View Full Version : Luna totally mad at me

10-19-2002, 03:58 PM
Since she was scratching and shaking her head for the last couple of days, the vet recommended a flea treatment, Advantage 80, I think it's also available in the United States. However, you have to drop the fluid in the fur at her neck so she cannot lick it off, but it has a strong smell, kind of like bitter almond. Luna hates it. Right after the treatment, she jumped onto the closet and stayed for a couple of hours, but when she came down, I noticed she was running away from me. She never did this before. When I wanted to play Kitty Light with her, she even hissed at me, and I'm not allowed to touch her. I eventually washed that fluid off, but of course the fur is still smelling and it did not help. I'm still not allowed to approach her and I swear I'm feeling very bad right now 'cause Luna does not like me anymore. Hopefully she's in a better mood tomorrow. The sadest thing is - she has always trusted me in everything but now this seems to be over. She seems to be very heartbroken about what I did to her. :(


10-19-2002, 04:04 PM
She'll be ok, Kirsten!!! Aren't they great at letting us know that we have made them mad?? LOL!!! Better to make them mad for a little while than to have those pesky fleas bothering them!!!

Luna, be good!!! Your mommy was trying to help you, baby!! :D

10-19-2002, 04:11 PM
Logan, she makes me feel like a very mean mommy! She's on the top of the closet again and is still ignoring me! :( I really hope she will be good tomorrow!

The worst thing is, the treatment has to be repeated 3 more times, every four weeks, but I don't know if I have the courage to do this again, especially since we are moving in December and I'm sure that this will be a lot of stress for her anyway.


10-19-2002, 04:12 PM
Poor you and poor Luna. :( I take it it's the first time? I use the same for Fister, also on the neck, but only 2 drops. I smear it out on his neck and then what I have left on my fingers goes above his tale. He will immediately try to lick it off, but since the smell is also by his tale, he goes for that area - but of course, there's hardly anything there. I usually does it when he's resting in the windowsill and he doesn't seem to connect it with me. :D

I hope Luna will have forgiven you tomorrow! ;)

Former User
10-19-2002, 04:16 PM
Oh poor Luna baby, must be so unpleasant to have that stinky stuff... be good girl, it's for your own good, your mommy is not doing this to annoy you. She loves you very much and wants you to be well.

Kirsten, just continue with the treatment, I think it's better to finish it. I think Luna will come around to trust you again, this is just her way of letting you know she doesn't appreciate the stinky stuff. I'm sure after the treatment is finished, few days and she's all yours again! Good luck with her and keep us posted.

10-19-2002, 04:18 PM
Randi, I did this before, but it's a while ago and now I remember that Luna was so confused back then that she was paralized for hours so I eventually took her under the shower, she immediately felt better after that and she wasn't mad at me at all. This time, she's totally unforgiving.

I think the next time I will ask somebody else to do that for me, that way she might not connect that to me either! :)


10-19-2002, 04:23 PM
Niina, I hope you're right and she will trust me again. :) Right now, every time I'm talking to her, she's pressing her eyelids together and let her ears hang down like she did in disgust the moment I put that stuff on her neck, so I suppose she's doing it now to let me see what a horrible thing I did to her. She knows how to make me feel bad!


10-19-2002, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten
...She knows how to make me feel bad!...

Sigh. They ARE excellent guilt mongers, aren't they?

10-19-2002, 09:46 PM
My boyfriend and I often argue about who is going to give the animals medicines or treatments - neither of us want to be the "bad guy". It usually ends up being me (he says I "do it better"..yeah, right).

Anyways, I brought this up with my vet, she says she goes through the same thing with her husband (and she usually ends up doing it to their animals, since she's the vet, and can "do it better".) She says in her experience, the animals end up with more respect for the person who gives the medicines.

So maybe Luna is mad now, but she will probably still respect you (whatever good respect does...) She'll still love you!

10-19-2002, 09:57 PM
Once the smell has dissipated, she may deign to love you again. I agree - have some unwitting visitor "help" and you can be the loving savior! :) Dad's dog, Bruni, gets Advantage, and I have been the one distracting the front of the dog while Dad does the awful deed to the rest of her! She's a Saint Bernard, so gets drops on her shoulder-blades AND on her rump - there's an awful lot of terrotory there! She's such a spoiled baby though, that we'd then make a big fuss over her, and she'd forget all about it!

10-20-2002, 06:24 AM
I'm happy to report that Luna seems to be back to normal this morning, she even came into my lap for a while and later, she wanted to play (Uniqueviking can confirm this, 'cause we were just talking on the phone when Luna was loudly demanding a playing session). LOL

boscibo, that's an interesting experience your vet has made, but I'm still thinking about having it done by somebody else the next time! :)


10-20-2002, 06:41 AM
I knew Luna would forgive you. I think I'd go for the "unsuspecting friend" to give her the next treatment, though.

10-20-2002, 06:43 AM
Yep, I think that's the best! :)


10-20-2002, 01:13 PM
believe me, she will get over it... shes just pouting now. I know, Ihave had cats mad at me, they get over it! and your were just trying to help her so don't feel bad:)

10-20-2002, 01:34 PM
Seems you're right, she's doing better now. I figured she was acting so strange 'cause she was so confused about that strong smell, maybe it has covered all the familiar scents around which scared her, I don't know...


10-20-2002, 04:09 PM
Isn't it strange how they hate having stuff put on them. When we had to keep smearing Li'l Guy with gunk for his acne, or when he's licking his fur off for allergies and I put the anti-itch gel on him, He resents it more than being pilled, or even getting shot or having his claws trimmed.

10-20-2002, 05:31 PM
That's great news, Kirsten! I knew she would come around!! Don't they love to pout?? I think they know that they get more loving and treats when they do that!!! :D

10-22-2002, 09:23 AM
I use a special smelly collar for Juni, she kind of like it even. I don't. At least, the first days when it smells strong. After that, she walks like she is princess with that collar. Also, I have a Russian cat shampoo for her, it smell of herbs. Anytime I notice she scratches herself more, I use it and it's ok.
Kirsten, I am sure, Luna will forget about it as soon as the smell will go away.