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10-19-2002, 04:57 PM
I have a dog and a personal problem but they relate to eachother. I own an altered male Pit bull/Rottie cross, he is just over a year old and a sweetheart. He is not the kind of Pit bull you read about in the News or see on TV, he is loving and loves kids, adults and anyone who will let him lick them or pets him, or even people who won't. I also own two ats, one hates him and all other dogs, but the other LOVES him and they sleep together, clean eachother and play together. The cats seeks out the dog, the dog does sometimes chase the cat though but I put an end to this and he has been cat chasing clean for 8 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes.

Because of where I live (in a town of 2500 and even less dogs) he has not been able to meet a lot of dogs, at least not ones you would want your dog to meet. Because most dogs up here are farm dogs, and don't like other dogs on their turf. He has met a few though, and he played rough with them not aggressive. He does at first meeting, raise his hackles, tail over his back and lifts his head higher then other dog's but he has cornered by another dog looking to fight and rolled on to his back scared. He gets excited by other dogs, but never barks...growls..bites..snaps but sometimes whines until till told easy.

He has no human aggression in him at all, but I have a worry. This is where personal problems come into play. I live with my boyfriend of a year, and lately he has yelled a lot at me in anger, and sometimes I yell back but not often. My dog at first didn't know what to do, he would run back and forth between us. But as yelling turned into screaming and throwing things at me, my dog has grown more protective. He stands like a football player would between me and my boyfriend. He doesn't growl or bark though but when my boyfriend grabs me he will jump up on him, NO BITING though! Not even once. And just so be sure you know I'm not glossing or sugar coating anything because I really want honest advice so Im being brutally honest.

My dog is not toy/food aggressive you can take anything away from him, he doesn't care. He loves being groomed, and has basic training. He does paw me (only me) when he wants to be petted, but only started this after I taught him to shake hands. He backs off when told. He likes to sit on my lap but will get down when I tell him too, he is spoiled! like all dogs should be. He is overly excited when I come home, and I think sometimes his butt will wingle off. I know some of his traits are dominant traits but it's hard to explain...it's not so much he demands attention as he craves it? He sticks his head under my arm for a quick snuggle then goes back to sleep. Maybe I'm wrong and this should be a worry?

However he has stopped listening to my boyfriend lately ever since the yelling began, he barely acts like he hears him. He doesn't dislike him though, he does love him. You can tell because he is happy when he comes home too, but it's not the same relationship I have with him. I walk the dog, feed the dog and do every thing else for the dog and I don't mind.

What i'm worried is my dog acting wrongly towards my boyfriend? or is he really trying to tell me something, I'm not ready to see?

Thank you

Aspen and Misty
10-19-2002, 05:38 PM
Dogs' have the best judge in people.

No, I don't personally think your dog is acting wrongly towards your boy friend. Your dog obviously loves you and only wants the best for you. He is trying to protect you from your boyfriend. In your dogs mind your boyfriend is attacking you, so he has to protect you.


ps: To your doggie, what s good boy you are, protectin your mommie and setting a good example for Pitt bull's and rtoweiles! Great job little guy!

10-19-2002, 07:35 PM
sounds like you have a loving, wonderful dog, and your boyfriend is lucky the dog doesn't go for his throat:) or for something else:D

if your boyfriend is grabbing you and throwing things at you, thats abuse! you should not allow him to treat you in a way that you would not allow him to treat your dog. I hate to tell you this, but the yelling, and throwing things, then the grabbing, those are steps, and it is only going to get worse, if you let him do that, whats the next step? take care of yourself.

welcome to pettalk:D

10-19-2002, 07:37 PM
I think you have answered your own question.

Pushing , shoving, throwing things around ,loud arguments
between you & your friend is a lousy enviroment to live in
for people or their pets. Most animals & children will act out
if subjected to a very unhappy living situation. I hope things
change for the better for you & your dog.

10-19-2002, 11:42 PM
I agree with the previous posts...dogs always know...what a great dog he is....

As far as your bf problem...is he really worth all this? Someone that would act that way, doesn't respect you. My hubby and I would never, ever do that to each other.

Good luck...if you need to talk, we are here.

Take care,
Kelly :)

10-20-2002, 08:02 AM
Please, please think hard and long about what the previous posters have indicated. Your dog is not the problem here. Your mate (boyfriend or husband) should be a person of support and caring, and as Dr. Phil would say...home should be a soft place to land in the craziness of the world today. It should be your safety zone. Disagreements and arguments happen between people, that's a given, but grabbing you and throwing things is way over the line. Even the yelling and screaming needs to be dealt with, especially when you have animals in the house. They can't understand.

Don't settle for this type of relationship. NO relationship is better than this kind. You know you deserve to be treated with respect and consideration, especially by the person whom you consider a partner in life.

Good luck to you and your marvelous dog.

10-20-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
Please, please think hard and long about what the previous posters have indicated. Your dog is not the problem here. Your mate (boyfriend or husband) should be a person of support and caring, and as Dr. Phil would say...home should be a soft place to land in the craziness of the world today. It should be your safety zone. Disagreements and arguments happen between people, that's a given, but grabbing you and throwing things is way over the line. Even the yelling and screaming needs to be dealt with, especially when you have animals in the house. They can't understand.

Don't settle for this type of relationship. NO relationship is better than this kind. You know you deserve to be treated with respect and consideration, especially by the person whom you consider a partner in life.

Good luck to you and your marvelous dog.

I don't think Rachel's excellent advice can be improved on.

10-21-2002, 11:09 AM
Very good Rachel!! Dr. Phil knows what he's talking about...great advice.

Chyna, how are things going?

10-21-2002, 12:18 PM
I agree 100% with Rachel's post... I was going to say the samething about ur boyfriend, but someone else spoke my words.

To me it sounds like ur dog is doing everything it can not to get angry at ur boyfriend, but dogs can only hold it in for so long, thats when u may run into trouble. We found out the hard way. Max bit a 13yr old on the hand for taking his bone, sitting on it & teasing him. I didn't know she did this & he was grawling & I asked if she was playing with him & she say yep so I thought nothing of it. The his grawl changed & I turned around & he bit he hand tossed her off the couch & walked off with his bone... My dad called her mom right away & told her what happened, she said its not the dogs fault & its not like the dog kept bitting her & the bite only left a red mark. She said her daughtor deserved the scare & was to come home right after we all had Xmas dinner & she was grounded for a week for tormenting a dog.

We were lucky in this case, & my dog did give plenty of warning & didn't really hurt her.

But not all dogs give a light bite or give plenty of warning. Were just lucky. After that no one was allowed to touch his toys unless they were tossing it around the house (except me of course), I hid his toys togive him something to search for, but I don't tease him.

& my dog is a Lab, Rotti & Pitt Bull mix. He has the body shape of a pitt bull/thin lab, the colouring of a black lab, the strength & protectivness of a Rotti & the jaws of a Pitt Bull, but the lovingness of a lab & the smarts of all 3 breeds.

I don't know the laws of where u live but here in Canada its called abuse when someone yells, pushes & tosses things at you. Its illigal & wrong & u don't have to live with it. & theres a huge difference between arguments & abuse. Arguments is just a dissagreement & nothing more. Arguments turn into abuse when they get violent, like urs are... You have a few choices.
1. Get rid of the dog & live with Abuse
2. Get rid of the boyfriend & live with a friendly & happy dog
3. Keep both & have ur boyfriend harm ur dog or the dog harm ur boyfriend
4. Talk to ur boyfriend & tell him the arguments have got to stop & both of u will get help & so the relationship turns good & u have a happy friendly dog.

Just think about ur self & ur dog & ur boyfriend & whats best for everyone.

Hope this helps some