the exact same effect on us!! And I never intended to add a "friend" to the mix!! He is so personable and loving that I truly feel he didn't need Millie to make it work. But, when I realized that she needed a home, I had to take her. It has NOT interrupted out love affair with Roger at all! I think having one is just fine.

And you know we're here for any questions you might have. I'm certainly no expert, learning more every single day. I do keep my birds seperate from the cats and dogs when they are out for their "stretch" and loving time. I don't trust the cats and dogs.

But they are terrific pets!!! I would certainly consider adding one, especially one that responds as quickly as Roger and the one you found do.

Keep us posted!!

Logan, Roger and Millie

10-19-2002, 06:09 PM
As for the "mating" issue, I kept them in separate cages. The "loving" instincts have subsided, and we have had no egg laying. But you can remove the eggs if it comes to that.

10-19-2002, 06:09 PM
When your birds are in their cage(s), what do the cats do?

Shiloh loves to sit in the window sill and stare at the birds outside. She makes that "mrew mew mew mreeeeewwwww" sound. I'm afraid she'd have a field day if one came in the house! :eek:

10-19-2002, 06:12 PM
My birds, right now, are in a separate room. But I leave the door open when they are in their cage.

When they are out for their stretch, I close the door, and make sure no cats or dogs are anywhere near them, and no ceiling fans are on!! LOL!! They can fly!!!

But they do fine!!! In fact, Butter slept on the bed in their room last night, with the door open, but Millie and Roger were safely encsconsed in their cages.


10-19-2002, 08:50 PM
#1: How do you prevent them from mating?

Aly, I think its time you had a talk with your mom!!!!!!!!! LOL:D

10-20-2002, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by aly
Ok, several months ago I came reaaaaaaalllllllly close to getting a cockatiel and then decided not to. Well I was just at the pet store saying hi to the birdies like I usually do and this one cockatiel (who looked a lot like Roger) was sOOOOOO interested in me. Usually they don't care too much. This little guy was just trying to get as close to me as he could. I kept talking to him and he'd look so proud and happy. Then I made some clucking sounds and he kept turning his head upside down looking at me, hehehehee. I practically had to tear myself away from him.

I have several cockatiel books and have read them all so I pretty much know a lot about them but I've never had the hands on experience with birds of any kind. So my question is, if my heart pulls me back to go get that little guy, could you guys help me with any stupid questions that I'm sure will come up? Also, is it better to get 2 so he has a friend? The woman there said that if you just have one, they are more loving. But this little guy already seems loving. And it might be fun to get him a girlfriend. Oh wait, I don't want any babies. Stupid question #1: How do you prevent them from mating? :o :o

Oh yeah, and I'm also scared because of Shiloh. I would HATE for her to somehow get the bird out of the cage when I wasn't around, ack... horrible thoughts.

Oh poor birdie. It seems that he bonded with you at first sight! I think you should definitely go an get him. I'll be willing to offer help at any time. :) Cockatiels make great pets and I'm sure that if you get him, you will love the decision you made. As for getting 1 bird or 2, well, we were supposed to get one when we got our birds. That's what we decided when we went to the pet store, but when my dad saw their adorable little faces, he said we HAD to get 2. He also said that they should have at least someone of their own species to hang around with. So we ended up getting 2. I am so happy we got 2 and not 1, because, first of all, they are both VERY attached to us as well as to each other, so having to birds, from my experience, doesn't keep them from loving their non-feathered friends. 2nd, when we go on vacation, I have a sense of relief that my birds will have at least one member of the family with them while we are away. My friends that have only 1 bird usually leave their birds with s when they go on vacation, and I can't tell you how much sadness shows on their bird's face and actions until they return. They miss their family very much and even though my birds lose weight when we leave them, at least they have a friend and don't need to grieve as much as an only bird. Now, how to keep them from mating? Well, we have a male and a female for the past 3 years and they never mated, never laid eggs. My friend's bird never laid any eggs until she was 6, so I can't be sure it will stay like that, but I don't want my birds to breed. It can sometimes cause health problems for the hens and its important to take very good care of them while they are laying eggs and provide them with enough calcium and proper foods. If they lay eggs, Logan said to take it away from them. I have to disagree with that, because even if she lays infertile eggs, you shouldn't take them away from her until she gets tired of sitting on them and leaves them alone. If you take them away, she will keep laying more and more eggs, and that can be very harmful for her health. Just let her sit on them until she's fulfilled her desire, and THEN take them away. Male and female pairs get along the best, however 2 males and 2 females, usually stay fine together in 1 cage. If you want a male and a female, but don't want them to breed, Keep them in seperate cages next to each other, and let them come out and meet each other every now and then to play. If you want them to be in 1 cage but don't want them to breed, either get 2 males or 2 females. Males are more likely to talk and females are usually more cuddly. Pick your choice! :D I would recommend getting 2 so that they have a companion while you are on vacation or not at home, but if you promise your bird that you will devote you life to him/her, never leave him/her for long periods of time, and provide the most loving companionship you can, then getting one bird is great too. Just remember, ALWAYS keep the birds in a bright, airy, lighted up, and spacious room WITH a door so that you can keep them safe from other pets. I don't have any other pets so that's not a problem for me. Good luck on getting a new companion. Cockatiels make great pets and I truely recommend getting one or two as a companion.