View Full Version : Groveling...

05-10-2010, 09:07 AM
There is another Sphynx for adoption in NJ. I applied for her and was told I had too many cats (3). Not long after I noticed a sign saying "ADOPTED" across her picture.

I went back into petfinder and there she was again with no sign. I immediately emailed them and said that I am so very interested in her, that I recently lost my soulmate MooShoo and know I'd make a wonderful home.

I got a sentence, "Sorry, too far. Please check your local shelters."

Well, talk about groveling...I sent another email back and told them I thought they were making a big mistake, given the fact that Lizzie was returned or the adoption fell though. I then listed my impeccable references and my knowledge of the breed.

I hope they will change their mind. Especially since I seem to be the only one who has the cat's best interests at heart.

05-10-2010, 09:47 AM
I sent another email back and told them I thought they were making a big mistake, given the fact that Lizzie was returned or the adoption fell though. I then listed my impeccable references and my knowledge of the breed.

I hope they will change their mind. Especially since I seem to be the only one who has the cat's best interests at heart.

Jeez, that's not selfish or cocky at all:rolleyes: How do you know this last adoptee wasn't qualified? Sometimes cats just refuse to fit into new places, no matter how "perfect" or "qualified" the adopter or new home may be.

Please don't judge other people. There is no guarantee that this cat would be any happier with you.

This is just like the guy a few months back that was harping on the runaround a shelter was giving him about adopting a dog in another state. He was a wee bit obsessive over it too.

05-10-2010, 09:53 AM
When I went looking for a new doggie, I tried PetFinder of course. I looked in to several puppies and was told I HAD to have a fenced in yard, or I was too far away (New England ... rescue...hello, I am in New England. Anyway, it was so discouraging. I went to a breeder. I tried rescues within PetFinder, and outside Petfinder......same story.....too far....not a fenced in yard. I got no where.

I wonder if the rules are so strict that pets are not being given a good chance. I think vet references should rule.


I think Moosmom is not alone in her problem with adopting a pet. I know exactly what she is referring to about some of the organizations. They don't seem to be able to make exceptions to the rules they have set up.

05-10-2010, 11:43 AM
I can also relate because even though I was just helping my former roommate/co-worker to adopt a cat, it felt like she was trying to adopt a child. We'd be told that there's been no other interest in him and that the people that were interested in him never showed up at the last adoption fair. Then she was told another story that he was just waiting at Petsmart to be picked up because another woman was just waiting to be approved for his adoption.

Then I actually called one of the rescue women to confirm that he's still up for adoption and she said he was and not to worry that my former roommate/co-worker was first in line for him. Then the day before the adoption I was e-mailed from the same rescue woman that now even though we'd be there first and interviewed first that another woman would be coming later to also be interviewed and this was the same woman that never showed the week before. I later found out that they would be doing her interview as a courtsey since she had contacted them first but they found something about her that was a concern.

Luckily they felt that my former roomate/co-worker would provide the best home for him. It sure seemed like a lot of work and stress just to try to adopt one cat. I've never been through this kind of experience before. Now I understand why some people just give up and move on. They also like to try to adopt within a local area so if the adoption doesn't work out the animal can be easily returned.

05-10-2010, 12:51 PM
I have adopted two kitties in my life. My RB Tuxie, Tex, and my latest adoptee, Cali. The place from which I got Tex was in Massachusetts (I lived there, then). The organization was NEADs, and the woman that has a hand in it is still there today, and about as marvelous a person as I could hope for. It was a seemless adoption. I can remember that day like it was yesterday.

The next place- lo these 15 years later, was a bit different. Still 'ok', but, different. So, maybe there are some places out there that have gotten burned, and are mistrusting (though of people like VC and MM, I have no idea why).

All I can say is if anyone ever wants a puppy or a dog, give me 10 days and I can find you one, no hassles, no nothing (well, there is usually a pull fee). :(

05-10-2010, 03:40 PM
being as how a sphynx is a rare breed, they probably already have a whole pile of people applying for adoption, most of which are likely closer, seeing as how her PF bio clearly says local adoptions only.

05-10-2010, 05:18 PM
Well, all I can say is it will be Lizzie's loss. She would've had a wonderful home like no other.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-12-2010, 10:26 AM
The flipside of this is that the shelter doesn't just hand over pets willy-nilly just because someone wants that one. This is not a reflection on you moosmom as you are a great cat owner :love:

05-12-2010, 11:54 AM
:) Donna have you thought about going to the Adoption Place?? Show them who you are in person.. Thats what I did when I got Blind Bogart.. They didnt want him with other cats & they only wanted the adoption person from Dallas.. So I went to them & spent like three hours with them & Bogart.. Before you know it I was taking him home with me.. Yes he had been returned several times too.. Remember he had a real bad aggresive temper problems.. Now he is just a lover boy..