View Full Version : Long Hair Tortie, Spayed, Declawed Needs Home by May 12th *Home Found :)*

05-06-2010, 07:29 AM
I'm posting this for a local non-profit cat rescue organization that I volunteer at from time to time. They received a call yesterday about a 10 year old spayed female tortie that's declawed. She has less than 1 week to find a home. Apparently, a couple is divorcing and the husband doesn't know where he is going to live and this is his cat and the wife wants the cat out of the house ASAP.

Please if you could give this sweet cat a loving home it would be appreciated. If you would like to cross post this please PM and I will give you the contact information.


05-06-2010, 08:07 AM
Any pictures of this cutie??

05-06-2010, 08:45 AM
Any pictures of this cutie??

I'll see if I can get some from the rescue but as of right now we don't have any since the cat is still with the owner.

05-06-2010, 08:49 AM
Okay, gimme me a picture and details. Let me know when you can get her to me. *sigh* What's one more poop in the box, right John (GILL)?

05-06-2010, 09:05 AM
Okay, gimme me a picture and details. Let me know when you can get her to me. *sigh* What's one more poop in the box, right John (GILL)?

I just sent you a PM.

05-06-2010, 11:18 AM
:) That a girl Donna go for this baby.. See it was meant to be..
Okay, gimme me a picture and details. Let me know when you can get her to me. *sigh* What's one more poop in the box, right John (GILL)?

05-06-2010, 11:21 AM
Can you say S-U-C-K-E-R!!!!!

05-06-2010, 12:24 PM
:p Here lets me try = Kitty Su-aa- Lover.. There ya go does that help??
Can you say S-U-C-K-E-R!!!!!

05-06-2010, 12:33 PM
I suppose. Melissa says from the info she got, the cat, named "premadonna" (name is definitely gonna change) is a loner and hasn't had much contact with other cats in her 10 years.

We're trying to see if the guy would be willing to donate $$$ to have her tested before I bring her home, as well as gas money to help with the transport and he's himming and hawing. Why is it people with cat problems always try to make them "our" problem? No wonder I love my cats more.

Break out the Feliway!!! This girl will love it here!! She can hide under the bed with the other oldie, Murphy (16)!


Any chance of fostering her till he he finds a place to live??? It would be a win-win situation. Just a thought.

05-06-2010, 12:40 PM
You know that I would be glad too help get her to you. Right now I have enough "TORTITUD" (Penny) in the house. Still need a bigger house.

05-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Oh, God bless you, Donna. Thank you so much.

05-06-2010, 12:52 PM
Oh John, come on now. Your house can't be THAT crowded!!!:p Build another wing and make me an offer, okay?:p

05-06-2010, 01:33 PM
I suppose. Melissa says from the info she got, the cat, named "premadonna" (name is definitely gonna change) is a loner and hasn't had much contact with other cats in her 10 years.

We're trying to see if the guy would be willing to donate $$$ to have her tested before I bring her home, as well as gas money to help with the transport and he's himming and hawing. Why is it people with cat problems always try to make them "our" problem? No wonder I love my cats more.

Break out the Feliway!!! This girl will love it here!! She can hide under the bed with the other oldie, Murphy (16)!


Any chance of fostering her till he he finds a place to live??? It would be a win-win situation. Just a thought.


She's not named premadonna

Sorry I must not be writing clear at times. They said she acts like a premadonna....which I'm assuming is because she will come up and sit on your lap and want attention that's all. I don't know her name just yet.

As for fostering her, I really can't not with Ziggy in the house, I have 11 cats right now with Ziggy and if my landlord found out I would be homeless most liekly so I can't push anymore.

I'm still trying to find Ziggy boy a home as well.

I sent you a the reason why the rescue can't take him and all the others in our area are full due to pregnant mom cats and kittens.


05-06-2010, 01:42 PM
Like I said, if all else fails, she's got a spot at 23 Chapman St. with a can or two of Feliway with her name on it.

Sorry, I thought her name was premadonna. Hell, ALL torties are primadonna's. Hence the "tortitude".

No problem. I'm looking at the name Sophia. Depending on what her REAL name is, of course.

Melissa is the angel here, not me. I'm just doing what I can. I keep forgetting it's kitten season.

05-07-2010, 07:34 AM
Well tomorrow I will be going to pick up this 10 year old long hair tortie and driving her out to my sisters and then she'll stay at my sisters for just a few hours and then we'll go back in the car and drive out to John's place and we are going to leave this sweet 10 year old girl with John and then next weekend he will driver her up to Donna.

This all happened so fast I can't believe it. My sister is covering my gas to drive to Jersey and she will set me up with a full tank of gas before I leave her place on Sunday.

I'm so glad this girl will be given a second chance. Thank you Donna.


Laura's Babies
05-07-2010, 08:01 AM
Man! You guys are amazing! This place is amazing! Everybody pitching in to help this baby out and get her to Donna. You guys are GREAT!!! Can't wait to see her! Got fresh batteries for your camera Donna?

05-07-2010, 10:00 AM
:love: Woo Woo Congrats Donna.. Cant wait for Pics of this Adorable Lady.. Many Many Thanks to Melissa & John & Donna..

Pinot's Mom
05-07-2010, 10:12 AM
This all happened so fast I never even saw it! Thank you Melissa, Donna and John all for being the wonderful kitty lovers you are! :love:

05-07-2010, 11:19 AM
I'm so glad to hear that you're able to rescue this tortie girl.:) I hope that everything goes well. Thanks Melissa, John, and Donna.:)

05-07-2010, 12:28 PM
God bless you all!!! :love::love::love::love::love::love:

05-07-2010, 03:38 PM
John called me a little bit ago and we are going to meet on Sunday morning at Dunkin Donuts. It's about half way for both of us and she will spend the night with me at my sister's place.

Boy that just makes giving them up so much harder. But I'll do it because it's what's best for her! :)


05-07-2010, 10:51 PM
There are some good people on this site. Gives you faith in the world again. Thanks you guys, you are all my heroes!:love:

05-08-2010, 09:07 AM
Well, I THINK I may have some good news. My best friend Susie, took in my Dad's cat (he was an only cat and HATED others) and I talked. She said IF I needed someone to temporarily foster her, it'll give her daughter a chance to shmooze with an animal. She, as I do, suffers from depression. I HOPE this will bring her outta her shell. See where I'm going with this??? *wink wink, nod, nod*

Her daughter adored Tigger. This new cutie will have so much love.

I'm HOPING that maybe if she does go to *ahem* "temporarily" stay with them, they won't be able to give her up. I've known Susie for 45 years. I know her like a book. This would be a wonderful home for this cat. Lots of windows, lots of woods to look out onto.

And I know this will be good for her daughter.

Paws and fingers crossed, please.

Looking forward to meeting this beauty.

05-10-2010, 09:20 AM
Well Minnie yes that's this sweet ladies name. Minnie is now with John. We met yesterday morning in Allentown and I turned her over. Next weekend John will be taking Minnie up to Donna.

When I went to pick up Minnie from her owners the husband was home with the 2 dogs and Minnie. She was sunbathing on the couch and he told me I could pick her up and put her in the cat carrier. I felt so bad doing this. It broke my heart but it was what was best for Minnie.

So I put her in and she growled and wasn't very happy with me but we got in the car and I went over to pick up my mom and got to my sister's around 3:15 and put Minnie in her spare room and left her for a while so she could chill out. She did come out of her cat carrier but didn't want anything to do with me. Poor thing.

The next morning I was able to pet her, she was upset about going for another drive but we got her safe and sound to John. After I dropped her off and we left, I was semi-sad even though I know she is going to be well taken care of. What can I say about menopause other than it makes you wishy-washy.

I've attached some pictures I took of her, they are not the best but at least you will get an idea of what she looks like.


05-10-2010, 10:01 AM
What a beautiful girl! Hello, Minnie! :):love: You'll be in your new "foster" home soon - Donna will take you there, and you will be able to relax.

HUGS to you, sweetie, and bless you Melissa, John and Donna for helping this lovely kitty!:):):):love::love::love:

05-10-2010, 10:21 AM
:love: Oh my my she is Adorable.. She looks to be Maine Coon..

05-10-2010, 11:29 AM
She's gorgeous and I also think that she looks like she has Maine Coon in her.:) To me she doesn't look like a tortie though but a brown tabby from the pictures. Donna is going to love her either way.:)

05-10-2010, 12:37 PM
She looks just like my RB Kitty! Oh, my eyes are leakin' for sure!

05-10-2010, 03:36 PM
She's definitely a Maine Coon mix and beautiful!!! I think once she gets hereand has my bedroom all to myself, she'll calm down (I hope).

05-10-2010, 07:19 PM
She is beautiful!!! I def think she has Maine coon in her. And I think her name is cute for her, too. Good job Melissa, Donna and John!! Thanks for helping this gal out! :)

05-11-2010, 11:17 PM
When Groucho heard about Minnie and learned that she's going to be a PT kitty, he started doing the happy dance!

And Groucho is sending purrs, headbumpies, and kitty kisses to Melissa, John, and Auntie Donna to thank you for helping his fellow kitty in need.

05-12-2010, 08:02 AM
Update on Mini. She does not like other cats. I have been petting her, but if one of the crew comes by she will growl. Just not as load as before. Think that poor baby has not seen alot of love. Once she finds out what love is, I think she is going to be a velcro cat.

05-12-2010, 09:48 AM
:love: Most of the Maine Coons that I have adopted were the same way.. Then when they got one on one loving & attention then they turned into velcro babies & wanted loves all the time..
Update on Mini. She does not like other cats. I have been petting her, but if one of the crew comes by she will growl. Just not as load as before. Think that poor baby has not seen alot of love. Once she finds out what love is, I think she is going to be a velcro cat.

05-12-2010, 10:52 AM
Oh great, she doesn't like other cats. What am I gonna do now??? What if she can't adjust????

I'm going to email my friend Carolyn from Maine Coon Alliance Rescue Network and see if she can find a foster home for her.

05-12-2010, 04:14 PM
I would give a bit of time, I think this babys been throough alot latly.

05-12-2010, 04:51 PM
:) John I will agree.. Do you think you could foster her a bit of time to see if she will settle down a bit.. Then maybe if Donna still wants her then you all can try it at her place.. Heck if I was closer I would sure help out with fostering..
I would give a bit of time, I think this babys been throough alot latly.

05-12-2010, 06:25 PM
I talked to John. He thinks she just needs time, as she was never around any other cats. I feel so bad for this precious girl. She will have the run of my bedroom with two windows to look out of and plenty of love. Not to mention a nice soft bed to sleep on.

05-13-2010, 07:55 AM
I talked to John. He thinks she just needs time, as she was never around any other cats. I feel so bad for this precious girl. She will have the run of my bedroom with two windows to look out of and plenty of love. Not to mention a nice soft bed to sleep on.

Ok good, remember just last Saturday she was at her home of 10 years and I a stranger walked in and took her from the only home she knew and then she spent 2 1/2 hours in the car driving to my sisters and staying in a room she's never been in with all of my sister cats smells and what not.

Then she was taken on another 45 min. drive and given to John and then she was put around all of his kitties.

She's bound to be scared right now and I do feel John is right with time she will be happy.

She's just scared right now and she loved to be petted when I was with her for the short time she was just scared.

05-13-2010, 08:02 AM
She is coming around. Had a nice head scratch last night and this morning. No growling. She still likes to sit in the litter box.

05-13-2010, 08:43 AM
She is coming around. Had a nice head scratch last night and this morning. No growling. She still likes to sit in the litter box.

When I had her at my sisters she sat in there to get away from me and I think she felt secure but I'm glad she didn't growl with the head scratch....she's just upset, I couldn't image being at the moment and going through all of this. She's going to get upset again on Saturday when she is going to be moved from one place to another, it's all a big change.

05-13-2010, 09:22 AM
You're absolutely right. Being bounced around can't help any. Especially since she's been in 3 homes so far. Hopefully, like Buddy, once she knows where she belongs and isn'g going anywhere, she'll come around.

How's Ziggy doing, Michelle???

05-13-2010, 12:39 PM
You're absolutely right. Being bounced around can't help any. Especially since she's been in 3 homes so far. Hopefully, like Buddy, once she knows where she belongs and isn'g going anywhere, she'll come around.

How's Ziggy doing, Michelle???

Hi Donna-

Yeah bounced around doesn't help but I'm sure she will adapt with time.

Ziggy is doing well, I'm not sure how well he sees but overall I'm still trying to find him a home.

And dear, why do you keep calling me Michelle? :)

Silly girl.

Talk with you soon.

05-13-2010, 03:25 PM
Blame it on age. Let's face it at the rate I'm going I'll be forgetting my own name soon!!! Sorry.:rolleyes: